Hyperdunk Low


Are you serious?

Complaining about MY contribution to this thread? (Which is a valid contribution btw, you just didn't understand)

Maybe it wasn't specific enough for you, specially with your limited knowledge, but if you used the search bar a lot of information about the HD lows would already be available.

Typing is hard for me? Come on son, you can't even use the search bar to type "Hyperdunk Low"!

Instead of searching for it, you put all your energy criticizing another user's post which really isn't any of your business to begin with.

SMH at you telling other people how to help when you can't even help yourself.

It seems like you're too lazy and expect other people to spoon-feed you information.

This thread should be renamed "How to use NTs search function for dummies."

This is getting old fast, I'm out.
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