I honestly feel sorry for people who don't have access to In-N-Out Burger.

In-N-Out is sooooooo trash.
Shake Shack >
More like people who can afford a real burger.

In N Out is basura.
Generally, the first thing someone mentions when it comes to comparing In-N-Out, what most people swear by solely isn't the flavor, the taste, the ingredients, but only the value.

Additionally, when it comes to these said people talking about their experience at Shake Shack, or even Five Guys, the complaint isn't the food per say, rather the complaint I hear all the time is the price. It is possible for someone to force themselves to like something solely based off lower prices. Heck, this is the one place that people genuinely argue about tipping so I can't say I'm surprised it's all about value...
don't you see? practically all burgers have their place.

BK/Rally Checker's/In-n-Out is good when you have $10 and a craving, Shake Shack/5 Guys/BurgerFi is good on pay week. that truck downtown? good burgers. the spot around the way? good burgers. that place with the $50 grass fed godcattle burger that I saw on the Food Channel? bet it's good, not that good tho.

most are good, some are great. very few are actively bad...the burger is simply an outstanding food.

the important thing is that none of us are vegan.
I refuse to listen to people's fast food comparisons after hearing raising canes is better than cfa. Raising canes literally has no flavor and that can't be argued. It's legit seasonless. It's fresh as hell tho. But nah.
I don't know about ya'll but if you're in NY and still eating at chain fast food joints for burgers, you're doing something wrong.
Will be in Dallas in 3 weeks and In-N-Out will be my first stop when I get in and my last before I leave. The only thing about Cali I miss. F what everybody else talmbout.
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