************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arlington, VA

Hurricanes lose power as they hit landfall, hopefully the worst will be over by tonight.
The worse will just be starting, it's not expected to make landfall till 8-9pm, perhaps later.. and depending on what side of the storm you're on,  It actually gets worse if you're on the N/NE side of the storm as that carries the more sever weather... 
the people that are not worried about the storm are the ones who don't own anything.

people with that "fake toughness" is idiotic.
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obvious troll is obvious....
which banned NTer are you man?...
I'm trolling because some of you are acting as if its the end of the world? Here is a news flash, all the sandbags and rationing won't stop mother nature from drowning  us with her breast water.  The WORST that can happen is if you die. Everything else at the end of the day doesn't matter. We shouldn't be stressing so much. There are people in the world, where it FLOODS MONTHLY, and you know what they do? They get up and keep it moving. I know the Third World, which is why I stated First World Problems because Third World people aren't thinking the same way you guys are. Off to the Block List with you as well, tired of the dense comments from you.
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No matter what the weather, the tomb is guarded 24/7.
Yes, it's guarded 24/7 but they have a contingency plan to protect the safety of the guards, if the winds get to 120mph (if I remember correctly)  The soldiers are allowed to stand guard in the trophy room.  That's why I said, most likely throughout the storm as I don't think the winds will get that high.
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Yes, it's guarded 24/7 but they have a contingency plan to protect the safety of the guards, if the winds get to 120mph (if I remember correctly)  The soldiers are allowed to stand guard in the trophy room.  
Pops worked there, they pretty much will never leave
Pops worked there, they pretty much will never leave
Of course, it's been manned every second going back to 1940's.. Would you wanna be the soldier who dropped the ball on that streak??? I'm not a solder but even I'd march to protect the tomb to keep that streak going! 
Not excited about this AT ALL..

the whole no power thing got old last year..

high with no entertainment..

soooo inconvenient
I know that, but whats the point of it?
Why is that one soldier so important?
It's not "1 solder".  The tomb of the unknown holds three sets of remains from WWI, WWII and the Korean War.. It's important because they're fallen soldiers whose names have been lost or unknown to everyone but God.  It's far to deep to get into on a message board post.  My best advice is to google it and do some research for yourself! 
Does anyone know how long the soldiers have to stand out there before they switch off with someone else?
during summer every 30mins, winter every 1hr.  When the cemetery is closed they change every 2hrs... Not sure about weather.. thinking every hour.. 
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