I realized life was no joke when...

I was 8 years old.
My whole family and my nieces and nephews were over, we were watching the Christian movie, “Left Behind”, that my sister&law recommended us all to watch.
During watching the film, it was around 8/9pm, when we had someone knocking on our door and ringing our doorbell when we weren’t expecting anyone. I forget who went to open the door but a man told us that he just finished stomping a shirt that was lit on fire right on our wooden front porch.
We thanked him and was scared, my whole was confused but we knew who was responsible because in our neighborhood at that time, we were the only Asian living there and everyone around the block knew that.

My dad has always been short tempered but this time, he really snapped and took his rifle and his ammo box out. He was loading the rifle and packing more ammos on the side, meanwhile, my oldest sister was calling 911 and telling them that someone attempted to burn our house down. I can remember all this clearly as she was fed up and yelled through the phone that, “we have kids here!”

Eventually we calmed down, the cops never came, and the people who we felt were responsible, well their house burned to the ground later in the year.
Bruh with the mad suspicious ending :rofl:

Pops took care of business
Ole boy was probably outside like this when the neighbors house went up......


Everytime he hears a kid say "it's LIT" nowadays, he chuckles to himself.
Seeing your parents cry.

Ive seen my mom cry quite a few times, but ive only seen my pops cry twice in my life. That was when his parents passed.

That messed me up a lot. Toughest guy i know.

That one Gibbs line makes me think of him.

"The realest _ that I know ain't never sold dope. The hardest _ that I know ain't never served time"
Absolutely, and still servin

My dad just got out for the 100th time 2 weeks ago. He’s 59 on house arrest for possession with the intent to distribute: herion. :lol: smh

I remember riding around on the West Bank with my cousin semi hot boxing the car. All the sudden we get pulled over. Just finished the blunt. Threw the roach out. Then we pulled over. The cop was on the intercom telling us to get out the car with our hands up.

I got out the car, however my cousin couldn’t because he’s in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down.

The cop kept yelling, and we both was yelling back saying “He can’t get out, he’s in a wheelchair”. The cop drew his gun and started to walk towards me telling me to get on my knees.

Finally, the officer flashed the light in the backseat and sees the wheelchair. Mind you the smoke is flying out the car.

He put his gun away, and told me to show him my ID. He claimed, we fit a description of a robbery that happens 30 mins ago at 230am :lol:

nonetheless he apologize and let us go.

Most of my stories are from the age of 17-22.
When I almost died of severe alcohol poisoning back in October. I passed out in the middle of a party that night, cause I had been drinking for 3 days straight. If that random guy hadn't given me CPR when I went into cardiac arrest and made me vomit all the fluids, I wouldn't be here today.

A month later when my dad had a lung infection and it turned out to be pneumonia. We feared the worst, but he only spent 3½ weeks in the hospital. I hated visiting him cause it hurt me to see someone I love and care so much about in pain.

**** , almost forgot I almost died of alcohol poisoning in the marines too..... drank about 15 or so long island ice teas... last thing I remember was leaving the club... woke up 2 days later strapped up in the VA hospital...

I'm glad yall made it out alive, you just reminded of another real *** moment I went through, **** was like a hallmark movie of the week.

A very good friend of mine who I'm cool with till this day (Known him since 7th grade) had some kidney issues and almost died from liver failure on a Sunday after we went out on a Saturday. We were downtown just hanging out looking for bitties, we each had a tall beer and he had a shot of vodka, that was it for the whole night. By the time it was over we were both practically sober. I was driving but if I couldn't I would of been fully confident in his ability to get us home. That Sunday afternoon I get a call from his sister, I'm in the crib playing Assassins Creed like "What's Good", I'm thinking like "She want the pipe?". She was a few years older and we only spoke like once at that point, I pick up phone and I can hear her voice cracking, she asks me if we were doing cocaine last night cause her brother in hospital fighting for his life. Talking about he has liver failure and his kidneys acting up. I told her I got asthma, I'm not messing with no **** like that, I dont even associate with dudes who **** with they nose anymore at that point.

