If the healthcare bill passes.. what does it mean for doctors ?

I've never had insurance and unless its not fixable in anyway I don't go to the doctor so I'm kinda out on this one..I asked a doctor one time ifhe really thought there was a cure for caner AIDS and such..he said he was sure there was and he would be they have it already but theres no money in curestheres money in treatment..when I hear things like that I don't feel bad for anyone in the medical feild thats gunna take a hit
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

if anything, yall doctors should be geeked to be rid of malpratice insurance fees/rates

I just don't think healthcare should be run for-profit....(by ins companies)

their overhead is so inflated, it literally bankrupts people

I can't afford health insurance and I work full time...

you pay health insurance and would still go broke if you got fatally sick...

sounds like rape to me.

Ummmm this Healthcare bill does absolutely NOTHING to decrease our malpractice premiums. You need to have tort reform and Obama and all the other lawyers incongress dont want that to happen so we (physicians) will continue to practice CYA (cover your @**) medicine, and the cost of medicine will still beastronomically high.
Originally Posted by Pushak513

I've never had insurance and unless its not fixable in anyway I don't go to the doctor so I'm kinda out on this one..I asked a doctor one time if he really thought there was a cure for caner AIDS and such..he said he was sure there was and he would be they have it already but theres no money in cures theres money in treatment..when I hear things like that I don't feel bad for anyone in the medical feild thats gunna take a hit
Thats a load of crap. First of all a LOT of cancers can be cured with radiation and chemo. There is always the chance for recurrence but for themost part quite a few can be CURED. It all depends on the type of cancer how aggressive it is etc etc. Second the HIV virus mutates so frequently it is hard todevelop a cure for ANY virus let alone HIV. If viruses could be cured so easily why woudnt there be a cure out there for things like herpes. It is a diseaseHSV II that affects approx 1/4 adults with HSV I affecting somewhere b/w 70-90% of people and there is little to be made in the way of treating the diseasemore of a nuisance than a serious medical condition.
I was going to say no more need for doctors we have government bureaucrats now..As a joke

But some of you would believe it..

You know what will happen, nothing.. Just the same thing..

also the AMA seems to like the bill but what do they know about doctors?
Originally Posted by Essential1

I was going to say no more need for doctors we have government bureaucrats now..As a joke

But some of you would believe it..

You know what will happen, nothing.. Just the same thing..

also the AMA seems to like the bill but what do they know about doctors?
A small percentage of the physicians in the country are actually members of the AMA. I am a member and I am definitely not in agreement with theirstance on this bill.
oh, the cost of medicine will be astronomically high?

sounds cheaper than it is now....

I don't have insurance and when I get sick I don't go to the hospital/doctor. heaven forbid I get injured or am in a car accident or something...

I am one of millions upon millions....

yes, there needs to be reform.
LOL @the people believing that doctors are going to start practicing in other countries

FYE we the U.S has the wealthiest healthcare industry in the world. It is a 2 trillion dollar industry and the surging costs of it is one of the main reasonswe have a huge deficit

doctors are going to be affected but its going to be by a small amount. They are still going to make bank, but not as much they are making now. The bill isgoing to bring down the costs of people paying for care that doesn't really provide adequate coverage so they have to pay out of pocket for extra care thatis not part of their coverage. The doctors are getting overly compensated for providing overpriced care and surgery/Treatments..Prescription drugs have souredover the years too because of the greedy prescription drug companies as well as healthcare premiums by the greedy health insurance companies. I don't knowwhy people decry socialism when the government wants to regulate and reform a greedy, flawed healthcare system that has under providing care only to raisepremiums and give the doctors a overly compensated salary. This country faces a trillion dollar deficit partly because of our broken healthcare system. Idon't see what is wrong with setting up a Health market exchange in order to provide people with greater access to multiple plans so they can compare them.Thats a great idea mainly for the uninsured.
First question is why dont you have insurance? If you say you dont have the money. My question would be do you have a cell phone, cable tv, etc. Which is moreimportant to you your health or material goods. A lot of people complain they dont have the money for health insurance but at the same time have all theamenities that they want but dont need.

The cost of medicine will be even higher than it is now. Why would you want the government controlling your healthcare what do they do efficiently? Look atmedicare it is bankrupt and there is vast corruption within. The costs of medicine are only going to rise and the physicians arent the ones getting rich of thecurrent system. Most doctors are comfortable but far from wealthy. They have hundreds of thousands in debt and overhead. Pay outrageous prices in malpracticepremiums, and many are still barely keeping their doors open.

