I got an Asus Notebook over a Macbook was this a good idea

I think one of the reasons people tend to go towards apple and Macbooks are because they are so user-friendly. Everything is just laid out for you and simple. When I feel PC's tend to be more confusing. I have a Dell PC Desktop, and a Macbook Pro laptop. I love both, but both have their problems. Both get the job done in their own way. But the thing is I think many people go towards Macs because of the virus issue. More people have PC's that it is a better target for virus makers. It's easier for PC's to get viruses, VERY easy actually. It's very rare that your macbook comes up with a virus, especially a very serious one that could crash your computer. I'm paying for Norton on my desktop, while you don't necessarily need any antivirus on a mac. Just my 2 cents.

Windows based laptops and desktops still own 90% of the market.

That's why it's easier to get viruses.

Sorta funny, but these same people who buy macs are still downloading all of those viruses. They just can't be ran on that operating system.

People will spend 2 grand on a macbook pro to then compare it to the 300 dollar acer that failed on them. Where's the logic in that...

That's what I just said. The market is so filled with the cheaper PC's that the viruses are made towards their OS.
Can't compare the two

Yeah you can...

MBP ******** on everything though.. I don't EEEEEM care about specs... Its a damn laptop...

Not like I'm building a rig.

Mid 2012 15in MBP + upgraded ram/HDD/Processor + Bootcamp = **** your **** bruh. I'm swaggy :x :smokin 8)
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I was talking about a desktop but anyways you can build a laptop if you have the right amount of money.

Lil man.

I know you can build a desktop, I'm posting this from one I built. However, laptops and desktops are two different beasts, not sure how you can compare the two.
To be honest, I feel like most of the people who were hating on Apple products have finally converted. Yeah they are overpriced but I have yet to run into a problem with mine. I bought it for school and at this rate, I expect it to last for a few years after I graduate. Without sounding like a doucher, Apple makes one of the best (if not the best) electronic products out there. Period. If you're willing to spend the extra money, you will get a quality product that you won't be dissapointed with. 
Do MacBooks still have those battery problems where it won't hold a charge longer than 20 mins after a year or so? And this doesn't have to do with the last sentence at all but what's a good price for a used MB Air? I've seen a few on Craigslist for under $600 in the past couple weeks. One dude even has one for $250 but he's saying it needs a new motherboard-to-hard drive cable. Not sure if that's a big time fix or not but it's enticing.
My 15" MBP from February 2011 loads fully like 80+% of the time at 100% and sometimes at 99%. If I'm just writing an essay, making a presentation or working on a spreadsheet in Excel and I turn off the AirPort (Wi-Fi) I get about 8 hours of battery time (Didn't use the AirPort because there weren't any available networks). I know this because I went to a Jack in the Box at about 3pm and I left at about 10pm and it still had considerable amount of battery life left (They didn't have an AC outlet for the customers). And that's after playing music on iTunes for about a 70 minute bus ride. The screen went dark though a couple of minutes after I chose my music. (I didn't have my iPhone with me at the time so I had to compensate 
) If I'm online, browsing the internet or streaming on Netflix the battery lasts for about 4+ hours - I was on NikeTalk, FaceBook and other websites for 2+ hours and I watched a movie (Everything Must Go) and an anime (Street Fighter II: V) - the movie and the anime probably lasted about 2 hours. I know because the power adapter that came with the laptop that I had with me failed right before I left the library, and, after being somewhat fully loaded I took a bus ride for about 70 minutes and played music on iTunes again and then went to a McDonalds that had free Wi-Fi at about 3pm and it shut down totally at about 7pm after I surfed the web and streamed instantly on Netflix. The MBP that I bought had better battery time than the 15" models that were released later online, though. I don't know how it compares to the current MBP's and the retina model's batteries.

I bought my MBP with an upgraded RAM, Hard Drive and antiglare display for about $2,300 over the phone - and it was, and still is, worth it. I also bought a 13" MBP with an upgraded Processor, RAM and Hard Drive in April 2010 (Didn't upgrade to an antiglare display because at the time, customers couldn't upgrade to better displays when purchasing laptops in Apple stores (Don't know if customers can upgrade to better displays presently)) for about $1300 including a 120GB Apple iPod Classic that I sold used for about $160 - at the time they were also giving out 8GB iPod touches for free but I paid the extra $20 for the iPod. It also included a $100 printer which I mailed in a rebate for $100 - and later sold brand new on eBay for $20 after shipping. So it came out to be about $1140. 

