I literally Don't Understand Dead Beat Dads

You have to have a license to go everything else..

Sell liquor, fish, carry a gun, drive a car, shoot deer....
Im not saying im not in favor of such a thing, I live around people actively exploiting the system and it even happened to my brother (he beat the case surprisingly and his ex-chick is the one paying child support. Miracles do happen) but I can't see this not eventually ending up hella discriminatory.
What it you had to have a license to have a kid??

Like... Passa competency test and require a certain level of income...

Not anything astronomical...

Something like minimum wage...
I wish we did and the consequences for failing the test would be some sort of temporary sterilization.
You have to have a license to go everything else..

Sell liquor, fish, carry a gun, drive a car, shoot deer....
But all those things don't involve the human right to reproduce. I don't want the government telling anyone what to do in that realm, slippery slope.
I don't think ppl truly understand what a man
has to put up with once him and the woman
call it quits. I was raised without a father and
as I got older and had my own child I took
some blame off of my father because I see that
dealing with somebody that still feels a way will
do whatever they can to inconvenience your
life as much as possible.
You'd be surprised how many women power
trip and use the child to control a man. A lot
of men aren't built to handle the mental games
a woman can play when dealing with that said
mans child.
I'm not giving excuses, but I see things completely
different now as an adult with a child than I did
before growing up without a child.
Every situation is different and you can't even
begin to understand the amounts of stress it can
be when dealing with a woman that knows she
can make your life a living hell at any given moment
by playing with you and your childs time together.
At the end of the day do whatever you can no matter
what to stay present in that childs life. I can't even begin
to think about my life and what it means to me to be a great
dad. I had no Dad in my life and I sometimes look at me and
my daughter and wish I would have had that same bond
growing up. Just recently my baby girl told me I was her
best friend and my heart melted b :smh: She got me for life b
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The problem is dudes aint built like that mentally.

******* wanna get cerebral and play mind games with the kids. Take it up a thousand notches they weren't ready for and have the outcome be them losing their child and possibly their freedom.
Sometimes a woman makes the decision to keep the seed without the guys consent. As many have said, it depends on the situation. Just think if you slept with a girl after a night in the club and it turns out she's just looking for a good looking dude to have a kid with so she can have a handsome baby while you on the other hand are going to college and working with no plans to have a kid whatsoever. There's an option to abort yet the girl doesn't even consider it while you have to adjust your life around her quick decision, would you put it all on the dude?
You have no clue. yes you can get 5k for 1 kid if a person made around 11-15k for the year. I did my cousin taxes and he made 14k and got back roughly $4800 for claiming his kid, its call EIC Earned Income Credit and Child Care Tax. Unfortunatly us working people who make over 30k or so dont quaily for those big tax credits which is why working people are mad and upset

A lazy welfare mom can work part time and make 15k a year, get section 8, get food stamps, get free child care, in some states get a free care,electric and heat paid and other stuff for doing nothing.. Then to top it off then can claim there little rug rat and get back close to 5-6k. if they claim 3 rug rates they will get back an easy 10-11k.

This is not made up. Look up the earned income credit chart and child tax credit.. Earn income gives the poor up to $3800 or so per child free money. cghild tax credit gives them an extra 1k per child

Why you think the working be so upset?
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It's not 5k.... Regardless it isn't a lot of money and doesn't amount to living lavishly.
Most don't get to claim the credit anyways since they don't work.
Sometimes a woman makes the decision to keep the seed without the guys consent. As many have said, it depends on the situation. Just think if you slept with a girl after a night in the club and it turns out she's just looking for a good looking dude to have a kid with so she can have a handsome baby while you on the other hand are going to college and working with no plans to have a kid whatsoever. There's an option to abort yet the girl doesn't even consider it while you have to adjust your life around her quick decision, would you put it all on the dude?
its a tough one. 

at the end of the day it does take two to tangle but i really do feel that more responsibility falls on the woman since she's the one who ultimately is going to have the baby.  i'm not justifying it, but a guy could just say screw it and  disappear if he doesn't want to take care of that kid. that said, i really feel women need to be more responsible with who they open their legs to and let smash raw then a guy needs to be with who he smashes due to this fact. men can't have babies but women can.  