I'm super worried for my boy, but her family thought I had something to do with it so they weren't trying to tell me where he was. He regained conciseness that night and he called me Monday afternoon. He told me on Sunday after breakfast he just felt real sick then he randomly blacked out. Now I didn't tell his family but he does go pretty hard in the paint when it comes to drinks whenever we go out. I remember him and 2 other dudes we went to middle school with hung every Saturday for the entire summer. I mean we got ****** up on the regular, I told him thats probably what got you cause he went harder than any of us. He hasn't had issues since and now he's a casual drinker like me (I'm not trying to get ****** up or sick, just have a good time) but that whole Sunday had me going crazy. For a second I thought I was about to lose one of my guys, sad part is a lot of his other friends stopped wanting to hang out with him because for about a year he didn't want any hard liquor around him at all and they couldn't deal with that.

Its all good though, I'm supposed to link with him this weekend out DC to hangout :nthat:. Dont be afraid to check your homies, you could save they life
Wow, some of the stories in here :wow:. Mine are nothing compared to others, but I'll play.

Two of my best friends and I decided to drive around and throw eggs at oncoming traffic the week before our senior year of high school :smh:. Terrible idea; we had initially began by sneaking into a movie, but got kicked out. There was a Walmart right next to the theater, so we decided to get one of those big *** cartons of eggs and chuck them at cars as my friend drove. We were driving down a major intersection in my town, and spotted one of those old muscle cars waiting to make a right hand turn out of this apartment complex, so we hit it with a few eggs and kept driving. We were laughing, and everything was cool until we looked in the rearview mirror and saw dude following us.

All I can remember was how loud his engine was, and my friend drove a Dodge Neon at the time so obviously we weren't escaping. My friend freaks out and dips into my other buddy's neighborhood. We drive around, and finally end up parking and we think we're good, until we hear that loud engine roaring at the entrance of the neighborhood. They both got out and ran, but I froze up and decided to hide in the backseat of the car. Bad idea. Dude rolls up almost instantaneously and demands me to get out of the car. It had rained earlier that day, and my dumbass decided to wear flip flops, so I get out and give a weak attempt at running. It was no use. Dude tells me to stop running because he has a gun. He catches up and barks at me, asking why I'm throwing eggs at his car. I lie and say it wasn't me. It feels like this goes on for eternity, but I think someone ended up turning on their patio light behind me, so the dude runs off and speeds into the night. We get back to the car and realize that he rifled through my friend's glove compartment and got his insurance card with his address on it. By this point we were shook, but all I could keep saying was my parents couldn't know about this :lol:. Fast forward, I was legit scared to leave the house for the next few days. :rofl:

All this may seem insignificant, and not a big deal, but this had happened two years prior, literally five minutes or so away from where we lived and we still decided to egg :sick:. They never ended up catching the guy that did it either. Granted, we egged on the same road that ol' boy egged on, just at the opposite end. Never again. That was the first time I ever felt like I was about to lose my life.
Happy you made it out alright but you deserved an *** whipping :lol:
Respect to all of y’all who posted . Thread is definitely heavy but also inspiring seeing people overcome traumatic situations and still have positive outcomes.

Mine was when my younger brother died. Still doesn’t seem real and it’s been been almost 5 years now. He drowned at the beach in Galveston while out with some of his friends. My man was 21 for like a month and some change( his bday is a day before mine but we are 7 years apart). First time experiencing death that close to me. I can still remember getting the phone call from my mom and my step dad saying they couldn’t find him etc. No joke that night I went to sleep and had cold chills even though I was fully clothed and under a blanket. I knew my brother was gone. Seeing my mom go through this(she beat beast cancer prior to his passing) has been tough man. I feel like she’s just now getting on with her life. I can’t imagine having to bury your child. I moved away to college at 18 and never moved back home, so we were as close as one could be being 7 years apart. I would give him game on how to move etc while he was going through teenage isssues etc, and kinda always figured once he became grown we would be a lot closer. When he passed it really hit me that we are all on borrowed time.

