Howard University is a %%*#*#* joke. vol. I'm transferring

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Originally Posted by sunshine734

Originally Posted by AME416

I want to go to their pharmacy. school.

me too, kinda. I have a list of ten pharmacy schools im looking into and they're number 10 on it
they have been on punishment and are highly watched... i have 3 friends who are attending or have graduated......they didnt like it but it iseasier to get in around the dmv area compared to the U of baltimore...ive heard overall class scores were low and they might be put on restriction again
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

I've heard that Clark Atlanta Univ. just let go over a grip of administrators and teachers. Damn man

HBCUs be gettin' hit.
Yea man i saw that one the news yesterday
, i was pretty surprised because Clark's tuition is pretty high.

I just hope they dont come at Georgia State with that bs

GSU FTW, bad chicks from all ethnicities

Pimpin' you ain't neva lie.

Man Sparks Hall and Decatur St. seem to be my second favorite home. I just be chilling around the Student center and in front of that building where the GSU blue busses be droppin/pickin' folks up.

My behind need to stay put at Clayton State tho.

Clayton State heads holla at me!
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Killmatic07

I was thinking about transferring there or Drexel. I'm white if that matters, going to a small school in CT for music industry(which is a rare major). I figured HU would be fun and a good opportunity to meet and network throughout DC. Drexel is really the best for my major but it costs like 50k a year and I don't even know if I could get it, I would also have to do 5 years. I can't imagine HU is really that bad. But still undecided, any advice would help.
50k in tuition
that is damn ridiculous.

i paid 50 a year undergrad. im paying 54, right now for law.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

OP is right to a certain extent. But you're acting like a herb with that pompous attitude. Come off your horse.
This is a serious question. Are you a dumb? How the #%%! is demanding excellence from my college and professors being pompous? Am I asking toomuch for them to do their jobs?

What kind of person are you if you let the actions of others dictate how you run your life?

Howard is notorious for having a terrible administration that does not do half the !#%* they are supposed to do. People that #%%! up in theadministration have a lot to do how I run my life here.
Ain't %$@$ perfect and if you go to a white school you will go through some stuff too.
Like I said the administration is terrible here and its been that way for decades, I've heard insane horror story esque !#%* involving theadministration. You'd think they change something after 30 years of consistency !!%*%!+ up.

This isn't the atmosphere I expected from an accredited university.
The way you come off sounds pompous. What have you done exactly to make the experience better? Did you join any extracurricular activities like StudentGovernment? If you havent then you have no room to complain because youre just doing the regular routine like an average student.
LOL. If you think Howard is bad don't come to Prairie View. !##! is horrendous around here. I'm leaving this coming fall. I don't even know howthis place still has accreditation.
Ehhhhh, I went to a HBCU and I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. I got into and could've went to a PWI but I decided against it.

Sometimes I wish that I had went, just to experience different things that you won't get @ a HBCU. I guess I was just blessed w/ professors that actuallygave a #$@! about me and my future. But you're totally right about some of the things you said (Horse-%%%% administration, professor issues, student bodyissues, etc).

And FTR, I don't know of any HBCU that isn't in the middle of the 'hood'....
i was gonna go to Howard.thank God i didnt

yall GA dudes is in heaven with them broads down there though
. Up Northis garbage
I couldn't go to HBCU, I believe from the bottom of mu heart that white people make things run a lot more professionally
OP is blowing things way out of proportion, I went to an HBCU and im in one of the country's top 5 med schools right now. Sure HBCU's have theirproblems but they are similar to the problems of a lot of small private colleges. One key is to choose and HBCU that has a proven track record for what youwant to do. For example, Xavier for Pre Med or Morehouse for business
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

Another thing I notice about HBCU's, why is everyday a fashion show. Stay at one for a week, and people really get up for 7am or 8 am classes fresh to death tho.

Nobody at my school cared about dressing up it was nothing for the baddest chick in class to have sweats, fitted and sandals on...idk maybe that was just my scool tho
That's usually the mentality of freshmen at most universities.

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

You get out of it exactly what you put in... Just like any school.
You didn't read the OP, but then again I didn't expect you to.
Wow. I don't know what gave you that idea. I'm not here to argue though. As has been said, if you want to transfer, best of luck. But your argument that "smart black people" shouldn't go to Howard is just wrong.
I disagree with you. Some schools are DEFINITELY better then other schools. Therefore you will get more out of some schoolscompared to others no matter HOW MUCH you put into it.