that said in the situation mentioned here, the dude knew the risk of potentially geting her pregnant from smashing raw. he knew she should potentially get pregnant yet slid it in it raw anyways. i'm not going to treat the dude like a victim considering that.   that said, if the dude makes it clear from the jump that he's not interested in being a parent, isn't ready for that, and has no desire to remain in the picture, he's letting it be known and abortion is an option which should be considered especially if it's in the very early stages of the pregnancy.  so many kids growing up in single parent homes and if the girl doesn't have her stuff together at that point in life, she's almost doing that kid a disservice bringing it into the world when she got knocked up by a 1 night stand who has no desire of being in the picture.  Aside from that their doing themselves a disservice considering most men want to date and settle down with a woman that has no kids and start their own family rather then date a girl with kid(s) from a past relationship.   i'm guessing the girls in these cases keep the kid thinking that when its born the dad will have a change of heart even though that's usually not the case. 

i guess i'll chalk it up to women having more say on keeping or not keeping a kid if they get pregnant and men have more say if their going to stay in the picture or not if she gets pregnant.

a women can abort the kid even when the dad wants to keep it and men can hit it and disappear if they really want to.  both are wrong though.
That "option to abort" ain't just something just to throw around.

I still feel guilty as hell about my past and I can only imagine how the women feel.

I hate that men think an abortion is like going to get a flu shot.
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abortion is easier said then done, and i agree its not as simple as, "hey go get an abortion and make this go away" 

but in some situations, abortion probably is the best option.   a girl that doesn't have her stuff together getting knocked up by a guy who's in a similar situation and doesn't want to be there for the kid, and she has no strong family structure to help her raise said kid, in a case like that abortion probably is the best long term decision assuming she doesn't mess around and get knocked up again by the first dude she meets who tells her exactly what she wants to hear to get between them legs and she's back to square one again.

raising a kid with two loving parents is a hard job as is, raising a kid as a single parent when you don't have the structure or family help can only be much harder.
I'm just not going to have children. I love my mother and I have a feeling she wants me to have my own family in the future, but I don't want to ruin my life and miss out on achieving my own personal goals over a damn family. As far my father, though, he pretty much ran as soon as I was born and made another family. I should throw a party the day he dies.
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My dad ain't in my life. It's funny because his brothers was more in my life then he was. He don't have any other kids except step children. I got an 8 year old son & he's never seen his grandson ever. It kinda bother me so I asked him why & he tried to blame it on my moms about she moving back to Alabama. ******** if you ask me but whatever. I void to never be like my dad & I don't understand how dudes have kids but don't see them. I post my lil man in the NT dad thread all the time
I will say this, under NORMAL (already kinda subjective) circumstances of the father skips out he's scum, BUT there are some situations that wouldn't make it ok, but would make it best for the kid so to speak. Same with the mother or even both
Nah man I hate beats. Red onions have recently become my favorite though. I've eaten them like every day this week.
Yeah, but that's on the mom... She knew what she was getting into... Her own Damn fault she let a dude bust in her...
Really? It's both. It takes 2 to make a baby. If he wasn't going to be responsible having a kid knowing he had unprotected sex, then do not go in raw. At least she's taking responsibility and caring for the child.
Really? It's both. It takes 2 to make a baby. If he wasn't going to be responsible having a kid knowing he had unprotected sex, then do not go in raw. At least she's taking responsibility and caring for the child.
kind of... Girls let all kinds of dudes bust in them yet when it comes to abortions they have morals. No....

Had a friend . Virgin inexperienced. Had a cousin straight thot . Kick back one night he's drunk they have sex she gets pregs.they only had sex that one time.
She wanted the dude and thought he'd come around to her if she kept the kid. Nobody ain't seen dude since .
I feel no pity for my cousin in that situation.
Dude is wrong but so is my cousin is just as wrong..
I'm just not going to have children. I love my mother and I have a feeling she wants me to have my own family in the future, but I don't want to ruin my life and miss out on achieving my own personal goals over a damn family. As far my father, though, he pretty much ran as soon as I was born and made another family. I should throw a party the day he dies.