Also finding out my dad had two other biological kids around the same time. It’s been cool yet awkward to say the least. Almost seems forced to try and have a relationship with them but hey it wasn’t the kids fault we are in the situation. I haven’t seen or spoken to my dad since I was 5 years old, but my sister has a really close relationship with him. I used to resent him but as I’ve grown older (32) I’ve realized it’s always two sides to a story and while I would never leave my kids, I honestly don’t know the ins and outs of my mom and his relationship. My sister always ask if I want to speak to him or meet him, and truthfully i don’t. We lived in the same city until I moved to Houston(college) and never saw each other so I’m like why try at this point? I don’t hate him, but I don’t even know him to have any type of feelings towards him.
When I was unemployed for 18 months. Thankfully, I had parents who were understanding and supportive of me when I stopped believing in myself.

Yeah I never thought unemployment would weigh heavy on me until I experienced it.

In the past I remember hearing about folks kill themselves when they lost their jobs and I was just like "WTH?" Can't be that serious.
Can't pinpoint one event honestly. I still kind of take it as a joke as I like to have fun/laugh.

Culmination of events maybe have reshaped me a bit.
Man there's some crazy stories on here. I'll share a few of mine.

First was a fight with a dude outside of my baby moms fams house during a house party. I was in a bad point at my life and wanted to hurt someone plus I was stupid drunk. Was told to make sure this dude who was kicked out the party had left, so went outside the house to tell him jump in his ride and leave. He gets stupid and after warning him to go he tells me do what I got to do and he was calling his cousin. When he says he's calling his cousin I'm thinking he means his cousin is a real G or something so I walk up and swing on him only I'm so drunk I go with the punch and fall over. Dude is fat and he falls on top of me trying to swing. Through this he ends up getting cut on his side. He jumps up running around yelling that I stabbed him and he was going to die, I tell dude nobody stabbed him and run to the house. Baby moms opens the door and sees me all bloody. Cops come but thankfully I didn't get busted. Dude was super high and broke his bong on the street when I first him him. So cops chalk it up to him just falling and cutting himself on the glass. Turns out his cousin was a chick still inside at the party after all that. Worst thing is my daughter saw me all bloody and still asks me about that night sometimes. One time it came in handy though when I was with her. Some random guys were parked on the street one time waiting for my neighbor and mean muggin me when I'm getting my daughter out of the car. She takes a look at them and said "daddy, remember when you got into a fight and that guy got poked?" Dudes didn't want nothing to do with me after :rofl:.

Another one was picking up my boy from county. We come back into town and my other boy who came w me tells me to go over to a house so our boy can party and hang with some chicks. Everyone is having a good time drinking and partying but I'm tired and take off. Wake up to a call from another homie asking how I was. Apparently the house we were at was a known dope house and cops had raided it 30minutes after I had left. Everyone there went to jail that night including my two homies. Dude wasn't even out the county 6 hours and ended up back in.

My grandmother recently being diagnosed with Dementia has been hard. Some of my clients I work with have dementia so I have seen how it progresses. It's a hard thing to know that one day she will not remember me nor my daughter. We go visit her as much as we can. But in honesty at this point I almost wish she would pass away before it progresses to the point where she will not know who we are.

Some good friends of mine had their daughter commit suicide in November. They had been friends with my chick for years but lost contact. Turns out they ended up living close to where we bought a house so we ended up hanging out, My stepdaughter grew up with the girl when they were younger and my stepdaughter had even been over at their house the night before. I didn't know she suffered from depression but she just had it in her head that day to off herself after school. She told everyone at school she would miss them. My stepdaughter hated the fact that as her friend she got nothing, no goodbye and left her last text from her unread. She locked her door to her room and her dad ends up breaking the door in and found her lifeless. I find out the next day from my chick who had to pry it out of my stepdaughter. It was so hard time comprehend because she wasn't so loving to everyone. We hadn't no idea that she was hurting that bad. Our friends are still trying to cope with life after that. They just came back into town after bouncing around for a bit just to not have everyone stare at them not knowing what to say or do.
- on my 18th bday the cops pulled me over and search my car...said I fit the description of a known drug dealer.

