'I finally got a gun' Tragic last tweet of high school teen who shot herself over her ex GF

Aug 4, 2010


A popular high school student committed suicide after her cries for help to her hundreds of online friends were ignored.
Ashley Duncan, 17, wrote 'I finally got a gun' and then posted a picture of a revolver which, soon after, it is believed she used to shoot herself dead.
It followed a series of increasingly dark posts on Tumblr and Twitter where she talked of suicide, questioned the meaning of her life and said she was 'miserable'.
She wrote: 'Life ain't worth the pain. if you know or have known what it feels like to want to die every minute second hour day week month year then you feel me.
'I might not struggle financially but I struggle emotionally and mentally and I think that's the worst struggle.
'So in asking why can't it be my choice to die now?… I’m miserable.

'One day I won't be here anymore and that'll be the happiest day of my life… I'm tired and I'm done with this life.'
'It's like God is torturing me by keeping me here.' She also wrote: 'The only thing that made me happy is gone…I'm miserable.'
The 'thing' she refers to is not clear, but a previous post suggests she had just split up with a partner.

She had written: 'My heart is broken. I'm not picking up the pieces and I'm not gonna rely on anybody to put my heart back together. It's just that destroyed.'


Keen volleyball player Duncan was said to be a popular student at Bellaire High School, where she reportedly left in October to move to Pershing High School to graduate early.

But on Monday the seemingly happy teenager walked to a reservoir near the intersection of Braes Forest Drive and Portal Drive and killed herself.



This online media networks is destroying our youth, I'm convinced kids shouldn't be allowed on these social networks.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

This online media networks is destroying our youth, I'm convinced kids shouldn't be allowed on these social networks.

How are online media and social networks destroying our youth?  You can't put the websites at fault for allowing this girl to speak her mind.  The issue isn't with the websites, that is just skirting around the issue.  The issue is her mental state and the fact that no one in her real life either didn't notice or didn't care enough to do anything.  Then there is the issue of how she even obtained the gun (although there are millions of other ways for a person to kill themselves).  Don't attack my first amendment rights as a youth  to speak freely wherever and whenever because one girl killed herself.  
Originally Posted by 951guero

No pitty for those that take their own lives smh
I agree with this. 

But at the same time, it is still a sad situation. 

Its hard to feel bad for her, come on ONLY 17 yrs old?....she hasnt even lived life yet, *#%# happens in people's lives everyday and nothing worth taking your life away for someone.....when you think you have it bad, theirs always someone out their way worser than you.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

This online media networks is destroying our youth, I'm convinced kids shouldn't be allowed on these social networks.

I do agree that kids usage of social networks should be heavily regulated, but that responsibility falls on the parents.
This is your typical suicide.  The only difference is that now those that choose suicide leave their death notes on the social network instead of on a piece of folded paper.

It's very sad.
Shes a cutie. But wait, she committed suicide cause of life or cause of her ex dumping her? Not gona lie, i think about it from time to time when im in my deep thoughts, but then i think of my family and a smile comes to my face, without them im nothing. Family is definitely needed when youre down.
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by ksteezy

This online media networks is destroying our youth, I'm convinced kids shouldn't be allowed on these social networks.

How are online media and social networks destroying our youth?  You can't put the websites at fault for allowing this girl to speak her mind.  The issue isn't with the websites, that is just skirting around the issue.  The issue is her mental state and the fact that no one in her real life either didn't notice or didn't care enough to do anything.  Then there is the issue of how she even obtained the gun (although there are millions of other ways for a person to kill themselves).  Don't attack my first amendment rights as a youth  to speak freely wherever and whenever because one girl killed herself.  

While the main isssue is in fact her mental state, it's obvious something is wrong in your head for you to take your own life, these media networks have become THE LIFE of today's youth, maybe the people in her life would have listened but she felt more connected to her online family and the fact that her cries for help were ignored was what put her over...maybe, who knows...this is the second suicide this week I've read of, the first one was this past tuesday, 14 year old came in through our Emergency Room after she hung herself, we tried to bring her back but she was far gone, she did it allegedly because of online bullying ONLINE!!!!!!!!....mother and father both nurses, older and younger brother, complete family...they had no idea of their daughters mental state....seriously, this has got to stop..Something has to edine to filter the use of these social mediums by such young kids.
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

These kids today are emotionally soft!!


Originally Posted by 951guero

No pitty for those that take their own lives smh


People can't handle real life and take the easy way out.

and why even post that online?
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by 951guero

No pitty for those that take their own lives smh
you must not know how bad it can get.
This. Depression/anxiety is no joke. Unless you've experience the clinical side of it, it's hard to speak on it. Obviously not condoning suicide but some people become desperate and literally believe they have no options. It's a crazy disease.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by ksteezy

This online media networks is destroying our youth, I'm convinced kids shouldn't be allowed on these social networks.

How are online media and social networks destroying our youth?  You can't put the websites at fault for allowing this girl to speak her mind.  The issue isn't with the websites, that is just skirting around the issue.  The issue is her mental state and the fact that no one in her real life either didn't notice or didn't care enough to do anything.  Then there is the issue of how she even obtained the gun (although there are millions of other ways for a person to kill themselves).  Don't attack my first amendment rights as a youth  to speak freely wherever and whenever because one girl killed herself.  

While the main isssue is in fact her mental state, it's obvious something is wrong in your head for you to take your own life, these media networks have become THE LIFE of today's youth, maybe the people in her life would have listened but she felt more connected to her online family and the fact that her cries for help were ignored was what put her over...maybe, who knows...this is the second suicide this week I've read of, the first one was this past tuesday, 14 year old came in through our Emergency Room after she hung herself, we tried to bring her back but she was far gone, she did it allegedly because of online bullying ONLINE!!!!!!!!....mother and father both nurses, older and younger brother, complete family...they had no idea of their daughters mental state....seriously, this has got to stop..Something has to edine to filter the use of these social mediums by such young kids.
This is where parents have to step up and be involved in their children's lives by pushing the family concept, and pushing the family support system.  I talking about set times for family members to expresses their feelings, exchange ideas, and
find out what's really going on outside of the safety of the house.  This can be done during dinners, breakfasts, or at any time when everyone is together.  Too many parents these days put a laptop, cable TV, and a playstation in their kids room and
let them spend their lives in their own room instead of sitting down with their children and building a relationship, and teaching them how to deal with problems.  Parents need to stop having kids and start raising kids. 
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by 951guero

No pitty for those that take their own lives smh


People can't handle real life and take the easy way out.

and why even post that online?

What real life is there really to handle at 17 though???...life hasn't even begun...no stress of how she's gonna feed her family, how she's gonna keep a roof over head, maintaining a job, others depending on you, she hasn't even entered college man....the fact that she posted the gun on twitter seems like a complete ultimate cry for attention, she wanted an audience to her suicide....this is insane, imagine the pain her lied ones must be going through...
No country for this.

There's people out here fighting hard as hell to even live, people out here with cancer, no home to live in or food to eat, and you go and end it all over what? Whatever it was that she was going through couldn't be that bad, she was only 17 for one, and her family wasn't doing bad at all from what i've read, etc.

Then again i'm not her, and don't have the full details as to her motives for what she did. But still...
Damn that must've been a bad break up, but shorty was only 17, cute, and pretty good financially. I've known people who wish they could have her life.

Maybe she had demons none of us could imagine RIP
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