I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

Mar 3, 2011
I wrote this note on FB back in October after one of those threads about tipping, so I'll post it if anybody here has the tolerance to suffer through FOUR WHOLE PARAGRAPHS (Ahhhh!

Spoiler [+]
[h2]Here's a Tip: Why Black people are such horrible tippers...[/h2]

by Young Rilla on Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 1:13pm

Take it from me, a Black man..clearly..

I don't tip... I feel it's a very silly obstruct of society really. It's so insecure. People only tip because they're afraid not to. It's not even an act of generosity any more. It's more or less a bribe to keep the semen out of your clam chowder. I'd play along, but we have a strict non-negotiable stance when dealing with terrorists in MY cabinet.So my drink might get spat in or whatever....try me.. I'LL SUE!

You mean to tell me the invisible hand of waitresses who spit is keeping this gratuity tax scam afloat? I HATE IT. You mean to tell me I'm supposed to give you extra payment for an exchange of good or services............. but WHY? This meal isn't "Extra good", and if it was, the regular price should have reflected that ahead of time. You're not getting over on me buddy boy! If the lobster said $17 dollars, I'm not paying $25 just to look chiche. I didn't get any "Gratuitous bacon". Every man loves extra bacon. And yet, I'm supposed to TIP you?  Go'n somewhere with that.

Isn't the transaction complete once the price  is stated, agreed upon, and food is then served? I've never once tipped my weed man! Where else is this tipping nonsense so tip-ical? I must know! Tips never really made sense to me outside of just common decency. But even that is a luxury, no? I don't expect the world to be "commonly decent" to me. In fact, oft times I expect just the opposite. And that's exactly what I get more often than not. AND I'M OKAY WITH THAT. You don't see me complaining...and why not? Because I have no intention of undoing my Black skin.

Being Black all these years has taught me to strap up your boot laces and DEAL WITH IT. If you won't demand a tip, I won't demand fair treatment from police, or fair judgment from the bank when I apply for this loan. Deal? Compensate for that why don't you. Leave me and my non-tipping ways alone. Then again my pops has always been my barber and I don't eat out a lot AT ALL, so I guess I was just never in tune with the types of services that get you in the mentality of tipping to begin with.  I mean, I just think the whole idea of tipping is cool until you add in expectations and standards Then it's rather presumptuous, and I don't like that one bit. Until I'm a "regular" at some local food shack with a vested interest in the well being of the people that serve me, I'll just leave this one particular tip: They said "You get what you pay for". They should have said, "Just pay for what you get". Tip that.

....But that's beside the point.

Yesterday as some of you may have guessed,  I went to b-dubbs. Me and my gal (party of 2) split 12 wings and a basket of fries. I had some weak ++@ lemondae drink with only a splash of alcohol. Tastes great for a near-virgin $6 drink
.. but whatever. The service was great! They even complimented me on my outfit (as I was trying to look slightly mature handing in my job application and all. But they made one crucial $@%@ up. On my bill, there was an added on gratuity of $2.82.


Had I not just turned in a job application, I would have asked to speak to the REGIONAL manager of ALL local B-dubbs. Those conniving bastards. No, it's not about the 3 bucks. I would have tipped 5 yesterday! (Sure, I'd have only tipped 5 cuz my lady was there and because I'm tryna get hired there, but that's still beside the point.) You don't steal 3 bucks from a party of 2. And as cynical as I am, I can't help but think we were robbed of our hard earned 3 dollars because they figured we, being Negros, would not have offered it up willingly. *Which is correct*, knowing what I now know.

I'm NEVER EVER tipping at a restaurant again. At first I was being an idealist. Occasionally I'd just be cheap. But now I'm actually offended at the whole concept. I feel taken advantage of now. It shows what people really think of you when they add a gratuity TAX to a 17 dollar meal as if they didn't wanna take the chance that they wouldn't get their apparently mandatory 3 buck cut. Racist bastards..

I wrote this note on FB back in October after one of those threads about tipping, so I'll post it if anybody here has the tolerance to suffer through FOUR WHOLE PARAGRAPHS (Ahhhh!

Spoiler [+]
[h2]Here's a Tip: Why Black people are such horrible tippers...[/h2]

by Young Rilla on Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 1:13pm

Take it from me, a Black man..clearly..

