I got a question or two Vol. What do you call us Christians that...

Dec 3, 2009
  • ...don't read the bible because it's full of altered opinions and hearsay?
  • ...don't go to church because it's crowded with followers, simpletons, and hypocrites?
  • ...don't believe Jesus was White or Black?
  • ...recognize the plagiarism that has taken place from faiths of old.?
  • ...are open to learning from any and all walks of faith, even NT's own Anton Lavey's brand of 'satanism'?
Originally Posted by thekryptonite


Aren't we all? The only people that aren't just aren't thinking about what they need to.
NON CHRISTIAN... plain and simple
Fail. I'm definitely a believe in Christ, just not the stories they tell about him. Well, not all of em. I just don't know which ones to distrust. All I know is that man is untrustworthy..
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by thekryptonite


Aren't we all? The only people that aren't just aren't thinking about what they need to.
NON CHRISTIAN... plain and simple
Fail. I'm definitely a believe in Christ, just not the stories they tell about him. Well, not all of em. I just don't know which ones to distrust. All I know is that man is untrustworthy..

Need to get in your prayer closet son.  Lets be real and call a Spade a Spade.

I feel you about Christ and wanting to believe but if you gonna go the route of Christ is the way, the truth, and the life you are gonna have to be all in or all out.
btw you would still categorize yourself as christian, correct?

just curious, why do you still adhere to some form of that religion or believe in god at all?

not trying to argue that you shouldn't or anything, it's just that i feel kind of the same way but it led me to be basically agnostic/ambivalent towards religion as a whole.

it's interesting to see how similar views led a person down a different road.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by thekryptonite


Aren't we all? The only people that aren't just aren't thinking about what they need to.
NON CHRISTIAN... plain and simple
Fail. I'm definitely a believe in Christ, just not the stories they tell about him. Well, not all of em. I just don't know which ones to distrust. All I know is that man is untrustworthy..

Need to get in your prayer closet son.  Lets be real and call a Spade a Spade.

I feel you about Christ and wanting to believe but if you gonna go the route of Christ is the way, the truth, and the life you are gonna have to be all in or all out.
I def. need to pray more. I believe, but I don't exercise my faith like I should. I'm not so sure Christ is "THE" way though. He's *MY* way, I know that much. But I think the trick is that there's more than one way to "beat the game". The trick is being true to YOUR faith....well... I think it is. I just can't see a lake of fire being filled up with people who didn't know any better,or better yet, didn't have a logical, fair chance at knowing any better. It's not a like a Muslim/Buddhist,what-have-you is just gonna up and abandoned their faith for a newer, flashier, more rewarding one. People don't pick their faiths, and if they did, they wouldn't pick em like how you pick out a car or an apartment or something. Right?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

btw you would still categorize yourself as christian, correct?

just curious, why do you still adhere to some form of that religion or believe in god at all?

not trying to argue that you shouldn't or anything, it's just that i feel kind of the same way but it led me to be basically agnostic/ambivalent towards religion as a whole.

it's interesting to see how similar views led a person down a different road.

It's almost too easy to not believe, that's all. The fact that there's so many reasons to just laugh at the concept of a higher power is mostly why I don't. This world makes too much sense to be random. Plus, most of what I believe to be right and just is akin to what people tell me God's will is supposed to be. Now, I'm not sure if God is a tangible single entity, and overlying concept, an intrinsic binding force, or any and everything in between -- what I do know is that nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Something had to put us here somehow. Primordial atoms aside, what made that? There has to be something that exists outside of physics as we understand it and those people that don't believe are bluepills.  They're too distracted by the !!#! in front of their eyes to "see" with the organ behind their eyes. One day, some scientist will find the "key" that unlocks the map of quantum mechanics in relation to the theory of relativity. Once that gap is bridged, we'll know exactly what God is. God is the impossible, realized and maybe even personified. Back to my matrix metaphore -- God is the unalterable fact of the matter that makes Neo (the Anomaly/ Jesus) possible in the first place. Jesus is the WHAT and God is the WHY to the question "What if?".
If you want to call yourself a Christian then that's between you and your God, its not my place to judge.

I applaud you for criticizing and attempting to understand your faith. I have experienced too many people who claim to be strong and devout Christians but fail to understand the history of their religion, as well as learning about other religions and faiths.

I won't criticize someone's religion but I can only hope they open themselves up to understanding it and furthering their knowledge of their own faith and others.
NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian, sorry slice, aint trying start anything here but Imma Christian and I used to question many things and doubt tons of practices but thats only because the enemy wants you to see it that way and steer away from the answers to all your questions THUS which are in the BIBLE... good luck though mayne, get some prayer time in there for real if you are really fighting with it and you find yourself questioning things...
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by thekryptonite


Aren't we all? The only people that aren't just aren't thinking about what they need to.
NON CHRISTIAN... plain and simple
Fail. I'm definitely a believe in Christ, just not the stories they tell about him. Well, not all of em. I just don't know which ones to distrust. All I know is that man is untrustworthy..

Need to get in your prayer closet son.  Lets be real and call a Spade a Spade.

I feel you about Christ and wanting to believe but if you gonna go the route of Christ is the way, the truth, and the life you are gonna have to be all in or all out.

