Howard University is a %%*#*#* joke. vol. I'm transferring

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Was going to Morehouse on a full scholarship...

they flaked.

Was going to Howard on a scholarship...

they ignored.

Was going to PVamu on scholarship...

my family stone faced me.

Was going to UT-Austin on scholarship... felt like an athlete because they sent recruiters to my school every week to see if I was going...

I waited..

Decided Texas A&M was my best decision...

they gave me a lot of money--handled everything well.

Now, I look back, A&M was the best decision of my life. A&M has given me an experience like no other--sometimes overwhelming, but non the less anexperience I will cherish. I have become assimilated into the society and it feels like I'm not even in college--it feels like I'm on another worldwhere good grades is the only way you will survive.

Will I have had this experience at a HBCU, probably not. Not everyday you can claim you must work harder than the rest to be recognized as I am the onlyminority in a lot of my classes.

my views--everything! definitely better than these half-experiences at Gtech where I visited. Wasn't worth it.
Originally Posted by CjGenius368

You wylin.

I like to see myself as a brilliant black person. I'm also a Howard alumnus and a first year grad student in a fully funded, ivy league Ph.D. Program.

My full scholarship to Howard helped me to get a great education despite the school's administrative BS.

You get out of it exactly what you put in... Just like any school.
Truth. I go to Pitt and they bs w/ the admin too. Especially w/ financial aid. They have u go from building to builiding until u get mad and startcursin em out then u get results. They increase tuition by a min. of 6% every year. Curriculum is dumb and dumb complicated. Foreign language classes arestupid hard. The most basic math is hard. A lot of ppl I know came here Bio and Chem majors and sometimes switch
same w/ engineerin. Other than that andthe culture shocked racist white ppl and cold weather, it's a good school. Looks great on a resume and what not.
As a graduate of an HBCU (undergrad) and a PWI (graduate) I can tell you both types of schools have the same issues just in varying degrees. I ran intofoolishness at both institutions. I could've gone to pretty much any school I wanted also, and heard all the gossip about HBCU's...."they are likegetting a high school education... they are inferior to PWI...the education is not as good..." I can say with confidence my 4 years at a HBCU more thanprepared me for a demanding graduate program and my profession in general.

Basically dude college is what you make it. Whether you go to Harvard, Yale, or Howard the information in the books is the same, its YOUR responsibility to getthe knowledge you need from those books to reach your goals.

So you had a bad experience at Howard...fine, it wasn't for you, bounce out, go somewhere else, but don't down the entire institution of HBCUs.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

You get out of it exactly what you put in... Just like any school.
You didn't read the OP, but then again I didn't expect you to.
Wow. I don't know what gave you that idea. I'm not here to argue though. As has been said, if you want to transfer, best of luck. But your argument that "smart black people" shouldn't go to Howard is just wrong.
I disagree with you. Some schools are DEFINITELY better then other schools. Therefore you will get more out of some schools compared to others no matter HOW MUCH you put into it.

So your logic is FLAWED.
I disagree with you when it comes to politics but you hit the nail on the head with that response.

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

OP is right to a certain extent. But you're acting like a herb with that pompous attitude. Come off your horse.
This is a serious question. Are you a dumb? How the #%%! is demanding excellence from my college and professors being pompous? Am I asking too much for them to do their jobs?
You just asked me if I was dumb and yet you can't even form a worthwhile response without insulting somebody.
You're asking stupid questions that's why.
Yet you expect me to believe you're not some stuck-up crybaby when you're basically saying you're so much better than the other students at HBCU's. Grow up.

Show me where I said that, I'm about to stop responding to you because I'm starting to think you're a functional ******ed person. Read more.
C'mon now. Don't put words into my mouth either. There's nothing wrong with expecting excellence from your school.

I didn't put any words into your mouth, you said me asking my school to do its job was me some how having a pompous attitude.

You pay them tuition so you have a right to it.
For once you're right.

