I never knew that......

no the idea for Kruger was some paranoid Asian dude kept telling his family that if he slept he would die, so he drank coffee and stayed up for days. finally his family had enough, took all that away so he could sleep and then he died.

but obviously from exhaustion for staying up for days(you can die just from 3 days without sleep)
stop the lies
Wes Craven:
“I’d read an article in the L.A. Times about a family who had escaped the Killing Fields in Cambodia and managed to get to the U.S. Things were fine, and then suddenly the young son was having very disturbing nightmares. He told his parents he was afraid that if he slept, the thing chasing him would get him, so he tried to stay awake for days at a time. When he finally fell asleep, his parents thought this crisis was over. Then they heard screams in the middle of the night. By the time they got to him, he was dead. He died in the middle of a nightmare. Here was a youngster having a vision of a horror that everyone older was denying. That became the central line of Nightmare on Elm Street.”
Ever think about our water supply? All water on earth is recycled the water since the world was formed is the same water we have today most of it's in the oceans then some in glaciers. Maybe it will intrigue someone
Ever think about our water supply? All water on earth is recycled the water since the world was formed is the same water we have today most of it's in the oceans then some in glaciers. Maybe it will intrigue someone

I read somewhere that we are guaranteed to have drunk water that has filtered through dinosaur's kidneys....

pretty cool
Ever think about our water supply? All water on earth is recycled the water since the world was formed is the same water we have today most of it's in the oceans then some in glaciers. Maybe it will intrigue someone

I read somewhere that we are guaranteed to have drunk water that has filtered through dinosaur's kidneys....

pretty cool

Yup. One of the main problems is that we haven't truly been able to figure out how to filter out drugs from water/urine. There's trace amounts. Scientist worry about what will happen after decades. One of the reasons we just don't directly filter piss yet.
A friend shared this with me. Still gotta fact check it. My brother actually minored in religion and knows the Torah, Quran and Bible. He's also deep on history, so I shared it with him too. If true :wow:
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Black people aren't African. They're actually the real Israelites/Hebrew/Jewish people that throughout history have been forced into slavery for their entire existence. They are God's chosen people who migrated towards Africa when the Romans came to tear **** up.

That's a slippery slope. To a degree it's correct, but you're still expressing yourself and identity in a Greek/Roman paradigm.
As an African, im insulted by the assertion. Its like being originally from west Africa isn't good enough. Now yall gotta go ahead and claim someone else's history to try to make yourselves feel better about where you originally came from.

F that ****. My people have been here during all that biblical bs and millennia before that. Don't try to fabricate some story to try and compete with other monotheistic people in an effort to try to one up them. I could careless who the original Israelites are but when you claim black people as a whole are...nah bruh. Maybe you are but I certainly am not.

Nah forget that, I'm exactly where my ancestors have been for 40000+ years, West Africa.
As an African, im insulted by the assertion. Its like being originally from west Africa isn't good enough. Now yall gotta go ahead and claim someone else's history to try to make yourselves feel better about where you originally came from.

F that ****. My people have been here during all that biblical bs and millennia before that. Don't try to fabricate some story to try and compete with other monotheistic people in an effort to try to one up them. I could careless who the original Israelites are but when you claim black people as a whole are...nah bruh. Maybe you are but I certainly am not.

Nah forget that, I'm exactly where my ancestors have been for 40000+ years, West Africa.
granted, there is actually evidence showing that we could have all came from Asia as well but whatever. we'll never know 100%
The whole black people have always been soaves comment can't be any more inaccurate.
Slavery didn't become a racial thing until the 1650s-1860s. Until then it was just the weaker civilizations being taken over by the stronger ones.
Exaclty how much less could you care?

Bruh, I clearly stated that I could care less where the Israelites came from on the condition that not all black people be clumped in a group that came from there. So, yes, I do care enough to reply and voice my opinion on the matter.

We've had this discussion several times in the African history X thread. Shoot, hallywood and I had a civil discourse and respectfully disagreed with each other. It gets tired when everyone is claiming Egypt this and the chosen people that.

All I ask is what were the poor fellows in west and central Africa doing while Egypt was flourishing. Was the entire black population in Egypt... nah yo we were independently creating irrigation networks and experimenting with agriculture. Shoot, that's the reason why West Africans have their complexion, our diet.

So get all the way outta here tryna tell me about some sacred people that white folks introduced to yall and now you conveniently happen to be from there also.
The phrase is 'I couldn't careless'

By saying 'I could care less' means that you aren't on your lowest level of caring

Therefore your level of interest isn't clear

Looks like were back on pace for the meaning of the thread
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...and forget the dude who stole my TI-89 during my SAT/ACT testing. I still passed reasonably but it was difficult as hell.

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