I realized life was no joke when...

When I turned 25 years old, I was in the Navy and stationed down in Corpus Christi. I decided I wanted to go home (Houston) to party. I had been home a few weeks earlier to attend my great uncle's funeral and earlier that week my mom told me she wanted to talk to me about something ASAP. She was being super weird and wouldn't say exactly what it was she wanted to talk about so when I got home I gave her a call... Keep in mind, this is on my actual 25th birthday so I'm not expecting anything too wild, but ohhh man. My mom straight up tells me the guy I spent 25 years calling my dad (who really wasn't that great a dad but I loved him anyway and always tried to help him out when he was down on his luck) was NOT my father and that some other guy was my dad. Apparently someone at the funeral earlier in the month saw me and realized I looked exactly like the other guy. Ended up meeting him and confirming he was indeed my pops (he's actually a really good guy and we talk often now), but I didn't talk to my mom for a long time. She KNEW and decided to drop this on me after 25 years of life. That made me open my eyes to how foul your family, even you own mom, can be.

I feel you.

I was 17 and came home from school one day, nothing out of the ordinary. I went upstairs to go to my bedroom put my stuff away. My mom was in the process of getting her room repainted and she had her big dresser in the hallway. On top was some scattered things but what stuck out was one of those big tan envelopes. I just had to know what was inside, something drew me to it. I opened it up and there was a firm stack of papers, I pulled out papers and flipped through a couple until I saw "Adoption of Alchemist" at the top of one of the pages. I put the papers back in the envelope didnt bother to read the rest of the lawyer talk but I got what I needed. My mom got home a few hours later, I waited til she got settled in and went outside for a smoke. In the most polite non confrontational way I brang up what I saw. She berated me for about a minute "Dont go through my ****, blah blah blah". After she verbally beat my ***, she got a hold of herself and apologized. Explained to me how I came about, pretty much she banged some dude in between fall outs between her and the father of my brother and sister. Its still something that I think about once a year or so, just curious as to what he looks like really. I never had a great relationship with my adoptive father, he was an alcoholic and actually passed away last year.

Lifes weird man. Ive got some stories.
The first night in jail. Ain’t **** to do but lay/sit there looking at the ceiling thinking and evaluating my life. Thinking of ways to improve as a person. Make sure I never go back. Sometimes life isn’t as great as you want it to be, but don’t ever take freedom for granted.
Tons of moments, but guess this is current phase I'm going through. Tried everything in my power to never get back to it(spent a year unemployed after a 5 week stint in jail), but was forced out of my last job...been unemployed since.

Without money, IMO, you really can't "live". In return, feel like the world is giving me the biggest cold shoulder ever. It's different this time because I expect more out of myself at 25 than at 21.

Just want to move forward.
I feel you.

I was 17 and came home from school one day, nothing out of the ordinary. I went upstairs to go to my bedroom put my stuff away. My mom was in the process of getting her room repainted and she had her big dresser in the hallway. On top was some scattered things but what stuck out was one of those big tan envelopes. I just had to know what was inside, something drew me to it. I opened it up and there was a firm stack of papers, I pulled out papers and flipped through a couple until I saw "Adoption of Alchemist" at the top of one of the pages. I put the papers back in the envelope didnt bother to read the rest of the lawyer talk but I got what I needed. My mom got home a few hours later, I waited til she got settled in and went outside for a smoke. In the most polite non confrontational way I brang up what I saw. She berated me for about a minute "Dont go through my ****, blah blah blah". After she verbally beat my ***, she got a hold of herself and apologized. Explained to me how I came about, pretty much she banged some dude in between fall outs between her and the father of my brother and sister. Its still something that I think about once a year or so, just curious as to what he looks like really. I never had a great relationship with my adoptive father, he was an alcoholic and actually passed away last year.

