I Know I'm NOT the Only One Who Has Seen This...This is Pathetic.

I also hate when I see kids in those things. See them frequently at the zoo, mall, aquarium.

Daycares have their version of it too, but thats a bit more acceptable.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

You'll never catch a Dominican w/ that

Because the average Dominican teen mother would need Octopus arms to hold all those leashes.



Is it really that serious? They're children! They have no rep.
Some people got some hyper +$! kids, my mom had that thing waay back before I could recite the abc's. She only used it like once (at the mall).
I see that guy having his girl on the leash much more shocking than the kid version, her joint is like a choker around her neck c'mon people.

The make these things comfortable and safe for the kids look at OP's picture, it's loose around his chest andshoulders not his neck like that gothic broad.
My mother runs a daycare out of her home, she used to go out to parks with the kids, guess what? Its not happening now cause kids don't listen like theyused to and disappear faster than a pair of Pigeon SB's.

You forced it by making this thread without thinking from the parents point of view first, they have things to do when they go out, and it doesn't includechasing their kid or turning around for a second to look at something then turning backto see their kid gone, fast forward to sobbing on the ten o'clocknews....if they decide to cover that story.
I see nothing wrong with it either. Sometimes, you need to keep kids close but give them a little bit of rope (for lack of better terminology).
My sister had one of those. She would always run away everytime we walked into a store and as soon as we put her in a cart she would start hollering andcrying.
For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
Originally Posted by chrisasu28

For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.

Pretty much.
Originally Posted by chrisasu28

For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
I have a kid who is 2 and I don't have a backpack leash for him never will. I either carry him or hold his hand and let him walk around inpublic
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

You'll never catch a Dominican w/ that

Because the average Dominican teen mother would need Octopus arms to hold all those leashes.


That's exactly how I reacted, then I scrolled down and saw I was not alone.
And that's not racist to ya'll?


i remember back when i was like 10 and went to Disneyland, that i would see families with bungee coils strapped to each others wrist to stay together
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by samanthajonez

smh. lazy parents get stuff like this.

Co-sign. I ain't ever putting my kid on a damn leash.

I know kids don't listen and they like to wander around, that's when parents step in and do some parenting.
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