Originally Posted by DatZNasty

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
Is that Old Testament or New? It would be easier if you would have gave me the numbers and book so I could read what else was with that. Oh andI'd like to keep this on the level of expressing beliefs and not bashing. We get into that too much.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Catholicism thrives on fear
These are the verses he's referring to:

Deuteronomy 22

[sup]28[/sup] If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes herand they are discovered, [sup]29[/sup] he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver.He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

These are the verses he's referring to:

Deuteronomy 22

[sup]28[/sup] If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, [sup]29[/sup] he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
Hmmm I don't have a answer on those. I'm not exactly sure on how to interpret it. Someone else got a clue.
hey thats pretty nice to hear, I've been thinking about hitting up a church group around my way for awhile now
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

RKO, are you one of those christians that only believes the New Testament or do you believe in both?

I'm not that educated with either to be honest. Right now I'm just trying to get my life in order and read the word from time to time. I think the oldtestament was fulfilled when Christ came. though. All of this can be very confusing at times. But to let you all in on me a bit, I'm not a goody goody oranything. I'm just someone who tries to live by the law of God. I have some of the same urges and thoughts you have. I want to lay hands on some dudes inlife or on NT thinking they're funny and slick. But as a man of God I refrain from those thoughts and actions. For example sex before marriage. I know howit feels and what not. Sex before marriage feels good at the time but its ultimately not worth it due to what it causes.But I have a greater purpose like allof you. That purpose is to live for God. I think some people get it twisted when they hear that and think you can't live for yourself. I still have a senseof humor. I'm still human. I just try to serve a greater purpose now rather than live for myself and my urges.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

RKO, are you one of those christians that only believes the New Testament or do you believe in both?
I'll sign up under that account. Except that I don't take the bible word for word literally.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Now NT OG I don't know where your from or who you are but I know you've seen Maury before. That's the perfect sign of man making its own laws that go against Gods' and look at the caos it causes.

One of the laws in the Bible says if you rape a little girl, she becomes your wife.

And again, we're still talking about the same book where a dude got eaten by a big fish and lived in his stomach for 3 days before being regurgitated, and a guy lived to be 969, and one guy tore down a whole cathedral with his bare hands by pushing the pillars, and a burnish bush talked to a dude, and the sea split and let some people walk through, and some sticks were turned into snakes, and so on and so on.
I believe in the whole Bible. And good stuff, you brought up a verse that hasn't stuck out to me.

Anyway, to answer your question...It was definitely an Old Testament law. The Old Testament is God's law shining as it's theme, but there is stillgrace. The New Testament is God's grace shining as it's theme, but there is still the law. I hope that makes it clear.

Jonah - In the belly of the whale for 3 days..
New Testament - Jonah was a type of Christ. Christ even cited Jonah, and said even as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days, so shall I be. You knowwhat's crazier than a whale being swallowed? Jesus' resurrection

If you really want I can elaborate on the others, but I just wanted to show you an example of how the Bible all comes together. 66 books from differentwriters, from different eras, in different languages without any errors. The Bible witnesses of itself :].

Now my question to all of you is, what if Jesus is the Christ? Where do you lie in your relationship to the Christ?
I just hope everyone here understands that you may have seen some sort of religion under the guise of "Christianity." But the Bible says that youshall know them by their works. If you see a Christian, you'll know they are a Christian...

However, Christian's aren't perfect and will choose anything else other than Christ, because of our human nature.
Rtz13: im right on track with everything you said except when you asked the question "what IF Jesus IS the Christ"... was this question formed to asknonbelievers where they stand with Jesus?
Originally Posted by CJ863

Rtz13: im right on track with everything you said except when you asked the question "what IF Jesus IS the Christ"... was this question formed to ask nonbelievers where they stand with Jesus?
I believe he was asking the nonbelievers.