So your logic is FLAWED.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

OP is right to a certain extent. But you're acting like a herb with that pompous attitude. Come off your horse.
This is a serious question. Are you a dumb? How the #%%! is demanding excellence from my college and professors being pompous? Am I asking too much for them to do their jobs?
You just asked me if I was dumb and yet you can't even form a worthwhile response without insulting somebody. Yet you expect me to believeyou're not some stuck-up crybaby when you're basically saying you're so much better than the other students at HBCU's. Grow up.

C'mon now. Don't put words into my mouth either. There's nothing wrong with expecting excellence from your school. You pay them tuition so you havea right to it.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

i was gonna go to Howard.thank God i didnt

yall GA dudes is in heaven with them broads down there though
. Up North is garbage
Originally Posted by I R Andre

##*% looks like high school

I couldn't have gone to an HBCU, I would have gotten no work done. I need to be around serious people, I'm too impressionable.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

I really don't know what the +@+# I was thinking coming to a HBCU with all the options I had for colleges. If you're thinking of coming to Howard or any HBCU in general and you're smart just don't do it to yourself. They're gonna throw money at you and make you think its some great school and you're going to be amongst scholars and continuing some bull *#@% legacy they think exists in their mind when in reality its just an average school where every one just happens to be black and moderately intelligent(and thats being generous).It's nothing like you think it will be or how they describe it. I knew something was seriously wrong with this school when i transferred and they lost my transcript causing me to be 2 1/2 weeks behind in all my classes.

Everything about this school screams sub-par to the $!#%%% dorms to professors that regularly don't show up for class yet expect you to be responsible for material they didn't teach. The campus is directly in the middle of the hood and an open campus so $!%$$# get robbed on the yard pretty much on the regular. on top of all the problems in this school they are increasing the tuition too!

I could go on and on but I won't fact is HBCU's are pointless in this day and age it defeats the purpose of college. You go to school to meet all different kinds of people- its a very monotonous atmosphere. If you're a smart black person I suggest you don't waste your time and your money like I did. I'm getting these A's and getting TFO. Chicks are bad tho

and before any one asks yes I am mad, by the time I leave ill have wasted 8 months of my life and thousands of dollars. Don't do it to yourselves my smart black ppl. Not worth the headache.

cliff notes:
-Howard sucks.

Went to XU for bio-premed, graduated from a top five med school, and am now a board certified anesthesiologist. Wife/older brother/sister in law graduated fromXU college of pharmacy, all pharm Ds. I think, as is the case with all universities, there are stronger HBCUs and weaker ones. You have to do your research andmarry whatever your particular interest are with the school that is best for you. I would not trade my time at XU for any school in the world. I won'tmention the women. That would be unfair. To the OP, you have to be proactive. If you were at Burger King and paid for a whopper and thought it was sh*&^,you would say so and have your problem corrected. You are paying for your education. Demand what you are paying for.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

You get out of it exactly what you put in... Just like any school.
You didn't read the OP, but then again I didn't expect you to.
Wow. I don't know what gave you that idea. I'm not here to argue though. As has been said, if you want to transfer, best of luck. But your argument that "smart black people" shouldn't go to Howard is just wrong.
I disagree with you. Some schools are DEFINITELY better then other schools. Therefore you will get more out of some schools compared to others no matter HOW MUCH you put into it.

So your logic is FLAWED.
I disagree with you when it comes to politics but you hit the nail on the head with that response.

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

OP is right to a certain extent. But you're acting like a herb with that pompous attitude. Come off your horse.
This is a serious question. Are you a dumb? How the #%%! is demanding excellence from my college and professors being pompous? Am I asking too much for them to do their jobs?
You just asked me if I was dumb and yet you can't even form a worthwhile response without insulting somebody.
You're asking stupid questions that's why.
Yet you expect me to believe you're not some stuck-up crybaby when you're basically saying you're so much better than the other students at HBCU's. Grow up.

Show me where I said that, I'm about to stop responding to you because I'm starting to think you're a functional ******ed person. Read more.
C'mon now. Don't put words into my mouth either. There's nothing wrong with expecting excellence from your school.

I didn't put any words into your mouth, you said me asking my school to do its job was me some how having a pompous attitude.

You pay them tuition so you have a right to it.
For once you're right.
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