If the healthcare bill passes.. what does it mean for doctors ?

I'm sure someone is gonna come in here and lay down some serious outlines and in depth answers but to put it simply, RIP to millionaire doctors and RIP tomedicine being a business opportunity.

With that being said, don't think that doctor's won't still be prosperous, it's just that their profits will greatly diminish. I'm apre-med major btw, class of '12
it means the money you will make will be the same across the board.. no means to prosper ... also means alot of doctors will practice overseas in diffcountries.. also give the incentive to do the work in college non existent, and the people that usually strive to become doctors, will take their knowledgesomewhere elsewhere.
Originally Posted by bwood056

it means the money you will make will be the same across the board.. no means to prosper ... also means alot of doctors will practice overseas in diff countries.. also give the incentive to do the work in college non existent, and the people that usually strive to become doctors, will take their knowledge somewhere elsewhere.

That's a little extreme. European doctors are doing quite fine financially. Besides, if you're ONLY doing it for the money, you won't make it toretirement anyway.
its been pushed back, and many times over revised.. not sure.. i know private healthcare obv is against, and i know doctors, as my dad, opposes also.. i hopeit does not pass, simply on the fact of the government will have their hands in everything.. its a shame.. their is no more freedom it seems like.. what the USis based off of, being shut down.
Originally Posted by bwood056

the people that usually strive to become doctors, will take their knowledge somewhere elsewhere.

sad but true. quality of healthcare is about to decline.
if you own your own practice, whats the use of retirement? if you can open many healthcare clinics, and bust your +#% within a 20 yr period, your retirement isthere for set.. i understand you should be a doctor to help people, but the fact of the matter is, money talks. and also the School fees are not cheap, and youmost likely will be spending some time paying them off, so why not make more money? america is based off people making money, and striving.. we are NOT andeastern country, western civilization (US) is its own branch of a working system.. its worked for a long time. conforming to others way of living (socialism,communism) its ridiculous. why live in the US then?
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by bwood056

the people that usually strive to become doctors, will take their knowledge somewhere elsewhere.

sad but true. quality of healthcare is about to decline.

Most people that become doctors dont do it for the money.
If you become like aplastic surgeon or something along the superficial practices of medicine, then youd be doing it for the money.
Thing with that is that I dont see any type of health care reform ever covering breasts implants or some !!#%.

Therefore I really dont think that this health care bill would directly lead to a decline in doctor's in this country.
Sure doctors make good money, but I dont think any doctor working in a hospital saving lives would tell you that this was something they did for the money.

Just my .02
Originally Posted by bwood056

it means the money you will make will be the same across the board.. no means to prosper ... also means alot of doctors will practice overseas in diff countries.


most other countries have universal healthcare
I am all for making more money. I am an aspiring doctor, why not be for more money? My point is that currently, the medical system is ridiculously flawed.Doctors take longer, more expensive, less effective treatment alternatives for patients to simply make the extra buck. Although the most prominent doctors willlook for jobs where the money is, most doctors will be satisfied with the $150,000+/year paycheck. The difference with the reform isn't going to hit ashard for the doctors that don't rape private insurances for money.
unless you know a doctor or aspiring to be a doctor, honestly you would not understand the hit many doctors would take. Specialist will take the biggest hit,the funds for them is minimal, and if you own your own practice its a huge loss, for what you have built over the years to fall to this plan. the US gets taxedmore to pay for the welfare, and poor class. at the same time, there should be a principle line for welfare, at least attempt to have a job. Gov't givesour tax money to people that are druggies( i know not all the time, some people deserve it) but the gov't should look more into where the US taxes aregoing to. im still pissed that Obama sent another 40K troops over to iraq, but yet hes gone against half of what hes planned to do.. but he IS our presidentand ill stand by the side, but i DO NOT agree with alot of his proposed plans, for basically a Gov't takeover
Originally Posted by nyybaseball423

I'm sure someone is gonna come in here and lay down some serious outlines and in depth answers but to put it simply, RIP to millionaire doctors and RIP to medicine being a business opportunity.