QFT,,, couldnt have said it better and YES its either ALL or NOTHING.. but like I said bruh, get some prayer time in there and read the bible, alot of it may not make sense but if you ever get to that point then it doesnt hurt to ask a pastor or someone in the church who went to bible studies.. youd be amazed on how alot of your questions WILL get answered if youre really seeking them
Originally Posted by Vidasman

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian, sorry slice, aint trying start anything here but Imma Christian and I used to question many things and doubt tons of practices but thats only because the enemy wants you to see it that way and steer away from the answers to all your questions THUS which are in the BIBLE... good luck though mayne, get some prayer time in there for real if you are really fighting with it and you find yourself questioning things...
o you honestly believe in order to be like Christ I have to believe everything people say about Christ?  Jesus was himself a Jew... for Christ's sake. He didn't read the "Holy Bible".

QFT,,, couldnt have said it better and YES its either ALL or NOTHING.. but like I said bruh, get some prayer time in there and read the bible, alot of it may not make sense but if you ever get to that point then it doesnt hurt to ask a pastor or someone in the church who went to bible studies.. youd be amazed on how alot of your questions WILL get answered if youre really seeking them

Translation: "When I can't understand things about God, I have some arbitrary self ascribed "medium" tell me what to think and feel."

I'm cool...... I'd rather be confused until I figure it out myself.
I don't think you can call yourself a christian if you don't submit to more than you've admitted, you just wouldn't fit the mold of that religion. That's like acknowledging Allah and the prophet Mohammad, but never been to mosque, never read the Qu'ran. And you might be more Christ like than people like vidasman, who seem to just read the bible and question nothing, which is something i was taught to do in Roman Catholic school by a Roman Catholic priest. He seems to be the type of person you don't want to be like.

On another note

What's good with born again/new christians who didn't seek the church until they did something wrong/fell on hard times, trying to speak above some who's basically born into it, christianity was his lifestyle, but is now agnostic? Not that it makes them any less qualified to represent christianity, but it annoys me to no end.
Being indoctrinated at an early age, it's almost impossible for me not to call myself a Christian. It's as if the label is part of my biological makeup. Even though I have a lot of issues with religion period, not calling myself a Christian is like not calling myself my government. Yeah I could change my name, but at the end of the day I'm gonna know I was born Trav.

Btw, the Mormons have it right.
Don't let people tell you what to believe....what you are is what you are..I'm taking a class right now...Islam and Its Empires....and right now we're on Islamic mysticism...

its amazing how much man has smeared religion and spirituality...but I guess that's the gift and curse of creation and interpretation.

There is too much proof out there to be concerned about material religion....the power of one is felt throughout everything...and if you go to the back of your mind which is essentially a universe in itself, maybe you'll make some connections.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by Vidasman

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian, sorry slice, aint trying start anything here but Imma Christian and I used to question many things and doubt tons of practices but thats only because the enemy wants you to see it that way and steer away from the answers to all your questions THUS which are in the BIBLE... good luck though mayne, get some prayer time in there for real if you are really fighting with it and you find yourself questioning things...
o you honestly believe in order to be like Christ I have to believe everything people say about Christ?  Jesus was himself a Jew... for Christ's sake. He didn't read the "Holy Bible".

QFT,,, couldnt have said it better and YES its either ALL or NOTHING.. but like I said bruh, get some prayer time in there and read the bible, alot of it may not make sense but if you ever get to that point then it doesnt hurt to ask a pastor or someone in the church who went to bible studies.. youd be amazed on how alot of your questions WILL get answered if youre really seeking them

Translation: "When I can't understand things about God, I have some arbitrary self ascribed "medium" tell me what to think and feel."

I'm cool...... I'd rather be confused until I figure it out myself.

ACTUALLY youre not cool my friend.. seems like you got alot of issues going on and thats realness we all go through. Like I said im not tryin to get in a arguement here, YOU ASKED a QUESTION and you got my answer.. Im not saying if youre confused on something then to go to the bible looking for that SPECIFIC answer to whatever it is youre looking for. Im saying  THAT PRAYER and READING your bible more will help you find ways to deal and the more you get into it, the more it becomes easier to understand the word... WHO knows just because something was written way back when doesnt mean God wont talk to you now..
Originally Posted by Homer

I don't think you can call yourself a christian if you don't submit to more than you've admitted, you just wouldn't fit the mold of that religion.
And I don't think my calling myself a Christian has anything to do with why other people call themselves the same or what they do in the name of their faith. That's them. I'm me. I'm a Christian because I believe in being more like my idea of Christ. I don't claim a denomination because all those stupid adjectives serve only to segregate and distract people away from the purpose of having faith. It ain't about who's down with you, it's about what you're down for.. Just like rap fans are only a reflection of hip-hop culture, the people that claim to be Christians are only a reflection of Christian ideals; not the ideal themselves. The ideals are what they are, independent of whosoever goes in the name of possessing them.
Originally Posted by Vidasman

NOT that hard to understand at all.. CHRISTIANITY is basically CHRIST LIKE bruhh.. you either FULLY believe everything the bible has to say or you dont and if you dont, then you arent Christ like therefore = Youre not really a Christian, sorry slice, aint trying start anything here but Imma Christian and I used to question many things and doubt tons of practices but thats only because the enemy wants you to see it that way and steer away from the answers to all your questions THUS which are in the BIBLE... good luck though mayne, get some prayer time in there for real if you are really fighting with it and you find yourself questioning things...
So Jesus was Christian? Jesus worshipped himself? Jesus read about himself? Alot of people dont believe in the holy trinity but they try to live Christ-Like. 

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Btw, the Mormons have it right.
My point exactly. Somebody gets it dammit. South Park is so *++$%++ on point at times.
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi[/color]
Word up!

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