Bro, when I was 18, I inherited 50k that my Pops left me. Went and got a 4 door Suzuki Sidekick(they were hot back then, lol 1995), rimmed up and sounds...Police pulled me over just about every couple of weeks for about a year, harassing me and searching my truck looking for ****. They swore I was a drug dealer. My moms was so scared that they were gonna plant something on me... now, mind you I had never been arrested for anything, three sport athlete, straight A student but, just because I was riding clean at 18 they swore I was hustling
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One of my earliest memories is going on a road trip with my Grandparents and we stopped in some backwoods town to get gas. I really needed to use the bathroom so my Grandpa took me inside. When we got inside the clerk looked at me and told us their restroom wasn't for us (WTF)... So my Grandpa took me outside and had me piss on the side of the building and we drove off. I didn't quite understand then what happened, but as I got older I did. That was my first real experience with racism, at age 5...

I was in 9th grade when one morning before school, our house phone rang, which wasn't all that weird because my older sister would call to talk to my Grandma most mornings. I pick up the phone and I hear my sister (who was maybe 16 at the time) screaming in horror and she cries to me "MY BABY ISN'T BREATHING!" I tell her to get off the phone with me and call 911 NOW. My Grandpa gets ready to head over there and tells me to go ahead and get ready to catch the bus (I guess he didnt want me to panic too much and really wasn't sure what else to do), so I go down the street to wait. I get to school and then sometime after my first period starts, I get called to the office... It was my Grandpa, he told me my niece didn't make it, apparently she had passed away in the middle of the night from SIDS . She was 9 months old. It really messed me up and to this day, I will go in my daughter's room and just watch her sleep. That whole experience really taught younger me the value of life and that it could be gone, just like that.

When I turned 25 years old, I was in the Navy and stationed down in Corpus Christi. I decided I wanted to go home (Houston) to party. I had been home a few weeks earlier to attend my great uncle's funeral and earlier that week my mom told me she wanted to talk to me about something ASAP. She was being super weird and wouldn't say exactly what it was she wanted to talk about so when I got home I gave her a call... Keep in mind, this is on my actual 25th birthday so I'm not expecting anything too wild, but ohhh man. My mom straight up tells me the guy I spent 25 years calling my dad (who really wasn't that great a dad but I loved him anyway and always tried to help him out when he was down on his luck) was NOT my father and that some other guy was my dad. Apparently someone at the funeral earlier in the month saw me and realized I looked exactly like the other guy. Ended up meeting him and confirming he was indeed my pops (he's actually a really good guy and we talk often now), but I didn't talk to my mom for a long time. She KNEW and decided to drop this on me after 25 years of life. That made me open my eyes to how foul your family, even you own mom, can be.
When I turned 25 years old, I was in the Navy and stationed down in Corpus Christi. I decided I wanted to go home (Houston) to party. I had been home a few weeks earlier to attend my great uncle's funeral and earlier that week my mom told me she wanted to talk to me about something ASAP. She was being super weird and wouldn't say exactly what it was she wanted to talk about so when I got home I gave her a call... Keep in mind, this is on my actual 25th birthday so I'm not expecting anything too wild, but ohhh man. My mom straight up tells me the guy I spent 25 years calling my dad (who really wasn't that great a dad but I loved him anyway and always tried to help him out when he was down on his luck) was NOT my father and that some other guy was my dad. Apparently someone at the funeral earlier in the month saw me and realized I looked exactly like the other guy. Ended up meeting him and confirming he was indeed my pops (he's actually a really good guy and we talk often now), but I didn't talk to my mom for a long time. She KNEW and decided to drop this on me after 25 years of life. That made me open my eyes to how foul your family, even you own mom, can be.

Damn. That’s jacked up.
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