************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

:smh: that sux still no power for some NYers...and now the weather with winds and snow not good mojo...wish you guys the best prayers to u all out there.
considering the population of NYC this is a) the only solution, one that should've been implemented from the start like NJ and b) the fastest method to allow the gas stations to buildup supply, while cutting down demand.
if this was done from the start recovery would be better, but since its just today, nyc is behind schedule.
with that said...
this. NJ fuel infrastructure is all just about up and running. north of the bronx and CT are good to go so its fair to say that NYC is ready to recover. just need to stem demand to let supply build up. i've been sitting on a 1/4 tank for 2 weeks now and will be gas hunting this weekend for premium. people forget that NYC is an overpopulated city, so this gas situation is to be expected.

I live in Brooklyn but have enough gas to get gas by holland tunnel. Screw waiting in line for hours when there is a crapload of gas about 20 min away. All those people waiting that long could go to CT, shop at an outlet and come back with an almost full tank of gas.

on the real thats been my plan. hit up the holland tunnel at night and fill up. gas buddy has those stations up, full of all types of gas with little or no lines.

LIE > BQE > chinatown > gas :pimp: (no traffic i hope)
I went to the BP on RT 3 just before the Best Buy in NJ and filled up with 93 no prob, no line. And filled up a 5 gal container as well. :smile:

Feels good to have 93. :smile:
Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.

New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.
The odd and even program is working wonders in brooklyn, lines look real short out here
Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.
New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.

My sister had a 1/2 tank. Told her to drive to CT at fill up. After waiting at a gas station somewhere in queens for 5+ hours (and told to go home), she finally took my advice and filled up in CT w/o an issue.
Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.
New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.

My sister had a 1/2 tank. Told her to drive to CT at fill up. After waiting at a gas station somewhere in queens for 5+ hours (and told to go home), she finally took my advice and filled up in CT w/o an issue.

What I'm saying is that some people don't even have that. Why risk it? Public transportation should hold everyone over until then. Unless its absolutely necessary to use your car, do you need to drive that bad?
Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.
New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.

i visited twice and both times i went, i felt like sardines in a can. can you explain to me how it isn't
Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.
New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.

i visited twice and both times i went, i felt like sardines in a can. can you explain to me how it isn't

Exactly. You visited, you don't live here. The city is the center of commerce so everyone goes there. The outer boroughs never feel like that.
What I'm saying is that some people don't even have that. Why risk it? Public transportation should hold everyone over until then. Unless its absolutely necessary to use your car, do you need to drive that bad?

If you have less than a 1/2 tank, I wouldn't recommend it. She needed her tank filled b/c she's going to Delaware for the weekend and didn't want to mess w/ NJ for gas.
Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.
New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.

i visited twice and both times i went, i felt like sardines in a can. can you explain to me how it isn't

Exactly. You visited, you don't live here. The city is the center of commerce so everyone goes there. The outer boroughs never feel like that.

that is a fair counter. manhattan and commuting to and from the island is what makes NY seem overcrowded. on the other hand if the city could be rebuilt (in some imaginary world) than NY would be made more spacious. the roads weren't designed to funnel the amount of cars on the road today. period. word to I95 northbound and the 2 lane NJ/NY tunnels. u from NYC right? the LIE and BQE stays crowded...

the NYC subway is old as ****. well over 100yrs. some of these stations were DEF NOT built to handle today's commuting capacity. word to 53rd and lex and roosevelt blvd.

Everyone keeps saying to go to CT, the Bronx or Jersey without realizing that some people are afraid of getting stranded because their tanks are on E. That's why they are willing to wait upon hours for some gas.
New York City isn't overpopulated. Not even close.

My sister had a 1/2 tank. Told her to drive to CT at fill up. After waiting at a gas station somewhere in queens for 5+ hours (and told to go home), she finally took my advice and filled up in CT w/o an issue.

What I'm saying is that some people don't even have that. Why risk it? Public transportation should hold everyone over until then. Unless its absolutely necessary to use your car, do you need to drive that bad?

obviously if u can and want to hold out then knock yourself out. and obviously if you're light is on that driving out to fill up to either nj or ct is stupid.

but now im reading today that the city doesn't expect normal conditions till about thanksgiving. **** that.
If you have less than a 1/2 tank, I wouldn't recommend it. She needed her tank filled b/c she's going to Delaware for the weekend and didn't want to mess w/ NJ for gas.
So wait she drove up to CT just to get gas for a later trip to Delaware?
Seems like NJ would have been on her way (to Delaware), convenient (they pump the gas for you, nice feature when it's brick out) as well as cheaper (no tolls to get to NJ).
So wait she drove up to CT just to get gas for a later trip to Delaware?
Seems like NJ would have been on her way (to Delaware), convenient (they pump the gas for you, nice feature when it's brick out) as well as cheaper (no tolls to get to NJ).

She has to drive through Jersey to get to Delaware and didn't want to risk it. The NJ turnpike lines had been awful as well. CT was a sure bet to fill up.
She has to drive through Jersey to get to Delaware and didn't want to risk it. The NJ turnpike lines had been awful as well. CT was a sure bet to fill up.

Gotchya. Was only wondering b/c from what I had heard it was easier to get gas (esp the more westward you drove) in NJ. Can't blame her though, everyone's reporting different things, gotta go with your gut.

I went to the BP on RT 3 just before the Best Buy in NJ and filled up with 93 no prob, no line. And filled up a 5 gal container as well.

Feels good to have 93.
filled up on premium 93 last night. made a run to CT. was barely able to find a gas station, pulled up on E with the light on and eyythang.

that feel when you found gas tho :pimp:
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The hess on bushwick ave right before eastern parkway has the shortest line ever. I was on line for 5 mins
I really feel bad for the people in Far Rockaway. My block got hit hard but we're in ok shape compared to them. LIPA sucks. There are a number of trucks in my neighborhood everyday and they don't seem to be helping do anything. This is very frustrating since it's near the end of the semester and I have a lot of papers and projects I need to finish up. I might not even have a car anymore to get to school. I'm starting not to even care about school anymore and just want all this crap to be over.
Man what the?! My heart goes out to all of you! I live in Cleveland and our "Hurricane" scare was over in like 4 days. After that, I figured the entire ordeal was over everywhere (I rarely watch the news). I turned it on yesterday and seen that NY was still w/o power. I come into this thread and see this. I am tearing up going through some of these pages. No power till Thanksgiving?! That's BULL! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your families!
This whole thing is just a failure of all sorts. FEMA is slowly taking their time filing claims. They won't be out to the Rockaways or Queens anytime soon.
no reason for the rockaways to be powerless. if they can get half of manhattan back up, then the rockaways should be no problem. its odd how cuomo voiced his displeasure with the utility companies, but bloomberg is cosigning them...

either way, its too long. the next cold front is gonna be cold (winter is just about here). rockaways should be a round the clock operation. period.
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