How your race affects dating

Son said positive test results = peace out...


What's messed up is that one could go thru life thinking this is true and wouldn't even be checked...

I've seen FAR more instances of the women keeping their kids away from the dude than the dude just dipping ....

But then again... stereotypes for black people tend to be based on the hood rats and thugs ...

hood blacks, albeit a small percentage, define all blacks from a macro social point of view
All of this

Wow, this chick is clueless.  Her perception is horribly skewed.
Totally Agree! She speaks of her desire for well kempt men but consider the fact that she gives no damns about her own surroundings. Why would a well kempt man find her attractive if cant even keep her home in order?  Crap on the floor, nothing in place, total disarray...but in her mind its "Why do I have to settle?"  Word???  This is the thinking of tons of people I've met.  Its far easier to look outward than inward when it comes to responsibility.  Bless is dead on - her perception is horribly skewed and dictating her reality.  In my mind the only reason she put herself out there is because she's looking for a co-signer to validate her BS.  The truth needs no co-signer.

Also - stereotypes are tools of the simple minded, mentally confined, and lazy.  Which is easier - seeing the world as it is or seeing the world as you are?  Much harder to do the former as it requires you to of the things we as humans have a lot of trouble with. 





[ stérree ə tp ]


[table][tr][td]ster·e·o·types[/td][td] [/td][td]plural[/td][/tr][/table]


oversimplified conception: an oversimplified standardized image of a person or group


reduce somebody to oversimplified category: to categorize individuals or groups according to an oversimplified standardized image or idea

There are none so blind as those who will not see and to none so deaf as those who will not hear...why waste time on those who choose to live blind and deaf?  Convincing them of the truth is like argiung with a fool...

When you argue with a fool, chances are he is doing just the same.

With that said - we all have the right to date who we want.  A middle eastern lady (in her mid 20's, living at home with parents, single parent herself, middle eastern baby's father who apparently dissed her and bounced according to her) wanted to get at me and asked me to take her out.  At the end of the "date" she wanted me to drop her off 3 houses away from her parents residence because her folks "wouldnt understand because I happen to be black.  It was the last time I chose to take her out and she actually couldnt understand why.  Same thing happened when I dated an ethiopian lady.  She wanted me to sneak around her family.  Had to cut her off too.  This stuff goes deep!  You can either put up with it or step off.  For me = Snoop Voice: "Aint no &*^^% good enough to put up with all that." 
From what I've witnessed, a lot of women want these men to be a family with them and their child (aka get married and settle down) but some men aren't ready for that so these women go "if you don't want to be with me, you don't want to be with this child." That doesn't mean most black men aren't at fault tho, when this happens you have more black men going "**** it, I didn't want a kid anyway" than "I'm going to do anything to be in my child's life" (as always just speaking from observation)



most black men AREN'T at fault
A middle eastern lady (in her mid 20's, living at home with parents, single parent herself, middle eastern baby's father who apparently dissed her and bounced according to her) wanted to get at me and asked me to take her out.  At the end of the "date" she wanted me to drop her off 3 houses away from her parents residence because her folks "wouldnt understand because I happen to be black.  It was the last time I chose to take her out and she actually couldnt understand why.  Same thing happened when I dated an ethiopian lady.  She wanted me to sneak around her family.  Had to cut her off too.  This stuff goes deep!  You can either put up with it or step off.  For me = Snoop Voice: "Aint no &*^^% good enough to put up with all that." 

PREACH! My first gf was Ethiopian, dated her for like a year and a half, could count on one hand how many times I was around her mom, never met the dad.
Lots of good stuff in this post !

