If a FEMALE invites you to the movies.... UPDATE PICS (Pg.2) Final Update pg.14

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.
Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

who the *$$@ cares? its only $11 a person.
Yup.  I'll offer to pay; not a big deal to me either way 
If you really wanna go and you would've taken her anyway I gets it's justifiable to pay. But how you inviting someone and expecting them to pay? If I don't see her reaching for her card/wallet when we get in there *$!$* in for a surprise. 
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