'I Can Count to Potato' girl's mom lashes out


Jan 8, 2004


[h1]Web trolls put picture of Down's girl on Facebook with vile caption[/h1]

Cowards ... Heidi Crowter has only just been told about the images


Published: 25thApril 2012

[h3]SICK web trolls stole a picture of a young girl with Down’s Syndrome and posted it on Facebook with a caption saying "lose your virginity to a ******". [/h3]

Tearful Heidi Crowter has only just been told about the sexual and derogatory comments being made about an innocent picture of her online.

The 16-year-old has been the target of several other sick pages on Facebook bearing her image.

The photos of Heidi, from Coventry, as a toddler had been stolen from a website for a parents’ support group.
Horrified mum Liz and husband Steve have been bombarding Facebook to take down the sites and so far only one has been

Liz, 45, said the internet trolls behind the posts had been using images of her daughter for months and Facebook had made no direct contact with her to resolve the issue.

Heidi’s pictures were taken from a local support group website, which Liz ran for about five years.

She said pages carrying Heidi’s image are still active despite Liz reporting the problem TWO WEEKS ago.

She said: “It’s almost like Faceless rather than Facebook, we have been repeatedly trying to take these distressing sites down and I have not once had a direct response.

“These trolls are cowardly, nasty people who should be punished for the damage they are doing to people with their comments.

“They have no right to take Heidi’s image and use it alongside these cruel sites. If you look at the lad who made those comments about Fabrice Muamba online, he was taken to court.

“Heidi has told me she is very upset by the sites and she turns her head away when we have them on the computer screen.
Very sad. She needs to get on with a lawyer. But, that is the internet for you. The debate is about intellectual property rights (which the internet basically has none of it) and putting pictures of people online becoming the property of the public and the internet.
Everybody is laughing, but if it was your child you would want blood. I hope she takes this as far as she can, its her duty as a mother
It is sad. I mean her picture was taken from a website for a local support group dealing with disabled children. That's so sad to me.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Very sad. She needs to get on with a lawyer. But, that is the internet for you. The debate is about intellectual property rights (which the internet basically has none of it) and putting pictures of people online becoming the property of the public and the internet.

Exactly. Get a lawyer and do what, sue who? If thats the case, I'ma have a laywer sit next to me everytime I play COD and rack up off of white boys dropping N bombs.
Naaaaaa I gotta get outta this thread before I get fired from my job.....lmao
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