Christian's aren't perfect
Yes I would like to stress this. One thing I have noticed is that people who are nonbelievers will pull scriptures out of a hat to make you seemlike a bad follower of Christ. That is kinda of funny to me because they usually do it when one of us is trying to help. LOOK. WE ARE NOT CHRIST. WE ARE HISFOLLOWERS. SO THAT MEANS WE ARE NOT PERFECT. Now that that has been established, if we are trying to have a civilized convo with you and help you why do youthrow scripture back in our face? Is it to let us know we aren't perfect? We know that. Is it to let us know we're not better than you? We know that.So what is the purpose?
Religion is such a scam. How arrogant of of believers to say that their god created the trillions of imploding galaxies, black holes, failed solar systems,leaving us on the edge of our vast universe. He created the billions of years of evolved creatures on our planet. Then to say that this god actually caresabout us, and controls every aspect of our lives for eternity is crazy. Frankly, if there was a being who constantly was watching my every move I would becompletely terrified.
Christians....has God ever talked to you before? Like can you hear his voice same way you hear someone next to you?
Originally Posted by roman736

Religion is such a scam. How arrogant of of believers to say that their god created the trillions of imploding galaxies, black holes, failed solar systems, leaving us on the edge of our vast universe. He created the billions of years of evolved creatures on our planet. Then to say that this god actually cares about us, and controls every aspect of our lives for eternity is crazy. Frankly, if there was a being who constantly was watching my every move I would be completely terrified.

So...what? I don't get what it is you're trying to say. You don't believe in God because you're scared of him?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Christians....has God ever talked to you before? Like can you hear his voice same way you hear someone next to you?

No, but you can feel His presence and know that He is there inside you.
Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Christians....has God ever talked to you before? Like can you hear his voice same way you hear someone next to you?

No, but you can feel His presence and know that He is there inside you.

I don't want any "he" inside me
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

Religion is such a scam. How arrogant of of believers to say that their god created the trillions of imploding galaxies, black holes, failed solar systems, leaving us on the edge of our vast universe. He created the billions of years of evolved creatures on our planet. Then to say that this god actually cares about us, and controls every aspect of our lives for eternity is crazy. Frankly, if there was a being who constantly was watching my every move I would be completely terrified.

So...what? I don't get what it is you're trying to say. You don't believe in God because you're scared of him?

nah dude you just overlooked it.....right there in bold
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

Religion is such a scam. How arrogant of of believers to say that their god created the trillions of imploding galaxies, black holes, failed solar systems, leaving us on the edge of our vast universe. He created the billions of years of evolved creatures on our planet. Then to say that this god actually cares about us, and controls every aspect of our lives for eternity is crazy. Frankly, if there was a being who constantly was watching my every move I would be completely terrified.

So...what? I don't get what it is you're trying to say. You don't believe in God because you're scared of him?

nah dude you just overlooked it.....right there in bold

Oh, so just the same old bitter bs. Got it.
Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Christians....has God ever talked to you before? Like can you hear his voice same way you hear someone next to you?

No, but you can feel His presence and know that He is there inside you.
Inside me where? Like physically he is inside my body. Or do you feel his presence like you feel someone hovering behind you?
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

Religion is such a scam. How arrogant of of believers to say that their god created the trillions of imploding galaxies, black holes, failed solar systems, leaving us on the edge of our vast universe. He created the billions of years of evolved creatures on our planet. Then to say that this god actually cares about us, and controls every aspect of our lives for eternity is crazy. Frankly, if there was a being who constantly was watching my every move I would be completely terrified.

So...what? I don't get what it is you're trying to say. You don't believe in God because you're scared of him?

nah dude you just overlooked it.....right there in bold

Oh, so just the same old bitter bs. Got it.

I'm not bitter, I'm just anxious for the general public to acquire some skeptical thinking.
Originally Posted by roman736

Religion is such a scam. How arrogant of of believers to say that their god created the trillions of imploding galaxies, black holes, failed solar systems, leaving us on the edge of our vast universe. He created the billions of years of evolved creatures on our planet. Then to say that this god actually cares about us, and controls every aspect of our lives for eternity is crazy. Frankly, if there was a being who constantly was watching my every move I would be completely terrified.

believe it or not I'm with you on being terrified but I am most def a believer. when i was younger I used to love going to bible studies with all differentkinds of churches cause its such a great way to learn things from your point of view or not however now, not so much, because the same things get regurgitatedunless you really want to hear from certain people. i learned so much from bible studies its amazing and i still regret not going as much. i encourage everyoneto go to a bible study because dudes are mad respectful even if you aren't the same religion especially if your friends ask you to go with them.

Well I guess that would depend on where in the world you are. People are murdered all the time because of their religious differences. Must I name some of themany examples of this? People always say that they learn a lot and become better people through religion, yet such atrocities continue.
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