I never knew that......

only knew this cause i worked for the railroad in a previous life

"Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome , they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing. Therefore the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot."
So we can refill them
only knew this cause i worked for the railroad in a previous life

"Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome , they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing. Therefore the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot."

I also worked for the railroad in a “previous life”

Lol it’s a lot of us!

I never really thought of the Middle East to be part of Asia, then again I never asked myself what continent is the Middle East on. :lol:
I never thought about it either until someone in like 8th grade found out I was half Iranian and told me I’m technically Asian :lol:
outside of the US people from india are more considered Asian as well
I also worked for the railroad in a “previous life”

Lol it’s a lot of us!

I was UP. First in Ft. Worth then North Platte, NE (lol) - but its the biggest/busiest yard in the world, so was good to experience that

When people complain about Omaha being wack, I laugh. yeah, try North Platte. It surprisingly did get lit though
I was UP. First in Ft. Worth then North Platte, NE (lol) - but its the biggest/busiest yard in the world, so was good to experience that

When people complain about Omaha being wack, I laugh. yeah, try North Platte. It surprisingly did get lit though

Omaha isn’t even bad as far as midwestern towns go. Way rather be in that Omaha, Lincoln council bluffs area than a lot of places in the Midwest.

There is nothing past Lincoln until Fort Collins.
Omaha isn’t even bad as far as midwestern towns go. Way rather be in that Omaha, Lincoln council bluffs area than a lot of places in the Midwest.

There is nothing past Lincoln until Fort Collins.

I like Omaha and Lincoln, but I'm not staying in Counciltucky.
Lincoln is pretty sick honestly. :lol: I’ve never had a bad time there.

I’m not either, I’m just lumping together the metro area.
Omaha isn’t even bad as far as midwestern towns go. Way rather be in that Omaha, Lincoln council bluffs area than a lot of places in the Midwest.

There is nothing past Lincoln until Fort Collins.
lol I somehow knew you would find this post. right in your sweet spot

The saving grace of north platte though is that railroaders do know how to have a good time, and they make lots of money - even someone in the vans driving crews to their trains was taking in 60k+ (this was back in '06).

In my 3 year career there I saw/heard/experienced some of the wildest things in the work place imaginable :wow::smh::lol:

My very first day at the ft worth shop/office, Im being walked around, introducing myself to everyone. We come to a small office with a few guys - a supervisor, some workers. Like 5 of us. I say hi and shake hands with everyone. cool, cool, cool.
Last guy comes over to me and says (without any hesitation) "hey, I got a neice with a fat tight ***** (*makes squeezing fist with gushy sound effects) - wanna meet her?? :smile: :smile:"

I was shocked bruhs

And that was my introduction to the railroad. you can imagine how it went from there lol
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If it’s some random town in the Midwest to mountain west that’s blue collar work I’ve probably been there. :lol:

Nothing about that introduction is surprising. :lol: Those guys will give cooks a run for their money on crudeness.
So Jesus was Asian. Interesting. I knew it but l never thought about it like that.

Most likely Jesus / indigenous folks didn't see it that way because they had their own world view but who knows?

It was the Ancient Greeks that drew the lines & named the Continents:


“Asia” also goes back to the Greeks. The same theory that posits Europe comes from the Akkadian erebu says that Asia comes from asu, the Akkadian word for “to rise” (as the sun does in the east). Again, it’s unclear if this theory is factual, but it is true that the Greeks dividing the world into Europe and Asia is what created the very idea of continents. They had no idea at the time just how large Europe or Asia actually were, but they applied the names liberally.


The Ancient Greeks divided the world into three parts. The first two are Europe and Asia, which we’ve already covered above. The third was Libya. At the time when the Ancient Greeks were exploring beyond their boundaries, it was Ancient Libyans who inhabited Northern Africa. The Egyptians were also there, but the Ancient Greeks decided that the Nile was the dividing line between Asia and Libya, so Egypt was grouped in with Asia in their conception of the world.