So many women are selfish and inconsiderate to the point that they don't even comprehend how disrespectful they are. Unfortunately, its all TOO common these days. So many wanna be treated like queens, yet they don't know how to treat a good man
This is why I tend to lean towards women with lower self esteem (for whatever reason), they usually are more considerate, respectful, and thoughtful- and actually appreciate being treated well
IMO people should have low self esteem about the things they need to improve on but not themselves as a whole or as a person.  Lower self esteem means that they are at least aware of their shortcomings, meaning they are willing to look inward, meaning they are capable of introspect, meaning not so sociopathic.  Thats what keeping it real looks like.  I have low self esteem when it comes to certain parts of my life - I mean who is totally satisfied with everything about themselves?  That person has no reason to continue living as this world holds nothing for them to learn or grow from.  People shouldnt have high self esteem about everything but many front and pretend its all good when it isnt.  Personally speaking, I know I should work out more because the mirror impacts my self esteem...which it should...because I want to look and feel better than I was yesterday.  I could choose to work out or buy a new pair of kicks to make me feel better.  The first step is realizing that theres a problem but the second and equally important step is doing the right thing to address the problem - humans have trouble with change...and our ego is the gate-keeper to our emotions.  It lies to us because the truth hurts.  "I aint fat - Im buff"...Rick Ross qoute.  

Finding a women who appreciates you for who and what you are reminds me of:
[h1]Pleasing A Women[/h1]
A new, special kind of store just opened up in a Manhatten shopping center. This store sells husbands, yes that's right - women can browse men from floors of choices.

Actually, there are 6 floors of men, and with an increase in the floor level bringing an positive attributes... a nifty setup - with a catch. As you open the door to any floor, you may choose a man from that floor but if you go up, you cannot go back down except to exit the building. Interesting, right?

So a young woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs. The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that's better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what's further up?" So up she goes.

The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids. The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?" And up she goes again.

The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking. "Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?"

The fourth floor sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework. "Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more further up!" And again she heads up another flight.

The fifth floor sign reads: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak. "Oh, mercy me! But just think... what must be awaiting me further on?" So up to the sixth floor she goes.

The sixth floor sign reads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 7,548,652 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor only exists as proof that women are impossible to please.
Well..... if they say theyre only interested in white men- then why waste your time anyways? I'm sure they don't all say that, you could message the ones youre actually compatible with instead of wasting your time and complaining about white women when they straight up stated they weren't interested in the first place. Not trying to be a jerk, but I wouldn't waste my time trying to talk to a Hispanic chick that says shes not interested in white guys
I never understand why these girls explicitly state they don't like so and so race in their profiles. seems so tacky to me or the black girls who prefer white guys like the white guys actually like them back


most black men AREN'T at fault
I take it you didn't read my whole post, you just saw that and got butthurt. You mean to tell me every black child out there who didn't grow up with father is the baby mother's fault? No, you sit. I"ll say it again and maybe you'll read it this time.

Black man and woman have a baby

Woman wants a family but the man doesn't 

Some black man just bounce without fighting to see their child

Some black man fight and do whatever they can to see their child

^That's all I was saying, you also missed the point where I said it's from my own observations as well. 
I live in Michigan now...the arab/chaldean females man....smh

very few even entertain the kid...

that long black hair, body, eyes...S!!! pisses me off sometimes. damn family pressuress
well i was asking the question, not affirming it to be 100% true. if anything your response is more helpful than dude calling me an uncle tom. it was an honest question, am i to understand that it isn't a problem in the black community then? and why are women keeping kids away from men then?

also am i an uncle tom for saying the rate of hypertension is higher in the black community than whites?

this is how threads like this take a turn for the worse, some of yall mad butt hurt over this...
straight up...

Its a "right of passage" somewhat to be a single mother in the black community .. kind of like a badge of honor...

Single mothers are more applauded than mothers that have functional relationships with their baby's father.

Also, there are tons of incentives to being a single mother. You may not have the nicest things... but you have a roof, food and money from working a little part time gig ...

Also, many have income that isn't taxed (hair styling is a big one) so much of that is pocketed.

I can't tell you how many homeys I've heard say they can't see their child because the mother... and it generally gets bumpy whenever the guy doesn't want to put up with the mother's nonsense, and moves on to a new chick...

I'm telling you brah... MY EXAMPLE happens more than a dude just dipping... but black men will receive the brunt of the blame.
I dunno, if I was online I'd specifically try to talk to women who say i'm not their type and turn on the charm. Cuz I know if they come through, in their mind even though they don't say it, it's only one thing and be out. They could still easily fall in love though.
Lots of good stuff in this post ! :nthat:

So many women are selfish and inconsiderate to the point that they don't even comprehend how disrespectful they are. Unfortunately, its all TOO common these days. So many wanna be treated like queens, yet they don't know how to treat a good man :smh: This is why I tend to lean towards women with lower self esteem (for whatever reason), they usually are more considerate, respectful, and thoughtful- and actually appreciate being treated well
you call it low self esteem...