Lifes weird man. Ive got some stories.
Bruh, I feel you on all of this and it was some real personal **** to share but I read your post without reading your SN so when I get to the part where you use your NT name for the story I'm like what? How the **** ya mom adopt an alchemist? Alchemy aint a real thing. Right? Adopt an alchemist? Like full metal alchemist?

Man had my mind racing for a good 3 min on how any of this is possible before I scrolled back up and saw your name :lol: :smh:
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Watched my grandfather die in front of me at 18 from a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Dude was my hero and the most influential person in my life. Right before he took his last breaths he looked me in my eye and tried to tell me something but couldnt get it out. **** will eat at me inside until the day i die

Tried to attempt suicide more times than i can count. Tried to hang myself multiple times, sat in my whip in a parking lot with my pistol on my lap for hours trying to force myself to end it. Moms came to my house because she knew i wasnt in a good space and the things i said that day killed her inside. The first and only time ive ever seen my mom cry. Toughest woman i ever met. So glad im not in that space anymore. Worst time of my life.

Got pulled over about a month ago for expired registration. Was blowing loud on the way to the airport at 4 am to go to Vegas with my girl and her fam for her 21st. Cop pulled me out the whip, cuffed me and threw me in the back of the squad truck. Unexpectedly dude pulled me out and told me to stomp out all my bud. White cop in the middle of Texas spared a black dude with nike slides and jordan shorts and dreads. I gained a whole new respect for police that night. Dude coulda ruined me. Didnt even give me a ticket for the registration. Luckiest day of my life. I will find that dude and repay him somehow some day.

Lived in my whip when i was 19 for a bit. Bathed in a parking garage with water bottles and soap from a bathroom dispenser

Booted out of UH a couple years ago for academic probation. Too much smashing and 2K.

Love of my life got ran thru by dudes i hated in HS. Didnt find out until she told me couple years later after we got back together again. ***** was trying to force me to marry her too, lost her **********ing mind. Turned me ice cold to women for a minute. Girl never been ****, let me smash multiple times while she was ****ing with some lame too. One of the best things to ever happen to me tho.
Ur post
And previous sn correlation
Is uncanny
Tons of moments, but guess this is current phase I'm going through. Tried everything in my power to never get back to it(spent a year unemployed after a 5 week stint in jail), but was forced out of my last job...been unemployed since.

Without money, IMO, you really can't "live". In return, feel like the world is giving me the biggest cold shoulder ever. It's different this time because I expect more out of myself at 25 than at 21.

Just want to move forward.
Sometimes u get set back
So u can move forward
Biggest lesson u will ever learn
Ur still young don’t trip
U gonna have that step forward soon
How you manage that
Was up 7k
Then an hour before our flight
I decided to hit the tables 1 last time
Bruh 1 ******* hour
Lost 7k then another 7k tryna win it back
Needless to say
That was a quiet plane ride back home
My wife we were just engaged at the time
She Was heated
I was heated too at myself
But u know when ur in the wrong
And u mess up
And know u messed up
But u try and flip it on the other person
Yeeeeeeah I tried doing that
But only made it worse :lol:
Talking bout “u shouldn’t have let me play one last game”
We was in Vegas for her birthday
Was suppose to fly back home then
Drive to Disneyland after
Needless to say the second part didn’t happen
And I killed her bday week
If this Vegas niketalk thing happened
My girl already said
I’m not allowed to play any tables or slots :lol:
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Was up 7k
Then an hour before our flight
I decided to hit the tables 1 last time
Bruh 1 ****ing hour
Lost 7k then another 7k tryna win it back
Needless to say
That was a quiet plane ride back home
My wife we were just engaged at the time
She Was heated
I was heated too at myself
But u know when ur in the wrong
And u mess up
And know u messed up
But u try and flip it on the other person
Yeeeeeeah I tried doing that
But only made it worse :lol:
Talking bout “u shouldn’t have let me play one last game”
We was in Vegas for her birthday
Was suppose to fly back home then
Drive to Disneyland after
Needless to say the second part didn’t happen
And I killed her bday week
If this Vegas niketalk thing happened
My girl already said
I’m not allowed to play any tables or slots :lol:

SMH. The temptation is real.

