for the record, I ordered my Touch on December 27 of last year and according to the upgrade checker in bestbuy mobile I was eligible as of 10/1. I have SERO,and what is said around the message boards is SERO customers are eligible for upgrades every year...
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

for the record, I ordered my Touch on December 27 of last year and according to the upgrade checker in bestbuy mobile I was eligible as of 10/1. I have SERO, and what is said around the message boards is SERO customers are eligible for upgrades every year...
so that means I won't be eligible until july of next year, right? How will that help me come up on a diamond RIGHT NOW?

I mean, i could cop off ebay but I'd like to things to renew my SERO until the 12th of Never, ya dig?

** Team SERO?
I need a new sig anyway
Finally got mine today. Is there a way to connect this phone to a Mac computer? TonyS maybe you would know?

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Finally got mine today. Is there a way to connect this phone to a Mac computer? TonyS maybe you would know?

-The Juice
To tether or sync? There's a program called Missing Sync that will allow you to sync. I'm sure there are others.

so that means I won't be eligible until july of next year, right? your eligibility here. Ishow as being eligible as of 11/01 even though I upgraded five or six months ago.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by 1212theory

dam i guess there really is no way for us SERO users huh??

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

yeah man, I've said it before, Sprint reps don't seem like they can do anything for us SERO ppl

you guys are quick as hell to give up...

You're probably talking on the phone like you know EXACTLY what phone you want, like you're reading off a script. I played the dumb %%%+ idiot card, complained about the phone without being forceful and said I was interested in finding out how much my ETF was, they asked if there was any phone that I was interested in in their lineup, and I described the TP without calling it by name...

if one CSR doesnt budge, call again and speak to someone else. What do you have to lose?
exactly. Don't act too knowledgeable about the phone. I pretended that I didn't even know there was an upgrade, until the deal was ready to be finalized.

I was on the phone doing this for the 6th time and finally, FINALLY, got it for $299. Not as cheap as some of you guys, but I'm more than happy at that price.

Just a slight update...I went to the Sprint store today to pick up my phone and no one could seem to find out what happened to the $155 Sprint was supposed tocredit me last night to purchase a new phone today blah, blah, So after speaking with the rep at the kiosk, He gave it to me for $400 plus the $100 rebate so Iwas happy since that's what I was planning to pay anyway. As soon as I got home, I acted angy and called that retentions # and they just credited me$155
So you can say I got the phone for $145 or I don't have towoorry about paying the phone bill for the next 5 months
Happy Holidays
Starks, how did u get wmwifirouter to work on your's? Mine kept telling me my battery can't connect?

And is there a program to add your city to weather app?
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Finally got mine today. Is there a way to connect this phone to a Mac computer? TonyS maybe you would know?

-The Juice
To tether or sync? There's a program called Missing Sync that will allow you to sync. I'm sure there are others.

so that means I won't be eligible until july of next year, right? your eligibility here. I show as being eligible as of 11/01 even though I upgraded five or six months ago.

Well, I mean yea--I checked that site already, which is why I stated I wouldn't be eligible until july. So what I'm hearing is that Ineed to just call and play dumb and they will give me a diamond for a discounted rate and let me keep my SERO plan??
See, I can't give this phone my full endorsement. No doubt it's sexier and has twice the memory (400mb to 200mb) and 4x the program memory (288 to64mb), but I can't put my full endorsement behind it. The TouchFlo interface is a bit cumbersome and extra to me, and doesn't even work anymore whenyou open your phone (it changes to a different interface). On my Mogul with the VetVito Rom, I put everything I needed right there in the front screen, andthose 2 buttons on the side that control ringtone volume should have been made a scrolling wheel.

By the way, it has a G sensor (accelerometer) in it like the iPhone but by default, most programs can't access it. If you download GSen from you can give programs access to it and they'll rotateaccordingly as you move the phone, can even set it to turn the phone off when you turn the phone upside down.

But for now, my 2 most used programs, WMWifirouter and Skyfire, not working on the Touch Pro is being a huge dealbreaker to me. I might downgrade back to theMogul.

And also, like someone else said, the volume is LOW.
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

for the third time, does anyone know when it will come out for tmobile?
How many times will it take until you figure out that no one knows when it's coming out?