The word “Africa,” like every continent etymology so far, has uncertain origins. The best theory is that it’s from the Arabic afar, meaning “earth.” The word first appeared in Latin around the second century CE, and was used by Romans to refer to a specific region in Northern Africa, where Tunisia is today. Even more unclear than its origins is how this word for a specific region became the word for the entire continent. It was far more common over the past 2,000 years to hear the landmass called Libya, Aethiopia, Guinea or Sudan, all of which are now countries within Africa.
lol I somehow knew you would find this post. right in your sweet spot

The saving grace of north platte though is that railroaders do know how to have a good time, and they make lots of money - even someone in the vans driving crews to their trains was taking in 60k+ (this was back in '06).

In my 3 year career there I saw/heard/experienced some of the wildest things in the work place imaginable :wow::smh::lol:

My very first day at the ft worth shop/office, Im being walked around, introducing myself to everyone. We come to a small office with a few guys - a supervisor, some workers. Like 5 of us. I say hi and shake hands with everyone. cool, cool, cool.
Last guy comes over to me and says (without any hesitation) "hey, I got a neice with a fat tight ***** (*makes squeezing fist with gushy sound effects) - wanna meet her?? :smile: :smile:"

I was shocked bruhs

And that was my introduction to the railroad. you can imagine how it went from there lol
So did you meet her? Also gross that he can and did describe his niece's coochie.
So did you meet her? Also gross that he can and did describe his niece's coochie.
No sir. John was out of his mind.

Another great one from him. I was talking to him in the office hallway once and heard our boss calling for someone and about to turn the corner to us. This dude drops to his knees, and starts bobbing his head like hes smd. Bossman turned that corner, pauses - we make eye contact and im like 🤷‍♂️ - never seen a more surprised/stunned face in my life - he dipped back the other way immediately
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No sir. John was out of his mind.

Another great one from him. I was talking to him in the office hallway once and heard our boss calling for someone and about to turn the corner to us. This dude drops to his knees, and starts bobbing his head like hes smd. Bossman turned that corner, pauses - we make eye contact and im like 🤷‍♂️ - never seen a more surprised/stunned face in my life - he dipped back the other way immediately
Lmao! Did everyone at work think you were gay?
first day at work for this concrete company, the mechanic comes up to me and warns me that the guy training me just got out of prison for molesting boys, well I believed him for like 3 months. then he kept talking about his wife and I just straight up asked him if he was locked up for touching boys. he thought it was about the funniest thing ever, wasn't even mad.

same job two guys were fighting and the boss tried to break it up and one of them threw him into a vending machine and the other just laughed and that was the end of the fight because they both just started clowning the boss.

another job this dude had some other dude over to his trailer in his hot tub with him. I honestly think they were just kicking it but it's construction so of course we're going to clown. the dude who went to the guys house ended up getting a lawyer and tried to sue us all. :rofl:

some idiot at work said he was going to shoot us all, we said no you aren't. well he came back from his car with a gun and said he was going to kill himself instead. 72 hour psych hold later he's back at work.

co workers drove back from Houston drunk doing FEMA work after a hurricane. they drove it straight, in a semi truck. you can't tell South African ranchers ****.

two dudes stole a car and hit some barriers in front of us running from the cops and splattered all over the windshield.

saw a dude laid out dead in the free way after getting hit by a car, some random guy put a t shirt on the dead guys head like it made it better.

someone dumped a semi load of cow guts in this dudes parking lot because he was mad.

Watched a chick walk out of Office Depot. Suck down a can of dust off. Drive off 10 seconds later crash through a fence into a huge hole in the ground, they were pouring concrete for an underground parking garage. She hits the forms they were pumping concrete into. They blow out. Concrete everywhere. I go put hands on her boyfriend in the passenger seat and shove him back in the car and tell him if he gets out I’m knocking him out. The chick runs falls on her face in the middle of the street. They both get arrested.

it goes on and on man. :lol:
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two dudes stole a car and hit some barriers in front of us running from the cops and splattered all over the windshield.

Watched a chick walk out of Office Depot. Suck down a can of dust off. Drive off 10 seconds later crash through a fence into a huge hole in the ground, they were pouring concrete for an underground parking garage. She hits the forms they were pumping concrete into. They blow out. Concrete everywhere. I go put hands on her boyfriend in the passenger seat and shove him back in the car and tell him if he gets out I’m knocking him out. The chick runs falls on her face in the middle of the street. They both get arrested.

it goes on and on man. :lol:

Damn, the thieves themselves splattered?

Why'd you slap the bf? 🤣
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