My pops friends wife has a gambling problem. Anytime they go to a casino or anywhere that has any form of gambling he takes all her credit cards, debit cards and cash and gives her a set amount ($100 or whatever) and tells her that's all you get, when it's done it's done. Shell mess around and go through racks in no time if he doesn't do that.

I played baseball as a yute with this kid who's pops lost their car in a poker game.
SMH. The temptation is real.

My pops friends wife has a gambling problem. Anytime they go to a casino or anywhere that has any form of gambling he takes all her credit cards, debit cards and cash and gives her a set amount ($100 or whatever) and tells her that's all you get, when it's done it's done. Shell mess around and go through racks in no time if he doesn't do that.

I played baseball as a yute with this kid who's pops lost their car in a poker game.
I never do well with gambling. I play way too conservatively and never bring a lot to play with. You have to play loose yet smart. I remeber I went in and had it set in my mind that I was only gonna play 40. Lost that on blackjack in like 1 minute. Hit the atm for 40 more and lost that before my seat even got warm. The two people I came with both won a lil bit so needless to say I was salty as a mf on the ride home.
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare how’d you come up 7 bands? What were you playing :nerd: need advice for my first trip to Vegas in a month. I’m tryna come up.

Also do we have an NT first night in jail thread? :smh: that night ****** me up
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare how’d you come up 7 bands? What were you playing :nerd: need advice for my first trip to Vegas in a month. I’m tryna come up.

Also do we have an NT first night in jail thread? :smh: that night ****ed me up
If you not a big gambler, roulette is the easiest way to come up some dollars by the time u leave...also hit the sportsbook, can come up big on just 1 simple bet
I'm terrible at gambling. Don't think I'd do it again.

The most I won was $250 off a penny machine :lol:
Grade 1, when some philipino kid stabbed me with a pencil in the hand and i almost got lead poisoning.

He grew up to be a nice guy and seemed really nervous in high school that i might still have it out for him but i always wrote it off as lil kid shenanigans.
Was up 7k
Then an hour before our flight
I decided to hit the tables 1 last time
Bruh 1 ****ing hour
Lost 7k then another 7k tryna win it back
Needless to say
That was a quiet plane ride back home
My wife we were just engaged at the time
She Was heated
I was heated too at myself
But u know when ur in the wrong
And u mess up
And know u messed up
But u try and flip it on the other person
Yeeeeeeah I tried doing that
But only made it worse :lol:
Talking bout “u shouldn’t have let me play one last game”
We was in Vegas for her birthday
Was suppose to fly back home then
Drive to Disneyland after
Needless to say the second part didn’t happen
And I killed her bday week
If this Vegas niketalk thing happened
My girl already said
I’m not allowed to play any tables or slots :lol:

That last part got me. I hate when you mess up so bad that your woman will remind you of your failure for the rest of your life, the split second something even closely related pops up.

Like your friend could be telling you about beating his son at monopoly and your woman will chime in on some.
" Maybe you should invite Slappy, then he can gamble fake money and still have the real stuff left over to take his woman on b day vacation"
An you'll be thinkin
"Thanks for the reminder, i havent been beating myself up over it for the past 12 years"
When I hadn’t seen my pops for 4 years.. finally went out to go visit him and everything was great. We was hooping, lifting weights, going to bbq’s, cracking jokes and really enjoying our time with each other. I fly back home and 3 days later he dies... smh life’s crazy man
at least u had good times before he passed
u know the ONLY memory
i have of my ***** *** dad
Him picking me up and riding me around the day all eyez on me released
and me listening to it
and taking me to a giants baseball game
im 32
and he's still alive
**** that *****
so cherish what u remember and that day
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