I don't tip... I feel it's a very silly obstruct of society really. It's so insecure. People only tip because they're afraid not to. It's not even an act of generosity any more. It's more or less a bribe to keep the semen out of your clam chowder. I'd play along, but we have a strict non-negotiable stance when dealing with terrorists in MY cabinet.So my drink might get spat in or whatever....try me.. I'LL SUE!

You mean to tell me the invisible hand of waitresses who spit is keeping this gratuity tax scam afloat? I HATE IT. You mean to tell me I'm supposed to give you extra payment for an exchange of good or services............. but WHY? This meal isn't "Extra good", and if it was, the regular price should have reflected that ahead of time. You're not getting over on me buddy boy! If the lobster said $17 dollars, I'm not paying $25 just to look chiche. I didn't get any "Gratuitous bacon". Every man loves extra bacon. And yet, I'm supposed to TIP you?  Go'n somewhere with that.

Isn't the transaction complete once the price  is stated, agreed upon, and food is then served? I've never once tipped my weed man! Where else is this tipping nonsense so tip-ical? I must know! Tips never really made sense to me outside of just common decency. But even that is a luxury, no? I don't expect the world to be "commonly decent" to me. In fact, oft times I expect just the opposite. And that's exactly what I get more often than not. AND I'M OKAY WITH THAT. You don't see me complaining...and why not? Because I have no intention of undoing my Black skin.

Being Black all these years has taught me to strap up your boot laces and DEAL WITH IT. If you won't demand a tip, I won't demand fair treatment from police, or fair judgment from the bank when I apply for this loan. Deal? Compensate for that why don't you. Leave me and my non-tipping ways alone. Then again my pops has always been my barber and I don't eat out a lot AT ALL, so I guess I was just never in tune with the types of services that get you in the mentality of tipping to begin with.  I mean, I just think the whole idea of tipping is cool until you add in expectations and standards Then it's rather presumptuous, and I don't like that one bit. Until I'm a "regular" at some local food shack with a vested interest in the well being of the people that serve me, I'll just leave this one particular tip: They said "You get what you pay for". They should have said, "Just pay for what you get". Tip that.

....But that's beside the point.

Yesterday as some of you may have guessed,  I went to b-dubbs. Me and my gal (party of 2) split 12 wings and a basket of fries. I had some weak ++@ lemondae drink with only a splash of alcohol. Tastes great for a near-virgin $6 drink
.. but whatever. The service was great! They even complimented me on my outfit (as I was trying to look slightly mature handing in my job application and all. But they made one crucial $@%@ up. On my bill, there was an added on gratuity of $2.82.


Had I not just turned in a job application, I would have asked to speak to the REGIONAL manager of ALL local B-dubbs. Those conniving bastards. No, it's not about the 3 bucks. I would have tipped 5 yesterday! (Sure, I'd have only tipped 5 cuz my lady was there and because I'm tryna get hired there, but that's still beside the point.) You don't steal 3 bucks from a party of 2. And as cynical as I am, I can't help but think we were robbed of our hard earned 3 dollars because they figured we, being Negros, would not have offered it up willingly. *Which is correct*, knowing what I now know.

I'm NEVER EVER tipping at a restaurant again. At first I was being an idealist. Occasionally I'd just be cheap. But now I'm actually offended at the whole concept. I feel taken advantage of now. It shows what people really think of you when they add a gratuity TAX to a 17 dollar meal as if they didn't wanna take the chance that they wouldn't get their apparently mandatory 3 buck cut. Racist bastards..

this has nothing to do with race. the "tip" is part of the eating out experience, so if you can't or don't wanna "tip" then stay your butt at home. unless you get the WORST service ever there's no excuse.
this has nothing to do with race. the "tip" is part of the eating out experience, so if you can't or don't wanna "tip" then stay your butt at home. unless you get the WORST service ever there's no excuse.
If everyone used your logic restaurants would simply pay their waiters/waitresses more (since currently they make less than minimum wage, but make up for it in tips) and increase the price of food to justify it. So now your $25 steak would be $32 and so on. We'd still end up paying about as much as current food + tip prices.
If everyone used your logic restaurants would simply pay their waiters/waitresses more (since currently they make less than minimum wage, but make up for it in tips) and increase the price of food to justify it. So now your $25 steak would be $32 and so on. We'd still end up paying about as much as current food + tip prices.
i tip by default.. but if the waiter/waitress is being a Dbag i make it a point to tip them below 10% or even $1 with a 
i have a few waiter friends.. and this ticks them off like nothing else. 
i tip by default.. but if the waiter/waitress is being a Dbag i make it a point to tip them below 10% or even $1 with a 
i have a few waiter friends.. and this ticks them off like nothing else. 
Originally Posted by Hizzle

