I never knew that......


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Fact #4: Premonition dreams
There are some astounding cases where people actually dreamt about things which happened to them later, in the exact same ways they dreamed about. You could say they got a glimpse of the future, or it might have just been coincidence. The fact remains that this is some seriously interesting and bizarre phenomena. Some of the most famous premonition dreams include:

Abraham Lincoln dreamt of His Assassination
Many of the victims of 9/11 had dreams warning them about the catastrophe
Mark Twain’s dream of his brother’s demise
19 verified precognitive dreams about the Titanic catastrophe

^^ i do this ...if im dreaming its about something that will happen in the future

Fact #10 Dream-catcher
The dream-catcher is one of the most well-known Native American symbols. It is a loose web or webs woven around a hoop and decorated with sacred objects meant to protect against nightmares.

^^ gf has these in every room
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Fact #16: In our dreams we only see faces that we already know
It is proven that in dreams we can only see faces that we have seen in real life before. So beware: that scary-looking old lady next to you on the bus might as well be in your next nightmare.

^My favorite fact.

I've had dreams about (what I thought was)random females. The fact that I thought those girls were SOOO fine that their image pretty much burned into my mind. :wow:
Fact #16: In our dreams we only see faces that we already know
It is proven that in dreams we can only see faces that we have seen in real life before. So beware: that scary-looking old lady next to you on the bus might as well be in your next nightmare.

^My favorite fact.

I've had dreams about (what I thought was)random females. The fact that I thought those girls were SOOO fine that their image pretty much burned into my mind. :wow:
nah I've seen people in dreams I've never seen before
Also I've read in my dream before
Fact #16: In our dreams we only see faces that we already know
It is proven that in dreams we can only see faces that we have seen in real life before. So beware: that scary-looking old lady next to you on the bus might as well be in your next nightmare.

^My favorite fact.

I've had dreams about (what I thought was)random females. The fact that I thought those girls were SOOO fine that their image pretty much burned into my mind. :wow:
nah I've seen people in dreams I've never seen before
Also I've read in my dream before

The people one is definitely true. You're probably just seeing people only your subconscious remembers. People aren't really able to invent faces
Speaking of pronunciations, how do you guys say buffet? Like Warren Buffet? Buffay? Boo-Fey?
I pronounce Warrens last name the same way I pronounce jimmys last name. Buff-it
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