I've used PCs since I was 9 until I was 20 when I bought a MBP - never used a Mac before other than in middle school. I still use my HP laptop but only because I installed Parallels on my MBP with a trial of Windows 8 and it slowed down a little so instead, I uninstalled it and just use the PC laptop for Windows programs. The OS X interface is a lot better and I prefer it over any released Windows OS. 

As for OP, post them specs, I want to know what you got for $400.
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i've had a macbook for years after using windows computers my entire life. when you compare specs, PCs can be had with identical specs of a Mac for half to two-thirds of the price. With that being said, the difference lies in the operating system's details. Mac OS X is much more user-friendly, provides feedback while the system is working while maintaining a very clean, simple user interface while hiding all of the "messy" (to the average user) background processes.

I think this pretty much sums it up. Everything is laid out well and is easy to find in Macs. Windows is a bit messier.

I've always used Windows or a some flavor of Unix. In the summer, I had to use a Mac for about a month when I was developing an iOS app. Barring the fact that Mac OS X is Unix based (which I like), I didn't really see what the big deal was. It's clean, simple, and approachable. However, if discrete graphics or price-to-performance is important to you, you'll want a PC. You can get Lenovo w/ quad-core processor and discrete graphics for around $500-600 (check slickdeals from time to time). You can buy a Z580 w/ an i7, 6gb Ram, and an nVidia GT630M for about $600. For $1000 on Amazon, the cheapest Macbook has an i5, Intel integrated graphics, and 4gigs of ram. There's really no comparison, spec-wise. You'll always find better hardware for cheaper in PCs. However, the build quality is usually the tradeoff . Macbooks tend to be lighter, and easier on battery. When I used a Mac, I felt like it was solid and sturdy. My Lenovo is a bit plasticy and somewhat flimsy, though the build quality is miles ahead of the last gen Lenovo I had.

If you care about being "cool", simplicity/ease of use, or if you're a Unix head, get a Mac. Else, a PC with better specs costs quite a bit less. Keep in mind, you can run a Windows VM on a Mac, and you can run a Mac VM on Windows (with some fudging). I need something with lots of processing power. I do quite a bit of 3d modeling and game coding, so I need a powerhouse. I don't really care if it's shiny and user friendly. I want performance, and if you shop around, you'll find that PCs (spec-wise) are quite a bit better for a lot less money.

Hope that helps
Seriously though, if you ever previously owned a macbook you'd never even consider the asus
The cheapest Macbook starts at $999. You really think a $400 laptop is going to compare?

LMAO this is the problem with people, not apple. Can't hate the player,when the game layin it that easy for them.

Apple be reading statements like this and just be like...... :evil:
not at all, macbooks last 2-3x longer than a regular laptop...
my macbook runs the exact and i kid you not the exact same as the day i turned it on and this is about to be 4 years later next month.

i havent gotten a new battery in 4 years but obviously with how many cycles ive put on my macbook :smh: the battery will run out in 30 minutes.
but with 3 people in the house using it as pretty much the main computer, running all day and night for 4 years. the things this thing has gone through and still runs brand new. cant be beat IMO.
if i had extra cash id get a new one just for myself and let my brother take this one.

My $450 PC laptop is 7 years old, I've only upgraded the ram once, and I am a hardcore gamer, and do programming too. So what's your point?

I have never replaced my battery either and it can maintain charge for several hours when fully charged.

I just don't understand why people faking the funk. You buy apple cause its pretty and has utility which you like. That's all. But, don't try to say it's better than a PC especially for the price you paid for.

They are good machines, but very limited. If that doesn't matter to you and you just want something aesthetically pretty, then apple is your brand. Well, if you got it like that lol.

I have a few apple products too so I ain't just hating.