I call them grateful yambs.

:smh: @ women thinking they deserve this that and the third because they have a yamb ...

And these media ain't making it no better... but its about that dollar...

So I aineemmad.
these dudes are getting numbers to back up their race threads :wow:
:smokin im good
I've dated all over the map.

Fiancée is half Cuban, half German. I'm Mexican.

She's the only Latin woman of any percentage that I've been attracted to.
I never understand why these girls explicitly state they don't like so and so race in their profiles. seems so tacky to me or the black girls who prefer white guys like the white guys actually like them back
I don't know why but it almost feels like they are doing it so they can get props from said group they want to talk to. I see no other reason to put it honestly cause I know that many people of said race(s) aren't hitting you up and even if they are you can just ignore them like you would do anyway.
Totally Agree! She speaks of her desire for well kempt men but consider the fact that she gives no damns about her own surroundings. Why would a well kempt man find her attractive if cant even keep her home in order?  Crap on the floor, nothing in place, total disarray...but in her mind its "Why do I have to settle?"  Word???  This is the thinking of tons of people I've met.  Its far easier to look outward than inward when it comes to responsibility.  Bless is dead on - her perception is horribly skewed and dictating her reality.  In my mind the only reason she put herself out there is because she's looking for a co-signer to validate her BS.  The truth needs no co-signer.

Also - stereotypes are tools of the simple minded, mentally confined, and lazy.  Which is easier - seeing the world as it is or seeing the world as you are?  Much harder to do the former as it requires you to of the things we as humans have a lot of trouble with. 





[ stérree ə tp ]


[table][tr][td]ster·e·o·types[/td][td] [/td][td]plural[/td][/tr][/table]


oversimplified conception: an oversimplified standardized image of a person or group


reduce somebody to oversimplified category: to categorize individuals or groups according to an oversimplified standardized image or idea

There are none so blind as those who will not see and to none so deaf as those who will not hear...why waste time on those who choose to live blind and deaf?  Convincing them of the truth is like argiung with a fool...

When you argue with a fool, chances are he is doing just the same.

With that said - we all have the right to date who we want.  A middle eastern lady (in her mid 20's, living at home with parents, single parent herself, middle eastern baby's father who apparently dissed her and bounced according to her) wanted to get at me and asked me to take her out.  At the end of the "date" she wanted me to drop her off 3 houses away from her parents residence because her folks "wouldnt understand because I happen to be black.  It was the last time I chose to take her out and she actually couldnt understand why.  Same thing happened when I dated an ethiopian lady.  She wanted me to sneak around her family.  Had to cut her off too.  This stuff goes deep!  You can either put up with it or step off.  For me = Snoop Voice: "Aint no &*^^% good enough to put up with all that." 
Yessir!  Good post man.  The part that I bolded was heartfelt.  A lot of people claim that they're "their own individual" and think freely, yet they constantly make their decisions based on what those around them deem acceptable.  This doesn't just apply to dating, but life in general.

I met this chick the other night and she brought up The Truth Of Yahweh, which was such a turn on!  Not only because I was feeling what she was saying, but also for the simple fact that she didn't know or care how I initially felt towards the subject.  She was comfortable enough to be herself around a complete stranger and offer me insight as to what she knew.  

People are so caught up in what others may think of them, that they don't even realize how it is hindering their everyday lives.  As someone that has no problem going against the social grain, I need someone who is willing and able to do the same.  
Look what I found :nerd:

View media item 357308

Now this can be seen as a big spectrum of what other races think about african americans.

Or the people who are telling us it's all in our head can keep calling it a conspiracy theory and tell us why we are all wrong and how this doesn't prove a thing :lol:

either way you will be hard pressed to prove your point.
Man that ish got me heated like a mug
That brain washing
I never understand why these girls explicitly state they don't like so and so race in their profiles. seems so tacky to me or the black girls who prefer white guys like the white guys actually like them back

They could easily just ignore the race they are not attracted to, but to state that they don't want ________ race is done implicitly to disrespect that race.
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