I asked you all of one question dude.
And I guess itmight have been stupid because with every post you make that question may as well have been rhetorical. That's a nice little BS response to why you feelthe need to insult me and the other people who disagree with you though. You put yourself on a pedestal the second you called everybody else "moderatelyintelligent." Whether that's true or not is irrelevant. Real....mature intellectually meet people they're smarter than every damn day but theydon't conduct themselves as A-holes and jerks, and look down on anybody who may have a lower IQ than them. You have a lot of growing up to do.

When and where did I say demanding excellence from your school is being pompous? C'mon now. You don't know the meaning of the term if you don'tthink that's putting words into my mouth. But I'm the functional ****** though right?
now only HBCU's suck and every non HBCU automatically is better than every HBCU.
Was going to Morehouse on a full scholarship...

they flaked.

Was going to Howard on a scholarship...

they ignored.

Was going to PVamu on scholarship...

my family stone faced me.

Was going to UT-Austin on scholarship... felt like an athlete because they sent recruiters to my school every week to see if I was going...

I waited..

Decided Texas A&M was my best decision...

they gave me a lot of money--handled everything well.

Now, I look back, A&M was the best decision of my life. A&M has given me an experience like no other--sometimes overwhelming, but non the less an experience I will cherish. I have become assimilated into the society and it feels like I'm not even in college--it feels like I'm on another world where good grades is the only way you will survive.

Will I have had this experience at a HBCU, probably not. Not everyday you can claim you must work harder than the rest to be recognized as I am the only minority in a lot of my classes.

my views--everything! definitely better than these half-experiences at Gtech where I visited. Wasn't worth it.

No offense, but it sounds like they weren't planning to give you a scholarship if each of those schools flaked, unless I am missing something. If theyreally wanted you as an athlete, they wouldn't ignore you or flake, so all that is really on you and how well you played your sport.

As far feeling as if grades are everything, public school wise in Texas, nothing will compare to UT.
could somebody explain the point of HBCU's in today's society to me?
I made a thread about this one time, I was basically called a closet racist for even asking this. The only responses I had dealt with the originsof HBCU's. I found it ironic that I got a lot of "i wanted diversity" responses.
I know about half the people that were in that video

Neways, man stop trippin forreal. I'ma a freshman also at Howard and its not "bad". Your issue about people getting robbed...really? People getrobbed at other major universities (white & black) throughout the country. Me personally, i've been out at all times of night in all different parts ofthe campus and have not been robbed. Maybe its cuz I dont walk around by myself with my headphones on full blast. I can say that not all teachers are greatbut thats with any place. It is what you make it. You just sound like your whining cause everything isn't going your way, that's called life bruh.

P.S. and if you REALLY consider the area around Howard to be that "hood" you need to get out more. Come on I see white people walking their dogs onBryant Street at midnight, thats not "hood" by any means. And this is coming from somebody who's lived in the 'burbs all my life.
When and where did I say demanding excellence from your school is being pompous?
That's all I've been talking about throughout this thread and you said I was pompous. You're not reading anything I'm typing oryou are and not comprehending it correctly. I think its the latter.
could somebody explain the point of HBCU's in today's society to me?
There is no point. None whatsoever.
I'ma a freshman also at Howard and its not "bad".
Stopped reading right there, I'm a junior your class is responsible for more than half of the ****ery on campus at any given time. Straightminstrel show esque +$!*.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

When and where did I say demanding excellence from your school is being pompous?
That's all I've been talking about throughout this thread and you said I was pompous. You're not reading anything I'm typing or you are and not comprehending it correctly. I think its the latter.
could somebody explain the point of HBCU's in today's society to me?
There is no point. None whatsoever.
I'ma a freshman also at Howard and its not "bad".
Stopped reading right there, I'm a junior your class is responsible for more than half of the ****ery on campus at any given time. Straight minstrel show esque +$!*.

Well aren't you the pot calling the kettle black?

For all this talk about how smart you it sure as hell isn't coming to fruition in this thread. You're the one who can't comprehend my postsobviously and you just conveniently ignored most of it save for one sentence. Did you not call everybody else "moderately intelligent" in your OP?Thought so. So get out of here with that BS.