Apple products are smooth, but as a gamer, programmer, and someone who likes to manage their money and get the BEST deal, I will always be a PC.
not at all, macbooks last 2-3x longer than a regular laptop...
my macbook runs the exact and i kid you not the exact same as the day i turned it on and this is about to be 4 years later next month.

i havent gotten a new battery in 4 years but obviously with how many cycles ive put on my macbook :smh: the battery will run out in 30 minutes.
but with 3 people in the house using it as pretty much the main computer, running all day and night for 4 years. the things this thing has gone through and still runs brand new. cant be beat IMO.
if i had extra cash id get a new one just for myself and let my brother take this one.
My $450 PC laptop is 7 years old, I've only upgraded the ram once, and I am a hardcore gamer, and do programming too. So what's your point?

I have never replaced my battery either and it can maintain charge for several hours when fully charged.

I just don't understand why people faking the funk. You buy apple cause its pretty and has utility which you like. That's all. But, don't try to say it's better than a PC especially for the price you paid for.

They are good machines, but very limited. If that doesn't matter to you and you just want something aesthetically pretty, then apple is your brand. Well, if you got it like that lol.

I have a few apple products too so I ain't just hating.

[COLOR=#red]Apple products are smooth[/COLOR], but as a gamer, programmer, and someone who likes to manage their money and get the BEST deal, I will always be a PC.

get ya gwap ^ & cop da macbook dat u noe u obviously wunt


No matter what you say, in the computer world, it's all about the damn specs son. The only reason a lot of people don't really like apple is because of the overpriced hardware, sometimes OLD HARDWARE at that. I got a dollar that a bunch of y a'll don't really use your damn specs. Coppin i7's for internet browsin when the i5 3570k is more than enough to handle all your duties. Pure aesthetics and there's nothing wrong with that, but the fanboyism like macbooks are the second coming of christ is where the disgusting faces come from.
I have a ASUS U46SM-DS51, and I got it for about $800 and I'm in love with it. I could play Diablo 3 on high settings too. I tried using Macs but it wasn't my cup of tea, I have been Windows OS all my life and I'm smart enough not to get any viruses or anything. I believe it's all personal preference when deciding between a MacBook or a Laptop with Windows.

Here are the specs of my laptop:

Intel Core_i5_2450M Processor 2.5GHz
750GB 5400rpm Hard Drive
14-Inch Screen, Nvidia GT 1GB 630M
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Whenever I'm getting a new laptop, I'm getting an Asus based on specs and pricing. Baleedat
Im mostly using my notebook for school work and adobe photoshop I plan on upgrading after this semster to the Asus Zenbook and giving my brother this laptop shortly after.I dont like how rigid a macbook is as far as programming and customization.I plan on doing more with my next laptop like putting serato on it shortly after. This right here is just to hold me over for my current classes .Macbooks are nice but they really arent for me probably .Whats the best asus on the market right now.
Im mostly using my notebook for school work and adobe photoshop I plan on upgrading after this semster to the Asus Zenbook and giving my brother this laptop shortly after.I dont like how rigid a macbook is as far as programming and customization.I plan on doing more with my next laptop like putting serato on it shortly after. This right here is just to hold me over for my current classes .Macbooks are nice but they really arent for me probably .Whats the best asus on the market right now.

But most DJs that use serato have a macbook...
Im mostly using my notebook for school work and adobe photoshop I plan on upgrading after this semster to the Asus Zenbook and giving my brother this laptop shortly after.I dont like how rigid a macbook is as far as programming and customization.I plan on doing more with my next laptop like putting serato on it shortly after. This right here is just to hold me over for my current classes .Macbooks are nice but they really arent for me probably .Whats the best asus on the market right now.
If you're looking for something thin and light, the Zenbook Prime is an awesome choice. It doesn't have the trackpad of the MBA, but the screen is really good and it's priced competitively.
I have a Acer laptop, it'll be 2 years this November, the first 6 months of ownership the motherboard died on me, :lol:. I hate this POS. I want a Macbook, I will copp one too very soon.
I have a Acer laptop, it'll be 2 years this November, the first 6 months of ownership the motherboard died on me, :lol:. I hate this POS. I want a Macbook, I will copp one too very soon.

I switched over this year Boost... Eight years of windows laptops. 4 Computers in 8 years...

Glad I made the switch... I hope I don't ever have to look back..

I love Windows 7 though, so of course, I'm running bootcamp on this beast :pimp:
It's scientifically proven that apple computer owners get more yambs

there was a study done on it
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