Barring the second half.. Same.

I just don't see procreation as a necessary end goal in life, although I don't knock people that do. It's weird man..

Seeing the difference in emotion between myself and others when it comes to children is always peculiar.

Kind of messed up, but I've always viewed kids like overly needy expensive *** puppies. Maybe children just fulfill some emotion for people I don't feel like I neither want nor need. Never plan on finding out.

If I feel like having something that depends on and looks up to me I'll just buy an actual puppy.

Again, not knocking people that do decide that the parent life is for them. I'm also anti-marriage, maybe I'm just the incredibly backwards thinking dude on these subjects lol.
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This is exactly what I was trying to say but you said it better.

7 grand back plus free child care on top of 50 percent rent coverage. Like I said, I know it for a fact that many women are living like this. Many.

7 grand to me with all of that is a lot when I'm median status but work for everything with  no handouts.
right and when they dont have to pay rent, electric and heat and even got an obama phone that 15k  plus 7k income tax money streches a long way
It's not 5k.... Regardless it isn't a lot of money and doesn't amount to living lavishly.
Most don't get to claim the credit anyways since they don't work.
Man you rnot understanding. my dad was a tax preparer for his whole life and I do  it part time

We are talking asbout the refund as a whole! EiC will get a little over $3,000 then you got Child credit tax which is 1k then you got child care which is even more money so really a refund will be 5k when its all said and done for only making 15k a year

And what do you mean most dont claim the credit if they dont work, if they dont work they dont file taxes regardless

And usually they do work part time because they know they can get a big refund. all they have to do is work a few hours a week.

My cousin made 15k, only paid $400 in federal taxes and got 1 kid . she got back about $4800 -$5500

i did my aunt return. She is semi retired and have 2 kids. she made if i can remeber close to 18k I think but anyway she got back like $8,100

You have no clue
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Nah man I hate beats. Red onions have recently become my favorite though. I've eaten them like every day this week.

You fail post after post.

Oh that was a joke?!


Im laughing at how bad it was btw..
I don't think ppl truly understand what a man
has to put up with once him and the woman
call it quits. I was raised without a father and
as I got older and had my own child I took
some blame off of my father because I see that
dealing with somebody that still feels a way will
do whatever they can to inconvenience your
life as much as possible.
You'd be surprised how many women power
trip and use the child to control a man. A lot
of men aren't built to handle the mental games
a woman can play when dealing with that said
mans child.
I'm not giving excuses, but I see things completely
different now as an adult with a child than I did
before growing up without a child.
Every situation is different and you can't even
begin to understand the amounts of stress it can
be when dealing with a woman that knows she
can make your life a living hell at any given moment
by playing with you and your childs time together.
At the end of the day do whatever you can no matter
what to stay present in that childs life. I can't even begin
to think about my life and what it means to me to be a great
dad. I had no Dad in my life and I sometimes look at me and
my daughter and wish I would have had that same bond
growing up. Just recently my baby girl told me I was her
best friend and my heart melted b
She got me for life b
i had a simliar situation, and I didnt have the knowledge back then. Now days a man cant really blame the women because all he have to do is file for joint custody and or parental rights and visitation. Problem solved... All medical and school records he can have access to regardless.
abortion is easier said then done, and i agree its not as simple as, "hey go get an abortion and make this go away" 

but in some situations, abortion probably is the best option.   a girl that doesn't have her stuff together getting knocked up by a guy who's in a similar situation and doesn't want to be there for the kid, and she has no strong family structure to help her raise said kid, in a case like that abortion probably is the best long term decision assuming she doesn't mess around and get knocked up again by the first dude she meets who tells her exactly what she wants to hear to get between them legs and she's back to square one again.

raising a kid with two loving parents is a hard job as is, raising a kid as a single parent when you don't have the structure or family help can only be much harder.
depends on the person when aborting. I was invloved with 3 abortions in my life and I never felt guilty once and it was easy for me to say hey lets get this done. but i was the best option at the time. They were all done with first few months. This was done light years ago, would I do it again, probably not
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