I Guess Birdman's Son Doesn't Have Cookies?

Put it this way, when you argue with yo, have you ever won with an emotional response? nah, she got you when you start feeling like you gotta puff yo chest. You let this win this round. Came in the room, 10 goons, puffing your chest instead of a boss like demeanor.
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Birdman would take the L any way you slice it because of how things are these days.

He can't put his hands on any of them without a lawsuit so they can do whatever they want with no Ls taken.

Bird man should have just not shown up or not been so emotional when he wanted to "set them straight."
Angela Yee could get it..easy.

Long and hard

This is funnier than the actual video :rofl: the head movements and Yee's face

Yee's face was the icing on the cake...that sums up majority of the viewers reactions to that tirade.

After listening to the interview, seems birdman came to check them. He sat down moving forward to the start interview but CTG goes yelling "yeah he cussed us out".

Baby tried to hold his composure but CTG kept instagating...

Don't blame him

Why yall acting Like CTG is the one in the wrong here? Birdman came up to a scheduled interview with 6 or 7 goons. He had people call in advance to make sure that CTG would be there. Then he begins to berate them and say all the nonsense he was saying about respect. All they are doing is reporting on what his own artists say about him, and what is in the news. Why is he so butt hurt off of **** that he allows to happen. Nobody told him to kiss Wayne in the mouth. Nobody told him say or do suspect things that were borderline homo.

Cameras were rolling, how could they not address that during the interview? It would have came out anyway. Besides, he wanted the drama and the attention.
He made a big production out of it, so why wouldn't they address it? You expect them to start an interview with all that hostility and act like nothing happened? Now if Birdman would have done what he claimed and spoke to them straight up during the interview then I could say he handled it like he was supposed to. He didn't even say what the issue was? He lost because he tried to use fear and intimidation, and he ended up looking like the fool.

Not sure how you can make that assumption.

I am simply saying they COULD HAVE went on with some form of an interview if CTG didn't make the cussed us out comments. That sent Baby over the edge.

Baby came in over the edge already. He rehearsed that whole production, and thought they would just bow down and say my bad Birdman, and he would be running the interview like he king ****. His plan backfired and he ended up looking like the herb.

Birdman was gon put them paws on him

No the hell he wasn't...why would he do it in a crowded room with cameras? Especially when he claims he saw dude numerous times outside but never approached him? That is the other thing I don't get. If he saw dude out there why not step to him as a man then, and say hey I don't appreciate the **** you saying about me on your show? and set dude straight there? I don't even know why he got issues with Yee, all she does is report the news like every other radio show and television show who deal with hip hop news. She isn't making **** up on her own. Even Envy I don't get b/c he just the cosign *****. He laughs at what is said, but never really goes after anyone. CTG is the one who really repeats the **** and makes jokes. Which again isn't his fault if your own people are airing you out.

He tried to be hard for the cameras and he failed. If he stepped to dude outside not enough people would see. He looking for likes from the internet, he wan't people to think he gangsta.

Nope, they handled it how they should have. Birdman didn't go up there thinking they were gonna have an "organic" interview, the 10 dudes behind him and the way he popped off before the interview even started should've told you that.

Exactly! Dude really thought he was going to have them shook, and he was going to run the interview. CTG feeds off of your vibe. If dude came in there regular CTG would have started the interview normal with a joke or something, maybe even ask if he had an issue with the things he has said about him. They could have talked it out and been done with it. By him coming up there like a tough guy he opened that door. And I still don't see how him saying we just got cussed out is him snitching or making things worse :smh:

So style p did the same thing

Tapes about to start popping up now :lol:

Styles P was dolo for one. Number two, he was there for an interview not to pop off. When he heard them mention his name in a manner he didn't think was appropriate, he handled it right there and then.

No comparison between him and Birdman. Birdman wishes he had the ability to shut **** down the way Styles P did in that room Styles wasn't looking for attention, he saw something he didn't like and addressed right away. Birdman waited years, plotting how he gonna show TBC to respect him. Passed up opportunities to confront CTG because it wasn't "gangsta", :smh:. ***** please.

So, you would've got checked and did the interview like nothing happened?


Word. Where they come up with they ****?

