Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

I'm just waking up now but I wouldn't be surprised if them $99 seats got swooped up, connecting flights for $159.

Irma looking to be a real *****. :smh:

She's suppose to be passing through the Bahamas early this weekend and some islands still haven't recovered from Matthew last year. :emoji_disappointed:

I was Houston when Matthew came so I didn't witness the devastation first hand but Matthew uprooted the giant mango tree in my front yard and the winds were so strong that they blew the electronic gate in front of the house of the railings.

Irma looks to be even more lethal.

Hopefully the damage we get is minimal.

All my NTers that's gonna be affected by the storm stay safe.
It's hitting coastal Georgia. The actual city of Atlanta won't get anything remotely severe. Or that's the logic anyway. Who knows.
Having experienced flooding and effects of hurricane weather in ATL, even if it's a lil bit of what Florida gets then Atlanta is done ...they one of the worst cities when it comes to bad weather and not prepared for ANY type of emergencies ...hope they be ok ova there too
If you don't have to evacuate hundreds of miles, don't! It's looking like those on the West Coast should be alright. Find a place to stay North of Tampa and West of Orlando. No reason to add to those parking lots on I-75 and I-95.
They won't know exactly where the turn will take place until late tomorrow.
Sounds like it's only grazing Puerto Rico. Can't believe Puerto Rico is still getting 50-70 mph wind though
My uncle lives in St. Maarten and his house got tore up. Thankfully he made it through in one piece, so things could have been way worse.

I'm praying we don't get a direct hit
why don't these natural disasters happen in white populations?

Rode out the storm in Arroyo. Everyone is fine. No major damage. Strong winds, hail, heavy rain. Power hasn't returned. Saw what happened in Barbuda. Truly heartbreaking. :frown:
News still has this thing making impact on Miami but the turn hasn't happened yet so hopefully it swings east and avoids it entirely. T0INE T0INE and whoever else is in the Bahamas please stay safe!
Rode out the storm in Arroyo. Everyone is fine. No major damage. Strong winds, hail, heavy rain. Power hasn't returned. Saw what happened in Barbuda. Truly heartbreaking. :frown::

good news. Any pictures?

I updated the first post as of now where irma is going.
If it goes enough east that it grazes Florida but it keeps going north it might still impact the Carolinas

I got fam there
Interesting. They say that before Harvey, the last time the United States was hit by a category 3 or higher was Wilma in 2005.

Now the United States is probably going to get by a category 4 and maybe a 5 in weeks..
These things can shift at any moment, but this 90 degree turn has me thinking it's more fear mongering. Hoping for the best and hoping it stays south of me. I'm prepared, just not buying that 90 degree turn.
I feel bad feeling relieved every time I hear it's very veering more East. Feels like I'm damning the Bahamas.

I been saying South FL been long overdue for a bad hurricane. Wilma was something like 10 years ago and that was Cat. 3. We were without power for 17 days. I used to have to shower at my school gym and go to the nearby community center to pick up Fema rations. Plus the curfew that nobody seemed to really follow anyway. Not taking Irma lightly not thinking about evac either. Whatever happens, happens
I assume the turn comes from the location of land along it's path.
From the islands to the bottom of florida
Either way, we ARE getting winds of atleast 100+ mph for the whole entire tri county, okeechobee, fort Myers, Naples, etc.

Luckily, my aunt has an older house, with a concrete roof so, I'll be with her and a few other relatives.
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