I just yelled at my boss... Update on pg 8

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

going to HR b/c a boss talked to you in mean way within earshot of other people?....seriously?

I see what you mean, but there's definitely a line between talking mean to someone and being unprofessionally disrespectful.

I feel like no matter what position one is in in the office, they should respect others.
what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

going to HR b/c a boss talked to you in mean way within earshot of other people?....seriously?

I see what you mean, but there's definitely a line between talking mean to someone and being unprofessionally disrespectful.

I feel like no matter what position one is in in the office, they should respect others.
what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

its 2011. you cannot "completely degrade" another employee. i work at a bulge bracket investment bank and I have never seen another employee dressed down directly within earshot of others. that would never fly. don't care what your job title is. this isn't about what is politically correct / being soft. that is harrassment. people have been fired/sued for less
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

Yeah what I meant was that I treat both those in positions above and below me (if there ever was any) with equal amounts of respect.

I'm not arguing against your case either, but there is a line between being corrected harshly and being treated like a teenager.

I mean, at what point would comments from your boss cross the line? What would a boss have to say/do in order for you to say that's enough and even though you're in a higher position than me, we're both people and I'm not taking that from you anymore?
Originally Posted by TheWatcher1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by scshift

I see what you mean, but there's definitely a line between talking mean to someone and being unprofessionally disrespectful.

I feel like no matter what position one is in in the office, they should respect others.
what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

its 2011. you cannot "completely degrade" another employee. i work at a bulge bracket investment bank and I have never seen another employee dressed down directly within earshot of others. that would never fly. don't care what your job title is. this isn't about what is politically correct / being soft. that is harrassment. people have been fired/sued for less
it's 2011.. and people are soft.
She was in her office and her door was open...it's not like she paraded him outside and yelled at him to purposely make a public spectacle

and no.. that's not harrassment.. harrassment entails repeat behavior.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by TheWatcher1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

its 2011. you cannot "completely degrade" another employee. i work at a bulge bracket investment bank and I have never seen another employee dressed down directly within earshot of others. that would never fly. don't care what your job title is. this isn't about what is politically correct / being soft. that is harrassment. people have been fired/sued for less
it's 2011.. and people are soft.
She was in her office and her door was open...it's not like she paraded him outside and yelled at him to purposely make a public spectacle

and no.. that's not harrassment.. harrassment entails repeat behavior.
She used profanity though, and she got caught feelings when he retorted.
Being "soft" is letting your uppers talk to you crazy like you don't deserve respect.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

Yeah what I meant was that I treat both those in positions above and below me (if there ever was any) with equal amounts of respect.

I'm not arguing against your case either, but there is a line between being corrected harshly and being treated like a teenager.

I mean, at what point would comments from your boss cross the line? What would a boss have to say/do in order for you to say that's enough and even though you're in a higher position than me, we're both people and I'm not taking that from you anymore?
I don't know my threshold...but what I do know is that I wouldn't go off half cocked and explode at them.
I'd just walk away.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

delete the project, throw up the deuce

this had me 

anyways, i agree with dirty on this one. if this is the first time she disrespected you, i would just let it go. if she continues to do stuff like this, that's when i would take action and contact HR. 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by TheWatcher1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by scshift

I see what you mean, but there's definitely a line between talking mean to someone and being unprofessionally disrespectful.

I feel like no matter what position one is in in the office, they should respect others.
what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

its 2011. you cannot "completely degrade" another employee. i work at a bulge bracket investment bank and I have never seen another employee dressed down directly within earshot of others. that would never fly. don't care what your job title is. this isn't about what is politically correct / being soft. that is harrassment. people have been fired/sued for less
it's 2011.. and people are soft.
She was in her office and her door was open...it's not like she paraded him outside and yelled at him to purposely make a public spectacle

and no.. that's not harrassment.. harrassment entails repeat behavior.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by TheWatcher1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by scshift

I see what you mean, but there's definitely a line between talking mean to someone and being unprofessionally disrespectful.

I feel like no matter what position one is in in the office, they should respect others.
what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?

its 2011. you cannot "completely degrade" another employee. i work at a bulge bracket investment bank and I have never seen another employee dressed down directly within earshot of others. that would never fly. don't care what your job title is. this isn't about what is politically correct / being soft. that is harrassment. people have been fired/sued for less
it's 2011.. and people are soft.
She was in her office and her door was open...it's not like she paraded him outside and yelled at him to purposely make a public spectacle

and no.. that's not harrassment.. harrassment entails repeat behavior.

did u even read the op? he was "completely degrade". don't care what your technical definition of harrassment is. you can be sued / fired for that behavior. lol at a co-worker getting in someone's face in an office setting.

the only soft behavior here is a manager berating a subordinate. as if hiding behind the chain of command takes guts. a real manager has a commanding presence. things get done without resorting to this. an intern reporting a superior's inappropriate behavior is the exact opposite of being soft.

says alot about someone for even bringing up softness about workplace behavior.
Smh shoulda keep your cool .Jobs is hard to find nowadays and *+# like that can leave a bad mark on your record
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

going to HR b/c a boss talked to you in mean way within earshot of other people?....seriously?

