Hurricane harvey....texas nters stay safe


It flooded worse than this last year around Memorial Day over here. Had to leave my car at a nearby parking lot and walk home in the flood smh.
Yea its bad out here. Some areas more worse than others. The rain just keeps coming. For those out here I hope you got a lot of food in preparation because I doubt any locations will be opening.

And also in regards to why people dont leave, it literally depends on where you live at. Some areas flood worse than others. If you live in a part of the city that floods badly and you have the means/funds to leave of course youre outta there then. Since my area doesnt flood too bad I didnt have a reason to leave. Stocked up on food and we are good. As long as my electricity still works I wont really have a reason to head else where.
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Just moved to Vegas from Houston 2 weeks ago. I was so depressed in july- every day the entire month if you looked up you would see a sky full of chemtrails. I even put a instagtam pic In NM how great it was to see clear skies for the first time in Months. Crazy seeing the city under water and there is more to come. My parents house is between the belt and 59: SW, and they seem to be doing OK at the moment. Prayers up
At first I felt bad because of the potential damage that was going to happen to Corpus because that's where my family is while I'm away, but they're good money at my in laws house, but now that Corpus wasn't decimated as predicted I feel for those in Rockport, Port Lavaca, and certainly H-tine.
Why did so many people in Houston stay? They thought the flooding wouldn't be bad? I'm seeing tweets asking Houston Police for help.

Because the truth is that it's extremely hard to predict the true damage of these natural disasters. And when meteorologists claim that it's going to get really bad and it doesn't, then people make fun of them and tend not to believe them the next time around..

can't evacuate.
not everyone has a place to go...

can you imagine 3 million people trying to evacuate ?
it's just not possible. people got to work too...i was working until friday night
Stay safe bros. it's getting worse out here. Still good in Katy but it's getting rough in the city.
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