If everyone used your logic restaurants would simply pay their waiters/waitresses more (since currently they make less than minimum wage, but make up for it in tips) and increase the price of food to justify it. So now your $25 steak would be $32 and so on. We'd still end up paying about as much as current food + tip prices.

You're right. And I'm OKAY with that.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

If everyone used your logic restaurants would simply pay their waiters/waitresses more (since currently they make less than minimum wage, but make up for it in tips) and increase the price of food to justify it. So now your $25 steak would be $32 and so on. We'd still end up paying about as much as current food + tip prices.

You're right. And I'm OKAY with that.

Places that do this normally have that written right on the menu.  If you don't like it, get up and leave.  Go get a grilled cheese with mozzarella sticks in the middle at friendly's or something.

Im over NTers crying about tipping servers.

Places that do this normally have that written right on the menu.  If you don't like it, get up and leave.  Go get a grilled cheese with mozzarella sticks in the middle at friendly's or something.

Im over NTers crying about tipping servers.
BEfore ya'll cal me cheap and whatever else ya'll come up with, stop and realize you TOO are being played. It's NOT about how much the tip is, but the fact that apparently Black people get TAXED to eat at restaurants.

I'm NOT okay with that.

ME and my gal dropped 85 dollars on Red Lobster Friday and tipped 10 bucks (horrible service) because our waitress just looked like she needed it. So yeah, I can be compassionate. But that's it! EYE HAVE TO CARE. You can't force me too with peer pressure and societal pressure. So to then be JACKED for 3 funky +++ bucks was the icing on the crap cake for me.

I quit.
Places that do this normally have that written right on the menu.  If you don't like it, get up and leave.  Go get a grilled cheese with mozzarella sticks in the middle at friendly's or something.

Im over NTers crying about tipping servers.
Places that do that, do it for large parties... not 2 people having a snack at 3 o'clock. READ THE SUBTEXT, not just the fine print..

Some of ya'll are so oblivious.
BEfore ya'll cal me cheap and whatever else ya'll come up with, stop and realize you TOO are being played. It's NOT about how much the tip is, but the fact that apparently Black people get TAXED to eat at restaurants.

I'm NOT okay with that.

ME and my gal dropped 85 dollars on Red Lobster Friday and tipped 10 bucks (horrible service) because our waitress just looked like she needed it. So yeah, I can be compassionate. But that's it! EYE HAVE TO CARE. You can't force me too with peer pressure and societal pressure. So to then be JACKED for 3 funky +++ bucks was the icing on the crap cake for me.

I quit.
Places that do this normally have that written right on the menu.  If you don't like it, get up and leave.  Go get a grilled cheese with mozzarella sticks in the middle at friendly's or something.

Im over NTers crying about tipping servers.
Places that do that, do it for large parties... not 2 people having a snack at 3 o'clock. READ THE SUBTEXT, not just the fine print..

Some of ya'll are so oblivious.
People make a living off tips.

Waiters are paid less than minimum wage, to make up for that they are allowed to receive tips.

If you don't like it, don't eat out.

If you were a waiter would you want tips? I'm pretty sure you would...
People make a living off tips.

Waiters are paid less than minimum wage, to make up for that they are allowed to receive tips.

If you don't like it, don't eat out.

If you were a waiter would you want tips? I'm pretty sure you would...
$3 ain't even half an hour of work though, lol

Still don't see how race is involved in this situation
$3 ain't even half an hour of work though, lol

Still don't see how race is involved in this situation
I feel OP on the "added on gratuity". I will tip based on service. But when they go ahead and tack it on you really have no say.

I've always been a generous tipper, but when they decide to add the tip themselves, they actually lose money from me.

but the fact that apparently Black people get TAXED to eat at restaurants.
It's not just black ppl though.  Some restaurants just have that policy.

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