I see what you mean, but there's definitely a line between talking mean to someone and being unprofessionally disrespectful.

I feel like no matter what position one is in in the office, they should respect others.
what you feel and what you think should happen in an office is different that what actually happens in offices.
so OP got dressed down while people could hear.. that happens 

he got a snide mark sent his way by his boss.. that happens too

but to go to HR? really? for that?
I mean, its really about controlling the situation not running and telling like you're implying. Regardless of how thick or thin OP's skin is, if he feels his JOB IS IN DANGER then he needs to defend himself. End of story.
Originally Posted by TheWatcher1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by TheWatcher1

its 2011. you cannot "completely degrade" another employee. i work at a bulge bracket investment bank and I have never seen another employee dressed down directly within earshot of others. that would never fly. don't care what your job title is. this isn't about what is politically correct / being soft. that is harrassment. people have been fired/sued for less
it's 2011.. and people are soft.
She was in her office and her door was open...it's not like she paraded him outside and yelled at him to purposely make a public spectacle

and no.. that's not harrassment.. harrassment entails repeat behavior.

did u even read the op? he was "completely degrade". don't care what your technical definition of harrassment is. you can be sued / fired for that behavior. lol at a co-worker getting in someone's face in an office setting.

the only soft behavior here is a manager berating a subordinate. as if hiding behind the chain of command takes guts. a real manager has a commanding presence. things get done without resorting to this. an intern reporting a superior's inappropriate behavior is the exact opposite of being soft.

says alot about someone for even bringing up softness about workplace behavior.
it's the corporate world, nobody cares about the intern.  HR is going to side with an upper over an easily replaceable intern ANY day.

what kind of weight does an intern hold, honestly?

you can make reports with HR all day, that's just going to give your uppers more leverage to drop you.

it's 2011 in the corporate world where jobs are scarce, swallow your pride, maintain your professionalism, clock out and get your money.

if you want to talk cute all day, find a job at the disney parks.

some of yall have some cute perspectives of the corporate world on that "nobody can ever say mean hurty things to you".  can't wait to see you actually get into the corporate world.  HR isn't going to be your 1st grade teacher you tattle-tale to.
thing is most people don't have a clue what's it like to work in the corporate world

most people on here are working in some shoe store or other retail store

and completely agree with nobody cares about the intern
Originally Posted by you go boy

good for you for standing up for yourself... some people are sheep and just go with the flow instead of defending themselves...for future reference and to keep your job sometimes you have to bite your tongue even if you are right... its just the way corporate works... and like others said go to HR

Originally Posted by plantaXmagica

lol when i worked i yelled at my boss, it costed me been suspended and getting fired XD

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Being "soft" is letting your uppers talk to you crazy like you don't deserve respect.


I hate people who dont have self respect
Well now you've got the Gordon Gekko guys who seemingly knows everything corporate and the rest

My advice? Talk to someone close to you first. Then weigh their opinion against yours.
Dirty, what would it take for Method Man to say about you in a thread before you report one of his posts?
natelav129 wrote:
No longer could I take it and without even thinking I begin to insult her knowledge of what I'm working on, her inability to give direction, and my business-like facade is gone.

Are you Caucasian ?
If so, don't worry bout it.
Yesterday after this all went down I contacted my internship representative (I'm a part of an intern program) and told her what happened.

Of course, she wasn't happy at all that I got blasted like that, and though she told me what I didn't wasnt the smartest, she understood.

Her suggestion was to speak with HR, or possibly another department head, to either switch departments or find another supervisor.

The funny thing is, my supervisor is completely playing that "brush it off" card today and has tried to be cool acting like nothing happened.

I fixed the problem we had with the site, so at this point i'm not really sure if I just don't even bother or try to make a move first.

This was a one time deal, but I'm not sure if it could easily happen again......

So, should I act like a little %!*## and move on, or do I get away from this %!*## with the quickness?
Um smooth things out with her. It's August 3rd... why the hell would you consider switching departments so late in the game?

Again, I agree with Dirty. Too many people I know are entitled and unaccustomed to actual criticism.
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