You'd be surprised how many times they get "checked" before interviews. Artist come up there and explicitly tell them not to mention this or that etc. Cameras aren't rolling, interview proceeds as normal.

This was just strange because of how baby did it, and they had the cameras rolling. CTG could've worked the confrontation somewhere later in the interview. But I understand him doing it. Tension was high, he knew baby was still mad, and the reaction would be gold.

If CTG made the remarks about baby cussing them out a few minutes down the line in the interview after Baby cooled off, it likely woulda been a tamer reaction.

Yall can't act like CTG was wrong though. If they are expecting an interview to be done and they get the BS that they did, why wouldn't they address it? Baby changed the whole dynamic of the interview and the direction it should have gone in. You can't make that kind of a scene and expect it to go ignored until it suits you. People defending a man who obviously doesn't like or isn't good at confrontation. You have to give TBC crew their props b/c they addressed it straight up. You come up to our station with your goons, got ****** sitting in chairs next to the hosts when they aren't even a part of the interview and we supposed to act like **** is all good?

If Charlamagne did that, everyone of yall caping for birdman would be calling him ***** and saying how he aint talking **** now blah blah blah. CTG will be wrong in most of yall eyes no matter what he does.
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Evetybody keeps saying goons, those are his new artists under Rich Gang. He mention them and introduce them in an other interview. .

Fredro got in his feelings
Diddy got in his feelings
Kayne ignored him :lol:

The list keeps going on
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I don't listen to their show, nor do I find gossipin asss men on the radio funny.
Dash told them cats to get off the radio with all that old women on the porch gossipin, but they fought him tooth and nail.

Now you got a cat that's certified in the streets telling you he basically had a hit out on you but he let you make it; and you wanna bring up other people's names.
This same man agrees to do business with you (an interview that gets the show ratings and revenue), despite his dislike of how you slander his name and reputation.

But because you're such a broad and don't see the error in your ways, the interview starts and you immediately begin doing the same exact crap he asked you not to do.
Then the same person contacts you to make good on the situation, and you blow them off like they were the one slandering your name on the radio, while you simultaneously admit to personally knowing nothing at all about the person you are slandering and speaking vile about.

Sometimes you can get too full of yourself, and it's obvious that trio of individuals has let their success cloud there judgment.

Their job is to gossip though. Baby came up there 10 deep trying to intimidate 3 radio hosts, how is that not a broad move?

Baby is a certified street cat, why didn't he pull up on CTG when he saw him at "a few different spots" if there was a real problem? He knew the cameras was rolling the moment he walked in, even if CTG didn't say "Baby just cussed us out" once they went on air, we still would've saw the visual footage of the interview. Envy was trying to hurry up and get things started because they wanted to catch as much as they could, hence the reason he kept saying "let's do it on the air."

We don't even know why Baby is mad, they been saying the same exact thing his artist and other people in the industry say, why is he so upset at them though? CTG asked him what his angle was and he didn't even have a legit answer for that question.

And what's wrong with him bringing up other people's names? Those same people came on their show and made those statements, it wasn't like CTG pulled them out of thin air. Trick and Ross basically called Baby out, did he pull up on those dudes 10 deep? Nah.

During a performance at the Legends of Southern Hip Hop Concert in Jacksonville, Fla., Daddy Dollas took some time out of his show to react to Stunna’s now infamous sit-down. “Was y’all watching The Breakfast Club, y’all hear that **** this morning?,” he asked the crowd. “All tree of ya,” he added mocking Birdman’s rant.
I got one comment,” he added right before setting off into his 1998 hit “Nann *****.”

A certified street cat still taking shots but Birdman was/is mad at the Breakfast Club for doing their job?

I don't really watch or listen to their show too often but from I saw on Friday, Baby went overboard. I do appreciate the internet comedy he provided us with tho :lol:
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Evetybody keeps saying goons, those are his new artists under Rich Gang. He mention them and introduce them in an other interview. Looked like same dude.

Fredro got in his feelings
Diddy got in his feelings
Kayne ignored him :lol:

The list keeps going on

Now that is even worse. If dude would have came in there like a business man maybe those of us who don't listen to his music would know what he is promoting. He missed an opportunity to promote his music and his new artist because he threw a tantrum over something stupid.

