I literally Don't Understand Dead Beat Dads

talks about extremes, makes extreme point of 80-200k income....

Who said that?...lol they not rich obviously, but these women living comfy...
Yea that was funny 
Who gives a Damb about the mothers and what they do. This is a mans world and yall complaining like some lil Biatchez.
And if you look down on being a father and the responsibilties, then go **** yourself. Your unborn kid would probly get his *** whupped like his ***** *** daddy
Who gives a Damb about the mothers and what they do. This is a mans world and yall complaining like some lil Biatchez.
And if you look down on being a father and the responsibilties, then go **** yourself. Your unborn kid would probly get his *** whupped like his ***** *** daddy
This is you right now....
Who gives a Damb about the mothers and what they do. This is a mans world and yall complaining like some lil Biatchez.
And if you look down on being a father and the responsibilties, then go **** yourself. Your unborn kid would probly get his *** whupped like his ***** *** daddy

With WIC and foodstamps women are getting MINIMUM $500 a month for food. So much food they turn some of it down. Ridiculous.
But 4 real. Been working with at risk adolescents for a long *** time. I've dealt with hundreds to maybe thousands of teen males that have no clue on responsibility, empathy, acknowledging, toughness, love, direction..etc
I'd say 85-95% of them have no father figure. Many mistakenly call me dad at times when rapport is very strong. It's a deep issue in today's world and needs to be addressed more
With WIC and foodstamps women are getting MINIMUM $500 a month for food. So much food they turn some of it down. Ridiculous.

So much food they prolly selling 200$ worth for 100$ cash dollars to some relative....BLEEEEEE DAT!
Who gives a Damb about the mothers and what they do. This is a mans world and yall complaining like some lil Biatchez.
And if you look down on being a father and the responsibilties, then go **** yourself. Your unborn kid would probly get his *** whupped like his ***** *** daddy
Semi irritated. Been reading some of your posts in this thread and you seem to come off as some fake *** elitist that comes off trying to use logic/humor to hide your issues. Maybe daddy issues.
Wash your face b
the best thing to do after being served a gif like that is slowly fade away from the discussion and hope to regain some dignity in another thread.
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As I mentioned earlier, you dudes over complicate things.

Kids need time, money, effort, and patience. All of those things are inconveniences. You can sugar coat it if you want, but children are an inconveince. That is not saying they can't bring you joy or they aren't an investment, but their existence alone is an inconvenience. 

For anyone to NOT understand why a human doesn't want to be inconvenienced is lacking common sense.

I am not supporting it at all, I am just offering a reason why people don't man up to be a father.

Really simple math.
Semi irritated. Been reading some of your posts in this thread and you seem to come off as some fake *** elitist that comes off trying to use logic/humor to hide your issues. Maybe daddy issues.
Wash your face b
Daddy issues?? Son my dad is the one that raised me 
At least make sure you're referring to the right poster when you try to deliver an ether.

Might not want to reach so close for the sun Icarus.
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As I mentioned earlier, you dudes over complicate things.

Kids need time, money, effort, and patience. All of those things are inconveniences. You can sugar coat it if you want, but children are an inconveince. That is not saying they can't bring you joy or they aren't an investment, but their existence alone is an inconvenience. 

For anyone to NOT understand why a human doesn't want to be inconvenienced is lacking common sense.

I am not supporting it at all, I am just offering a reason why people don't man up to be a father.

Really simple math.
How many abortions you had DC?
Daddy issues?? Son my dad is the one that raised me :lol: At least make sure you're referring to the right poster when you try to deliver an ether.

Might not want to reach so close for the sun Icarus.
Youre the one comparing kids to raising them like puppies. And you do have daddy issues. I would too if my pops couldnt check moms. You're ***** rusty. Change your oil b..
Wait are we really saying all mothers who use the system to get paid for having kids are deadbeats?

NT extremes and lack of logic.

Cuz if you say it the other way around a deadbeat mom is just that. Don't mean she's getting paid for being a deadbeat.

Find the word ALL in what I said please. Please think and read before you post.
At least you think it's you being the one called out.

I'd like to see where in your post you said SOME.

Cuz if you know anything about making declarative this = that statements you'd know that you did just generalize an entire group to fit your reductive reasoning.

I think you need to think more critically about what you post.
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