T-Mobile USA doesn't always get what T-Mobile Germany does. Remember, T-Mobile never upgraded (has yet to upgrade to?) to the HTC Kaiser (aka TyTN II orTilt).

But for now, my 2 most used programs, WMWifirouter and Skyfire, not working on the Touch Pro is being a huge dealbreaker to me.
Have you tried a Google search? I'm not being facetious.

WMWifirouter thread:

Skyfire thread:

Looks you're SOL with Skyfire until they release an update for VGA devices.

If you decide to go back to your Mogul, check out the following forum to download a program that allows you to build your own ROM:

If you decide to stick with the Touch Pro, you can find a kitchen or pre-made ROMs in the following forum:

I'm sure XDA-Developers has a lot of stuff too.
WMWifirouter? I dont even use that I have unlimited data and I just edited the registry to eliminate a couple of stuff and just use the internet sharing totether all the time .. just like I am right now ...
Yea I saw that they were getting Skyfire to work by using it with the keyboard already open, I might have to do that because there are a few sites I need. Ihad emailed the WifiRouter guys and they informed me of the new version update, I didn't even know there was a new version out but yea it's workingnow. Now I need help with the volume issue.
Tried calling account management/retentions....

Best I could get the phone for was $349. Pass.

I'll attempt some more later.
Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

sprint showing me no love man... only wanna gimme $75 off retail

Word they acting extra weak.

I emailed ecare and after trying to tell them about how my phone always sucked they just stopped responding

$378 + tax is not a good look. Does anyone know if I can apply the mail-in rebate to the 378?? Iwould cop under 300
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

sprint showing me no love man... only wanna gimme $75 off retail

Word they acting extra weak.

I emailed ecare and after trying to tell them about how my phone always sucked they just stopped responding

$378 + tax is not a good look. Does anyone know if I can apply the mail-in rebate to the 378?? Iwould cop under 300
ya i tried ecare too but it was a bad idea cuz apparently its on my "notes" now
Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

sprint showing me no love man... only wanna gimme $75 off retail

Word they acting extra weak.

I emailed ecare and after trying to tell them about how my phone always sucked they just stopped responding

$378 + tax is not a good look. Does anyone know if I can apply the mail-in rebate to the 378?? Iwould cop under 300
ya i tried ecare too but it was a bad idea cuz apparently its on my "notes" now
Well I think that can actually help the case.

Next time I call (will be the third time) Im just gonna act extra salty

me: "OK I am TIRED of this phone... you people have been giving me the work around and I think I am ready to cancel if I don't get something betterthan this phone

I bet

them: "Ok sir it will be $200 to cancel have a nice day"
Thanx again. Now I almost forgive you for sniping me in the Booty Appreciation thread for posting a picture of a girl in a non thong bathing suit,way before the rule changed I might add.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

sprint showing me no love man... only wanna gimme $75 off retail

Word they acting extra weak.

I emailed ecare and after trying to tell them about how my phone always sucked they just stopped responding

$378 + tax is not a good look. Does anyone know if I can apply the mail-in rebate to the 378?? Iwould cop under 300
ya i tried ecare too but it was a bad idea cuz apparently its on my "notes" now
Well I think that can actually help the case.

Next time I call (will be the third time) Im just gonna act extra salty

me: "OK I am TIRED of this phone... you people have been giving me the work around and I think I am ready to cancel if I don't get something better than this phone

I bet

them: "Ok sir it will be $200 to cancel have a nice day"

Just think of something clever to say my dude ... when they said ok 200 bucks then you be like what .. how long I have on my contract I need that waive now.. its not like Im asking for anything extra im just trying to upgrade my phone because this one sucks ..

then when she says something .. just hit her .. you know what I can deal with your attitude .. why are you being so rude .. I can hear it in your tone .. youknow what before I cancel let me speak to your supervisor ..

then you act my calm with him and try to explain ... look my phone doesnt work is giving my a lot of problems and I need to upgrade .. I really want somethingthat stuck screen with a qwerty slide out like the mogul and I dont mind paying for it .. but man Im taking hits on my job because I can perform x amount oftask when Im on the road and I need a upgrade now. then go about how rude she was and she couldnt please you and blah blah blah and Im not even asking foranything really just a discount like a new customer so I can upgrade and be able to conduct business . I can even extend my contract .. but right now Im reallyfrustrated .. I contact everybody and they always getting back to me but never do .. etc ...
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