I think I messed up, smh at myself

To your slight chance of hope.
Originally Posted by Dakid4996

 been tlking to this girl on and off, one day I make a joke bout her givin it up to me, she responds: you only want to sleep with me, you want me to let my guard down and let you come into my life, you jus want sex.  She took my sense of humor way too serious and she thinks i only want to hit, im thinkin bout writing a note. 
What's the problem? You've broached the subject with humor. Good job. Now finish strong with a Win. What, are you saying you don't wanna hit?
Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

Find another female to smash. I swear with all of the girl problem threads in here someone could write a book and get rich.

I'm all over this.
for real...move on unless yall are real tight like that. but i guess your not because she cant take your sense of humor...a comment like that...shes prolly getting the last laugh because yns and she is sse
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