************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

For Grimlock, RooK and others in Central New York, they say the storm is going to hit the hardest in Oswego because of its proximity to the water. Gotta figure the Inner Harbor in Syracuse will see some flooding as well.

Syracuse University cancelled classes today and tomorrow from what I heard. Just wanted to update my fellow alumni.
For Grimlock, RooK and others in Central New York, they say the storm is going to hit the hardest in Oswego because of its proximity to the water. Gotta figure the Inner Harbor in Syracuse will see some flooding as well.

Syracuse University cancelled classes today and tomorrow from what I heard. Just wanted to update my fellow alumni.

Yeah right now, it hasn't even rained yet. It feels like the weather is taunting us :smh:

Just a matter of time bros
Now most of you NTers will get a taste of what we (florida and surrounding states) have been goin through all our lives

but this nothing compared to Hurricanes down here

this is like a normal Tropical storm for us
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Damn how do people in Florida deal with this 5x a year?

Also any good movie recommendations while I am stuck in my apartment?
That photo of guards in the rain at the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers is from Sept., not from Sandy: journ.us/SVdk3E @joshtpm @omgfacts

I was had :smh:

Cool photo nonetheless...
view from the Bronx.

Damn how do people in Florida deal with this 5x a year?
Also any good movie recommendations while I am stuck in my apartment?
Minus the flooding, we deal with it every afternoon during the summer months as the storms roll in from the everglades... You prep your house/belongings as best you can and just sit back, wait and watch... 
I'm trolling because some of you are acting as if its the end of the world? Here is a news flash, all the sandbags and rationing won't stop mother nature from drowning  us with her breast water.  The WORST that can happen is if you die. Everything else at the end of the day doesn't matter. We shouldn't be stressing so much. There are people in the world, where it FLOODS MONTHLY, and you know what they do? They get up and keep it moving. I know the Third World, which is why I stated First World Problems because Third World people aren't thinking the same way you guys are. Off to the Block List with you as well, tired of the dense comments from you.

cool story troll.

we obviously cant be concern with a pneumonia, because at the end of the day there is someone out there dying of lung cancer....yup first world problems.....what a clown :lol:
Damn how do people in Florida deal with this 5x a year?
Also any good movie recommendations while I am stuck in my apartment?

this is nothing to a Floridian or someone in the gulf states this is only a Category 1

try getting hit with a Cat 3, 4, or even 5 :smh:

every part of the country has its cons

up north - Blizzards

down south - Hurricanes

out west - Earthquakes

central - Tornado Alley
in a way during times like this im glad i own an apt in a 7th floor and not a house close to the ground....my only concern is the high winds blowing debri into my windows...
in a way during times like this im glad i own an apt in a 7th floor and not a house close to the ground....my only concern is the high winds blowing debri into my windows...
Be safe steez, FYI gas stations may close early so if you need some gas, go out and get some now. Just filled up the Camry.
in a way during times like this im glad i own an apt in a 7th floor and not a house close to the ground....my only concern is the high winds blowing debri into my windows...

you have home owner's insurance?

i live in a rental so my building has insurance + i got renter's insurance for my personal belongings.
Stay safe... I would fill up for gas ASAP if you haven't already... Just got to wait it out... Make sure you got flashlights, water, canned food, etc... Fortunately it's not going to hit any stronger than a Cat 1
in a way during times like this im glad i own an apt in a 7th floor and not a house close to the ground....my only concern is the high winds blowing debri into my windows...

you're actually at a disadvantage...wind speeds become higher in increased elevations

try to stay away from the windows, you never know what could happen
this is nothing to a Floridian or someone in the gulf states this is only a Category 1

Kinda why I'm lightweight messin with yall. What a lot of Floridians don't realize is that FLA was built with hurricains in mind. A little strom like this can totally screw a city over if its not properly prepaired. Really doe, anything less than a cat 2, is just some days off of work/school. :lol:

Ya'll be alright, the government isn't going to let what happened in New Orleans happen to NYC. Thats not a good look.

up north - Blizzards AND HURRICAINS

I'm trolling because some of you are acting as if its the end of the world? Here is a news flash, all the sandbags and rationing won't stop mother nature from drowning  us with her breast water.  The WORST that can happen is if you die. Everything else at the end of the day doesn't matter. We shouldn't be stressing so much. There are people in the world, where it FLOODS MONTHLY, and you know what they do? They get up and keep it moving. I know the Third World, which is why I stated First World Problems because Third World people aren't thinking the same way you guys are. Off to the Block List with you as well, tired of the dense comments from you.
I agree with you but you gotta stop it with the threats of blocking people man. :rofl: - If you are going to do it, DO IT. No need to make an announcement about it. :rofl:
Damn how do people in Florida deal with this 5x a year?
Also any good movie recommendations while I am stuck in my apartment?

this is nothing to a Floridian or someone in the gulf states this is only a Category 1

try getting hit with a Cat 3, 4, or even 5 :smh:

every part of the country has its cons

up north - Blizzards

down south - Hurricanes

out west - Earthquakes

central - Tornado Alley

This. if sandy was at least a cat 2 or higher, :frown:
mad cats talking bout haarp causing all this crazy weather
wouldn't doubt it :smh:
and I use to stay right off the f.d.r
yall stay safe
The worst part is not gonna be the weather for yall up north

The worst is gonna be the power outages in such populated cities in cold weather
any idea when the MTA is gonna be back?

That really depends on the severity of the storm...if the sea water actually gets into some of the subway tunnels :x that will cause alot of damage

my guess would be Wednesday with limited service
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