I no longer mess with thick girls....

Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

Originally Posted by Mangudai954


I don't even dig black chicks like that....



in that order
Hoosier Badboy you must be from the D,
I have ran though some of the chicks you posted lol.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

chick in the orange panties is fat...look at her arms...

This. And the chick two pics down from orange is pushing it.
Nobody like thick females when they black. Cool.

But all the love for Hispanic, White, & whatever Kim K is is cool?
I finally understand you +%%%++.
Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

Nobody like thick females when they black. Cool.

But all the love for Hispanic, White, & whatever Kim K is is cool?
I finally understand you +%%%++.
word. I think saying you don't like black chicks is the cool thing on nt. Hell I don't mess with white or asian chicks like that but Idon't make it a point to post it in every thread about chicks.
--If you get with a thick girl, they'll get comfotable, let themselves go and get fat.
--Get with a slim girl, they'll let go and maybe get a little thick. Win/win situation. Slimmer girls FTW.
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

Nobody like thick females when they black. Cool.

But all the love for Hispanic, White, & whatever Kim K is is cool?
I finally understand you +%%%++.
word. [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]I think saying you don't like black chicks is the cool thing on nt[/color]. Hell I don't mess with white or asian chicks like that but I don't make it a point to post it in every thread about chicks.
It is...the !*%*%% up part is that the pickiest ones ain't gettin NO BUNS. Since when has race beenan indicator of how good the box is? Only dudes with NO sexual experience like that. Damn virgins.

I can understand not likin a chick because she a lil big for your tastes...but not likin her (if we strictly talkinbout sex) because she got brown skin?
Originally Posted by youngcurse

Some of them girls was cool and some okay. Come to PG County/DMV and see dimes everywhere
Co-sign. Hit any mall on the weekends.
Endless dimes.

I love home.
You guys are crazy...it's all about how a girl takes care of themselves!!! Body shape has NOTHING to do with odor!!!
the smell is from bacteria.
it has nothing to do with their weight or whatever.
Originally Posted by Name I Koop

I think they smell bad....all that thigh rubbin can't be good for the pH balance. Over the past few weeks, I've had a good run of small, yet fit women and they've all smelled great.


.....you're gay.
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