And freshman at every college act crazy FYI. The ones that don't you never hear about. The ones that do usually drop out by their sophomore year or gettheir act together by sophomore year so they can salvage their @@%++* GPA's they didn't give a F about their frosh year. Again...this is a conceptI'd expect a person as "intelligent" as yourself to understand.


And you've got a freshman at Howard in here calling you out on your BS too.
What if I wanted to go to school with other "moderately intelligent" minorities? But anyways. generally HBCUs have smaller class sizes and teacherswho take more of a personal investment in seeing you succeed. Hell, some people might actually care about the legacy of allowing all (or most) who wanted aneducation have access to one, while others were banning entire demographics.

And what's the point of a university like Saint Louis University?

There's no set in stone criteria on what makes people decide what college they want to go. The social experience, the education, price, location,acceptance, repuation, there's an infinite number of things that people weigh out in their minds in their own way and make their choice.

I think it's hilarious people continue to act like HBCU's are the only schools that suck, and should somehow all be closed. But all the sucky nonHBCU's, they're fine, get a pass. I went to a non highly rated non-HBCU and if you're closing HBCU's on account of the quality level ofeducation, then you need to close this one. They've had some alumnus come back recently and donate a lot of money so the resources are getting better andthey're getting more teachers in, but I promise you there's plenty of HBCUs better than this crap.
i hate when people throw the diversity thing in the picture....i go to an hbcu.... but being from NY....i been in a diverse city so i know how to act with orwithout a diverse community. I guess it matters where you from.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by I R Andre

When and where did I say demanding excellence from your school is being pompous?
That's all I've been talking about throughout this thread and you said I was pompous. You're not reading anything I'm typing or you are and not comprehending it correctly. I think its the latter.
could somebody explain the point of HBCU's in today's society to me?
There is no point. None whatsoever.
I'ma a freshman also at Howard and its not "bad".
Stopped reading right there, I'm a junior your class is responsible for more than half of the ****ery on campus at any given time. Straight minstrel show esque +$!*.

Well aren't you the pot calling the kettle black?

For all this talk about how smart you it sure as hell isn't coming to fruition in this thread. You're the one who can't comprehend my posts obviously and you just conveniently ignored most of it save for one sentence. Did you not call everybody else "moderately intelligent" in your OP? Thought so. So get out of here with that BS.

And freshman at every college act crazy FYI. The ones that don't you never hear about. The ones that do usually drop out by their sophomore year or get their act together by sophomore year so they can salvage their @@%++* GPA's they didn't give a F about their frosh year. Again...this is a concept I'd expect a person as "intelligent" as yourself to understand.


And you've got a freshman at Howard in here calling you out on your BS too.

lol... on one hand, grandma was a dean at howard. dad graduated from howard with a biz degree, now he's a 6-fig exec.

on the other hand, the school is lame imo for lack of diverse culture and its image, not to mention its high school atmosphere. i would've NEVER attendedsuch a school.

p.s. i go to U of MD and while it's much more diverse, there are 'invisible walls', socially...
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Was going to Morehouse on a full scholarship...

they flaked.

Was going to Howard on a scholarship...

they ignored.

Was going to PVamu on scholarship...

my family stone faced me.

Was going to UT-Austin on scholarship... felt like an athlete because they sent recruiters to my school every week to see if I was going...

I waited..

Decided Texas A&M was my best decision...

they gave me a lot of money--handled everything well.

Now, I look back, A&M was the best decision of my life. A&M has given me an experience like no other--sometimes overwhelming, but non the less an experience I will cherish. I have become assimilated into the society and it feels like I'm not even in college--it feels like I'm on another world where good grades is the only way you will survive.

Will I have had this experience at a HBCU, probably not. Not everyday you can claim you must work harder than the rest to be recognized as I am the only minority in a lot of my classes.

my views--everything! definitely better than these half-experiences at Gtech where I visited. Wasn't worth it.

No offense, but it sounds like they weren't planning to give you a scholarship if each of those schools flaked, unless I am missing something. If they really wanted you as an athlete, they wouldn't ignore you or flake, so all that is really on you and how well you played your sport.