With that being said, don't think that doctor's won't still be prosperous, it's just that their profits will greatly diminish. I'm a pre-med major btw, class of '12
what are talking about. this BS bill is gonna change the whole idea of profiting of sick people?

medicine will be even more of a business opportunity, because it will be illegal not to have health insurance. This "reform" is NOT REFORM. it'snot doing what people think it's intended to do. doctors will be affected negatively but pharmaceutical companies still win. insurance companies andlawyers win also
Originally Posted by vkhoj

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by bwood056

the people that usually strive to become doctors, will take their knowledge somewhere elsewhere.

sad but true. quality of healthcare is about to decline.

Most people that become doctors dont do it for the money.
If you become like aplastic surgeon or something along the superficial practices of medicine, then youd be doing it for the money.
Thing with that is that I dont see any type of health care reform ever covering breasts implants or some !!#%.

Therefore I really dont think that this health care bill would directly lead to a decline in doctor's in this country.
Sure doctors make good money, but I dont think any doctor working in a hospital saving lives would tell you that this was something they did for the money.

Just my .02

You obviously know nothing of the healthcare system.
Yeah IN THEORY, it should be like that and I'm sure for everyone they believe in that. BUT at the same time we didn't go through 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school and 3-5 years of Residency (Those 80 hour caps on a work week are a JOKE) not be compensated financially as well. No one wants to make less money than they already have been making. Get real kid.

What people WANT and what people GET are two different things. You want a multi-million dollar a year paycheck? Medicine, if done the right way, by the book,WITHOUT false claims to insurance companies, is NOT for you. It is POSSIBLE, though unlikely in most cases, for the top surgeons to make that but withobviously a much longer school and training process. You want millions? Go sing, act, or play sports. You shouldn't want a huge compensation for goingthrough med school and residency. It's the process you HAVE TO go through to become a competent doctor who is able to ACTUALLY HELP people and not be thesurgeon leaving surgical sponges inside of people or accidentally amputating the wrong sided limb. The statistics when it comes to instances like that arestaggering. Google it.
Doctors are definitely gon take a pay cut and me personally I don't care. Before I got insurance, I spent 5 yrs w/o it b/c I couldn't afford it.It's just $$*@@% up that doctors is cakin it up while ppl don't have health care in AMERICA, the so called land of milk and honey. Within those 5 yrsw/o insurance I strained my extensor tendons and got the flu, had it not been for school bein in session I wouldn't have been able to do %*@# b/c Ican't afford a $1000 doctor bill.

I think the Healthcare Bill is goin to affect private Insurance companies more than doctors, isn't that why it was conjured up in the first place?
Originally Posted by vkhoj

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by bwood056

the people that usually strive to become doctors, will take their knowledge somewhere elsewhere.

sad but true. quality of healthcare is about to decline.

Most people that become doctors dont do it for the money.
If you become like aplastic surgeon or something along the superficial practices of medicine, then youd be doing it for the money.
Thing with that is that I dont see any type of health care reform ever covering breasts implants or some !!#%.

Therefore I really dont think that this health care bill would directly lead to a decline in doctor's in this country.
Sure doctors make good money, but I dont think any doctor working in a hospital saving lives would tell you that this was something they did for the money.

Just my .02

You obviously know nothing of the healthcare system.
Yeah IN THEORY, it should be like that and I'm sure for everyone they believe in that. BUT at the same time we didn't go through 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school and 3-5 years of Residency (Those 80 hour caps on a work week are a JOKE) not be compensated financially as well. No one wants to make less money than they already have been making. Get real kid.

You stupid?
Nobody in the world, no matter what profession it is would want to make less money.
That goes across the board, or did you think that only doctors want to be compensated?

The point is that while doctors are very well compensated, $$$ is not the PRIMARY reason they go into that profession.
Keyword here is "primary".

Oh wait, you a doctor?
Is money the main reason you chose to become a doctor?
Well this can be a mixed bag of results for doctors.

