'I Can Count to Potato' girl's mom lashes out

Originally Posted by beh235

Not gonna lie, I did laugh initially when I first saw the pic. Then I realized she had down syndrome and it wasn't as funny. It's hard to regulate stuff like this. Hazeleyedhoney is right, how do you regulate intellectual properties online? It's a slippery slope. Another point was made too about if it was your child, and you saw how the internet made them feel by looking at it. If you saw your child become really sad because of this, but feel helpless, it would be less funny. This is similar to how internet bullying affects kids today. I seriously think Meth needs to ban the insensitve jerks in here. Really considering reporting some in here man...smh.
Like the 'french fry' joke. Tasteless and pretty despicable. Not gonna lie, though...I used to laugh at this type of stuff...when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. Some of y'all need to grow the $!!$ up. I mean, I know this is the internet, and I know some of y'all got jokes, but I really hope that this isn't a true reflection of y'all out in the real world.
I just thought about something.

Could they copyright those pics and then sue everyone for copyright infringement?
NikeTalk Rules of Conduct

Section 1 - General Conduct

1. Derogatory comments regarding race, ethnic background, language, gender, sexual orientation or religion are strictly prohibited. The use of slurs and/or hate speech will result in immediate and permanent banishment from the community without warning
Physical and mental disabilities can and should fall under this rule. I hope this site has the integrity to uphold that.

I'm sure many of y'all sayinit's ok are the same ones crying in those lame race threads SMH 

It's always ok until it affects YOU.  Amazes me how easily respect, along with empathy, goes out the window nowadays, especially when you can hide behind a computer...
Its too late and TOOOOOOOOOOO far gone to take down. If anything she will cause a group to gather under damage the interwebs have done to them.
I didn't know she has a disability I thought it was a random pic of a random smiling girl. 
Pretty sure ya'll would be laughing if that picture had been posted in the meme thread. oh
Originally Posted by FEETure

Honestly, NT mods are so ready to make an example of someone cursing or flaming but this stuff can ride, thats laughable.
...even though i agree, what exactly is it about this thread thats against the ROC? im gonna report it anyway though.

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

I just thought about something.

Could they copyright those pics and then sue everyone for copyright infringement?

Freedom of speech. the same one protecting parodies and shops on Youtube, SNL, Inside the NBA and The Daily Show would protect that.

Besides.. sue who for what? This is the internet and that picture's prehistoric.
Originally Posted by Je Naime Pas

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

^Stupid. Im surprised at all the jokes and attempts at humor- theres some donkeys on here. Shows how messed up the mentality is: its fine to joke and make fun of people that are born disabled, but dont you dare poke fun at somebody that was born homosexual or you'll be labeled a bigot

forreal dog.  I honestly in my heart hope some of these people have their children born with Down Syndrome
Are you r- Nevermind.  You're really gonna wish that some people's kids get an extra chromosome though? 
Sure, according to people in this thread it will be funny right?
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Its too late and TOOOOOOOOOOO far gone to take down. If anything she will cause a group to gather under damage the interwebs have done to them.
I didn't know she has a disability I thought it was a random pic of a random smiling girl. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

^Stupid. Im surprised at all the jokes and attempts at humor- theres some donkeys on here. Shows how messed up the mentality is: its fine to joke and make fun of people that are born disabled, but dont you dare poke fun at somebody that was born homosexual or you'll be labeled a bigot

forreal dog.  I honestly in my heart hope some of these people have their children born with Down Syndrome
Hmm wishing down syndrome on another human being as a form of retribution vs laughing at a picture.

You sir, are worse than the people you vilify.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

^Stupid. Im surprised at all the jokes and attempts at humor- theres some donkeys on here. Shows how messed up the mentality is: its fine to joke and make fun of people that are born disabled, but dont you dare poke fun at somebody that was born homosexual or you'll be labeled a bigot

forreal dog.  I honestly in my heart hope some of these people have their children born with Down Syndrome
Hmm wishing down syndrome on another human being as a form of retribution vs laughing at a picture.

You sir, are worse than the people you vilify.
its all funny though right?
Y'all harsh. Cant make fun of that girl . . .

But the moms on the other hand, looks lk the monkey from Planet of the Apes in that pic.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

butthurt level: potato

Was hoping the trolls on here showed up. Without fail.

It's sad, but it's the internet. Nobody can even tell that that's her unless she posts a picture of herself now announcing that that's her in the pictu..... oh wait.
Lol at her thinking she can sue everyone who's ever used the meme.

I would be mad if it was my child though.
I've always believed that karma will make your children come out that way, or even put you in an accident where you yourself come out that way if you laugh at those who are that way...

Idk, maybe I'm just paranoid.
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