As far feeling as if grades are everything, public school wise in Texas, nothing will compare to UT.
could somebody explain the point of HBCU's in today's society to me?
I made a thread about this one time, I was basically called a closet racist for even asking this. The only responses I had dealt with the origins of HBCU's. I found it ironic that I got a lot of "i wanted diversity" responses.
A third of the black population who come away with degrees come away with them from HBCUs . Take away HBCUs and I gaurandamtee you the numbers ofblacks with higher level degrees would significantly drop. Now, the ideal solution would be that with the dissipation of HBCUS....PWIs would pick up theslack. However, that was supposed to be what affirmative action was for, and yet it didn't really change. Like it or not, HBCUs offer opportunities forpeople WHO WOULD NOT MAKE IT IN OTHER ENVIRONMENTS, the chance at pursuing a higher level degree. I know people who came in to Howard one way and left atotal different person. Guys who came in as wanna be thugs and who left wearing suits and clothes that fit. Not saying that this doesn't happeneverywhere, but where else do wanna be thugs even get the opportunity? Guys who went through the juvenille system and yet were still given a chance. If fornothing else, HBCUs need to be there for those kids.

Also, when you read professional journals, a great deal of articles written by blacks either attended an HBCU for undergrad, or graduate. For those thatdidn't directly attend, the ties to an HBCU are not usually hard to uncover.

And freshmen are supposed to act an %#@...they're freshmen. They usually go through a transformation....which is expected.
Stopped reading right there, I'm a junior your class is responsible for more than half of the ****ery on campus at any given time. Straight minstrel show esque +$!*.

Really tho? ****ery? O.k. Excuse me, how are we supposed to act by your standards? speak proper and wear suits all the time? Is the idea of having funconsidered ****ery? What kind of self hating negro are you dawg you need to get a grip on reality. And the fact that you stopped reading after my firstsentence proves your ingnorance. If you're not willing to read past a sentence in a response how dare you make such claims, and how dare you assume thatour class is responsible for half of this "****ery". I bet you be REAL quiet if somebody approached you on campus, i bet you wont tell the footballteam they're acting like "+*##*" to their faces. Exactly, a internet nerd, **** son.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

It's okay dude. You were better off not even responding.
You're trolling by saying +#%@ that makes no sense and not even attempting to prove a point, I decided I'd just troll too but in a moreobvious manner.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

lol... on one hand, grandma was a dean at howard. dad graduated from howard with a biz degree, now he's a 6-fig exec.

on the other hand, the school is lame imo for lack of diverse culture and its image, not to mention its high school atmosphere. i would've NEVER attended such a school.

p.s. i go to U of MD and while it's much more diverse, there are 'invisible walls', socially...
and nooses from trees......dam all that
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Stopped reading right there, I'm a junior your class is responsible for more than half of the ****ery on campus at any given time. Straight minstrel show esque +$!*.

I bet you be REAL quiet if somebody approached you on campus, i bet you wont tell the football team they're acting like "+*##*" to their faces. Exactly, a internet nerd, **** son.

this is such flawed logic.
to say there is no need for HBCUs is ridiculous...they are a school like any other...the key word is HISTORICALLY...anyone can go...if HBCUs were to shut downwhere would all those students go?
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Stopped reading right there, I'm a junior your class is responsible for more than half of the ****ery on campus at any given time. Straight minstrel show esque +$!*.

Really tho? ****ery? O.k. Excuse me, how are we supposed to act by your standards? speak proper and wear suits all the time? Is the idea of having fun considered ****ery? What kind of self hating negro are you dawg you need to get a grip on reality. And the fact that you stopped reading after my first sentence proves your ingnorance. If you're not willing to read past a sentence in a response how dare you make such claims, and how dare you assume that our class is responsible for half of this "****ery". I bet you be REAL quiet if somebody approached you on campus, i bet you wont tell the football team they're acting like "+*##*" to their faces. Exactly, a internet nerd, **** son.


Exactly, all things I think about your class from talking to them and seeing them has been validated by that post thank you for that.

oh yeah and since this is NT

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