Had he sat down and during the interview say I need get something off my chest, then talk like a man it would have been over and done with. With artists would get some shine and more people would know about them. At the end of the day you can't deny the amount of people the breakfast club reaches. Instead of turning that moment into business opportunities for his crew, it is all about him and memes. He played himself again.
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Birdman would take the L any way you slice it because of how things are these days.

He can't put his hands on any of them without a lawsuit so they can do whatever they want with no Ls taken.

Bird man should have just not shown up or not been so emotional when he wanted to "set them straight."

You do realize they wouldn't have much to say about Birdman if he would've just paid his artists, right? Furthermore, even if he could put his hands on them without a lawsuit then guess what? HE HAS A HEAD TOO! That's how a lot of dudes get shot thinking they can bully anyone.
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I thought this was funny, somebody on youtube pointed out the respect the vote shirt behind Baby.
Birdman would take the L any way you slice it because of how things are these days.

He can't put his hands on any of them without a lawsuit so they can do whatever they want with no Ls taken.

Bird man should have just not shown up or not been so emotional when he wanted to "set them straight."

You do realize they wouldn't have much to say about Birdman if he would've just paid his artists, right? Furthermore, even if he could put his hands on them without a lawsuit then guess what? HE HAS A HEAD TOO! That's how a lot of dudes get shot thinking they can bully anyone.

:lol: I'm not defending dude at all so get off of that "you do realize" stuff like I'm dumb or something.

The breakfast club wouldn't be putting hits out on dude man.
:lol: I'm not defending dude at all so get off of that "you do realize" stuff like I'm dumb or something.

The breakfast club wouldn't be putting hits out on dude man.

Your post definitely came off as you trying to blame his L on "how things are these days" and because "he can't put his hands on any of them without a lawsuit" instead of the way he conducts himself.

Keep thinking that, man. Only so much intimidation and bullying you can do before someone snaps.
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If Birdman wants some respeck on his name maybe he should start by paying his artists and earning that respect.
:lol: I'm not defending dude at all so get off of that "you do realize" stuff like I'm dumb or something.

The breakfast club wouldn't be putting hits out on dude man.

Your post definitely came off as you trying to blame his L on "how things are these days" and because "he can't put his hands on any of them without a lawsuit" instead of the way he conducts himself.

Keep thinking that, man. Only so much intimidation and bullying you can do before someone snaps.

You are just being sensitive for whatever reason and you missed the point.

I'm old school and what I'm mentioning isn't bullying. Dudes just do go running their mouths about other dudes business. That wouldn't fly back and the day.

Making a dude keep my name out of his mouth never meant bullying back in the day.
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The city have mixed feelings about the situation
I dont know about the rest, but me made a mockery of himself. Him and all 7 of his booty goons. One thing is for sure, aint no coming back from this. Album or no album, his relevance went down faster than young thug in the limo. 
You are just being sensitive for whatever reason and you missed the point.

I'm old school and what I'm mentioning isn't bullying. Dudes just do go running their mouths about other dudes business. That wouldn't fly back and the day.

Making a dude keep my name out of his mouth never meant bullying back in the day.

Yeah, alright, go after the radio hosts while all these other artists are still running their mouths about you and daring you to come see them :lol:.
I dont know about the rest, but me made a mockery of himself. Him and all 7 of his booty goons. One thing is for sure, aint no coming back from this. Album or no album, his relevance went down faster than young thug in the limo. 

You are just being sensitive for whatever reason and you missed the point.

I'm old school and what I'm mentioning isn't bullying. Dudes just do go running their mouths about other dudes business. That wouldn't fly back and the day.

Making a dude keep my name out of his mouth never meant bullying back in the day.

Yeah, alright, go after the radio hosts while all these other artists are still running their mouths about you and daring you to come see them :lol:.

:lol: I'm saying tho.... I'm not defending birdmans actions at all. I originally stated he was in L territory and it remains the same.
This payback for all them years my childhood favorite rapper (B.G.) shouldered all that Cash Money load. My woadie dropped like 5 albums from age 14-19 years old. Now he canned up.

Payback by way of the Baby Gangsta :pimp:
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