Howard University is a %%*#*#* joke. vol. I'm transferring

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If you really fed up with it get the hell out though. I only post because when i used to go to Stony Brook i felt the exact same things. *$#$ i used to be regularly. But when i left i realized i expected too much out of it without really putting much of myself into it.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

You get out of it exactly what you put in... Just like any school.

You didn't read the OP, but then again I didn't expect you to.

Wow. I don't know what gave you that idea. I'm not here to argue though. As has been said, if you want to transfer, best of luck. But your argumentthat "smart black people" shouldn't go to Howard is just wrong.
Another thing I notice about HBCU's, why is everyday a fashion show. Stay at one for a week, and people really get up for 7am or 8 am classes fresh todeath tho.

Nobody at my school cared about dressing up it was nothing for the baddest chick in class to have sweats, fitted and sandals on...idk maybe that was just myscool tho
i go to a white school that people say is in the hood...we have an open campus and have had students get robbed...all that stuff you listed could happenanywhere...

but if you really don't like it then transfer...
Originally Posted by CjGenius368

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

You get out of it exactly what you put in... Just like any school.

You didn't read the OP, but then again I didn't expect you to.

Wow. I don't know what gave you that idea. I'm not here to argue though. As has been said, if you want to transfer, best of luck. But your argument that "smart black people" shouldn't go to Howard is just wrong.

Howard will always have a special place in my heart--however, I think you're take on the school does depend on what program you are in. Like for instance,I do agree that as a WHOLE the school could step it's game up but my professors in the department I got a degree in were definitely more accessible than ifI had gone to a larger school. Professors knew you on a regular basis, came to class regularly, and THEY taught the classes--not a TA. Professors who'dwrite recommendations and who'd introduce you to people without thinking twice.

There's people who graduated from Howard who are doin' it....there are people who aren't. But isn't that at every school? I know people whograduated from Howard and then went on to PWIs (Predominately White Institutions) and are doing fine. So just know that Howard CAN AND DOES prepare people forthat next level. Like ol' dude said, it is kinda what you make out of it. I mean, if you got a problem then YOU got a problem...don't go throwing itout there like everyone at Howard feels like you cuz that's not true. If you're not getting what you want out of it, then you should transfer. It's not for you.

And a lot of schools are in the middle of the 'hood
^UCB. People gettin' robbed and mugged there all the time. Hooray for one of the top public institutions.
Originally Posted by I R Andre


+$@! what 'cha heard, late night breakfast and listenin' parties in the punchout were the best

People gotta love Howard for what it the personification of the NEW duality in the black community: the inna vs. African American.� At any givenmoment you're one thing....and in a split second you are the other.�
SMH, I never considered going to a hbcu, I go to one of the best public Universities period and I really was not gonna risk my future over four years of fun

*edit* i went to black schools for most of my life, there is no point in doing this in college
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

I've heard that Clark Atlanta Univ. just let go over a grip of administrators and teachers. Damn man

HBCUs be gettin' hit.
Yea man i saw that one the news yesterday
, i was pretty surprised because Clark's tuition is pretty high.

I just hope they dont come at Georgia State with that bs

GSU FTW, bad chicks from all ethnicities

Pimpin' you ain't neva lie.

Man Sparks Hall and Decatur St. seem to be my second favorite home. I just be chilling around the Student center and in front of that building where the GSUblue busses be droppin/pickin' folks up.

My behind need to stay put at Clayton State tho.

Clayton State heads holla at me!
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

I've heard that Clark Atlanta Univ. just let go over a grip of administrators and teachers. Damn man

HBCUs be gettin' hit.
Yea man i saw that one the news yesterday
, i was pretty surprised because Clark's tuition is pretty high.

I just hope they dont come at Georgia State with that bs

GSU FTW, bad chicks from all ethnicities

Pimpin' you ain't neva lie.

Man Sparks Hall and Decatur St. seem to be my second favorite home. I just be chilling around the Student center and in front of that building where the GSU blue busses be droppin/pickin' folks up.

My behind need to stay put at Clayton State tho.

Clayton State heads holla at me!
U aint never lied. I use to chill at the same spot during the summer when school first started. Thats the bus to the dorms. I swear every bad*@@%! who go to GSU stay in the dorms thats why i cant wait to stay on campus next semester

*edit* i went to black schools for most my entire life, there is no point in doing this in college
I felt the same way
I'm so happy I didn't chose to go to a black school. Every smart black person I know that went to/goes to one hates it. They say it's pretty muchhighschool again, and on top of that it cost a crazy amount.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Every smart black person I know that went to/goes to one hates it. They say it's pretty much highschool again, and on top of that it cost a crazy amount.

@ Fresh
I went to HU, too. I didn't like it for a variety of reasons. Basically, as the OP-stated, it was just a sub-par place. A lot was put into 'image'but there wasn't much substance I won't bash the place but I will say I wasn't the only student that felt that way. A lot of kids,however, stayed because they wanted to be able to say they graduated from "Howard University" or whatever, but even they admitted that the schoolcould, should and needs to improve in significant ways...
OP is right to a certain extent. But you're acting like a herb with that pompous attitude. Come off your horse.

Smart, intelligent blacks can excel at HBCU's. I know because I am one, I'm doing it, and I know other people who are doing it.

Yeah. A lot of people don't have their %$@$ together and treat college like HS part 2 but that's them. What kind of person are you if you let theactions of others dictate how you run your life? Ain't %$@$ perfect and if you go to a white school you will go through some stuff too.
I was thinking about transferring there or Drexel. I'm white if that matters, going to a small school in CT for music industry(which is a rare major). Ifigured HU would be fun and a good opportunity to meet and network throughout DC. Drexel is really the best for my major but it costs like 50k a year and Idon't even know if I could get it, I would also have to do 5 years. I can't imagine HU is really that bad. But still undecided, any advice would help.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I'm so happy I didn't chose to go to a black school. Every smart black person I know that went to/goes to one hates it. They say it's pretty much highschool again, and on top of that it cost a crazy amount.
Originally Posted by Killmatic07

I was thinking about transferring there or Drexel. I'm white if that matters, going to a small school in CT for music industry(which is a rare major). I figured HU would be fun and a good opportunity to meet and network throughout DC. Drexel is really the best for my major but it costs like 50k a year and I don't even know if I could get it, I would also have to do 5 years. I can't imagine HU is really that bad. But still undecided, any advice would help.
50k in tuition
that is damn ridiculous.
Originally Posted by sunshine734

Originally Posted by AME416

I want to go to their pharmacy. school.

me too, kinda. I have a list of ten pharmacy schools im looking into and they're number 10 on it
This is gonna come off weird but...

are you a caucasian female?

not that it matters, cuz it's grad school, but i'm just curious.
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