For one it should reduce the amount of paper work that doctors have to fill out in order to get paid. Ask doctors who are in their 60s and 70s. They hate theway medicine is nowadays with all the paperwork that they have to fill out for the HMOs for just 1 patient. This is for private practice of course. But theywill make less money overall.

For doctors that work in clinics that are owned by others it could mean slightly higher wages. As the clinics might be paid a bit more per patient. That'swhat my boss told me at least who owns the psychiatric out-patient clinic I work at right now.

For hospital doctors it might reduce pay a bit. Maybe a 10-15% reduction.

TO counterbalance this domino effect they have to reduce the price of malpractice insurance IMO. The malpractice system is so unfair in the US it's noteven funny. No human is perfect, and for the ones that go for surgery that are unsuccessful, then I'm sorry, you did end up as one of that 10 or 5% thatwere unsuccessful. No-one obviously wants to be that unfortunate statistic, but it happens. We live in an imperfect world. I mean my friend has an unclewho's a surgeon here in Brooklyn. He pays 300k a year for malpractice insurance. Add rent for the place he has his practice, add the people he has to hireto work the staff and nurse, and then add the equipment he has to buy, plus lets not forget taxes. He has to make what, 1 million at least to make itbeneficial for him. That's insane!!!
Quick edit:
So what I'm trying to say with that las tparagraph is to have malpractice insurance capped from both ends. Doctors don't pay as much. People who fellvictim to malpractice don't get as much compensation. IMO we should also take this out of the hands of lawyers. Have a council like group like theSupreme court of 9 or so officials, like Germany has. And they decide whether there was malpractice or not. I'm against the US law system as it'svery easy to corrupt and easy to manipulate. Compare US/British law to Scandinavian law. British law has so much more corruption that it's not evenfunny.
Biggie62 wrote:

TO counterbalance this domino effect they have to reduce the price of malpractice insurance IMO. The malpractice system is so unfair in the US it's not even funny. No human is perfect, and for the ones that go for surgery that are unsuccessful, then I'm sorry, you did end up as one of that 10 or 5% that were unsuccessful. No-one obviously wants to be that unfortunate statistic, but it happens. We live in an imperfect world.
are you out of your mind?

nobody's perfect, sorry i botched your mothers surgery and she's dead. MY B.
I mean I was all with you but I thought u were just gona say put a cap on malpractice suits, which is what I think needs to be done for this totruly be "reform". obama is a lawyer though so maybe that's why he didn't go in this direction
Originally Posted by ohBURRRR

haha the US is becoming Canada Jr. talk about role reversal.

SMH. Wrong, this bill does not bring socialized medicine. Nothing will change with doctors.
so many different answers
. i was talking to a friend (both parentsare doctors) and they said that since everything is gonna be run by the goverenment, doctors are only gonna get paid around 80,000
Originally Posted by DubA169

Biggie62 wrote:

TO counterbalance this domino effect they have to reduce the price of malpractice insurance IMO. The malpractice system is so unfair in the US it's not even funny. No human is perfect, and for the ones that go for surgery that are unsuccessful, then I'm sorry, you did end up as one of that 10 or 5% that were unsuccessful. No-one obviously wants to be that unfortunate statistic, but it happens. We live in an imperfect world.
are you out of your mind?

nobody's perfect, sorry i botched your mothers surgery and she's dead. MY B.
I mean I was all with you but I thought u were just gona say put a cap on malpractice suits, which is what I think needs to be done for this to truly be "reform". obama is a lawyer though so maybe that's why he didn't go in this direction

Well that's what I meant to say sorry. We do need to cap the amount of money doctors pay for malpractice insurance. And a cap in the amount peoplereceive from it. I'm a fan of what Germany does for malpractice. They have a Supreme Court like group of like 9 officials. They decide whether thereactually was malpractice or not. Then if they do say there was then they have a capped amount. Because lets face it. The US law system is very flawed, atleast taking my law class this semester made me realize that.
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