You may not go to the hospital when you are sick but many people with medicaid etc use the ED as their personal clinic that is open 24 hrs. Most of the peopleclogging up the ED's do not have emergencies. For example last night i had a pt who had one episode of diarrhea and was brought by ambulance, then i hadsomeone with some shoulder pain for the past 3 weeks but he chose to come to the ER at 3 am when he had already been seen in the ER and didnt follow up asoutpatient as he was instructed. Then i had another person whose toenail fell off and had been bothering her for weeks. I could go on and on and on. These arenot reasons to come to the ED, but hey if they dont have to pay for it why not, but in the end it just causes everyones care who does pay to rise.
Originally Posted by DubA169

SunDOOBIE wrote:

I guess my point is let Obama do what he promised he would do. Obama is working on health care reform just as he pledge he would during his campaign so let him deliver on his promise.
get obamas @#+$ out of your mouth

you sound just as bad as a hardcore bush supporter. "he got voted in, let him do his thing, stop criticizing"
Like it's even just one man who wrote the bill. There are many obama fans who don't like the way he is handling reform or think he has other things to focus on.


Well what should we do instead? Cry? Scream? Throw Temper Tantrums? Somehow I picture you doing this for the next 3 years and possibly the next 7 years.


He's only been in office for less than a year, are you hyping yourself up to cry like a lil %**** for the next 4 years? Sure the guy could be criticized,bashed, ridiculed whatever, it's open game. However my whole point is that Obama is working on his campaign pledges. Maybe it's right maybe it'swrong, what the hell ever, if he messes up a Republican comes in at 2012, if he succeeds he continues as President for next 4 years. Same ol bull andpolitical cycle.

Tax cuts, Health care, War against terrorism, bottom line it's all govt spending. People are making it seem like they can see the future and predict onething or another... that is the ridiculous part.
First question is why dont you have insurance? If you say you dont have the money. My question would be do you have a cell phone, cable tv, etc. Which is more important to you your health or material goods. A lot of people complain they dont have the money for health insurance but at the same time have all the amenities that they want but dont need.
Why do people have auto insurance? I am betting if the GOVT didn't require you to have auto insurance most people wouldn't care to becovered correct? So how is this any different?

If the Govt didn't mandate auto insurance requirements, most people would rather spend those extra funds on a phone, cable, video games, etc. What do youthink is more important? A driver's peace of mind that a majority of drivers on the road are insured or material goods? A lot of people will complainthey don't have the money for car insurance but at the same time have all the amenities that they want but don't need right?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

First question is why dont you have insurance? If you say you dont have the money. My question would be do you have a cell phone, cable tv, etc. Which is more important to you your health or material goods. A lot of people complain they dont have the money for health insurance but at the same time have all the amenities that they want but dont need.
Why do people have auto insurance? I am betting if the GOVT didn't require you to have auto insurance most people wouldn't care to be covered correct? So how is this any different?

If the Govt didn't mandate auto insurance requirements, most people would rather spend those extra funds on a phone, cable, video games, etc. What do you think is more important? A driver's peace of mind that a majority of drivers on the road are insured or material goods? A lot of people will complain they don't have the money for car insurance but at the same time have all the amenities that they want but don't need right?

Not really understanding your point. If the govt didnt mandate you to have auto insurance and you took it upon yourself to spend that money onother things you would be just as foolish as not having health insurance because you open yourself up to many more liabilities. Obviously auto insurance ismore important than material goods. My statement was directed at ephan cause he/she said they didnt have insurance and I was wondering why not? If it was afinancial situation there are probably other things in his lifestyle that could be cut to pay for it but people dont want to make those sacrifices they wouldrather someone else provide it for them. There are also those people who should receive subsidies b/c they are truly impoverished but I do not want myhealthcare being controlled by the govt.
coming from a man who had a very serious virus and recived the worst healthcare in my life i pray this passes.
how much worse can it get?
no doctors? whats the difference between no doctor and one who gives you weak medicine TO MAKE SURE you come back again?
then force you into a needless surgery because your ignorant about medicine and they will make over 45k from one knee surgery?
im still going to kill that doctor in the future for ruining my knee. i cant even play basketball but he did everything "by the book"

nah... so i pray this passes so people can not have to suffer thru pain that would break most men's minds.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

coming from a man who had a very serious virus and recived the worst healthcare in my life i pray this passes.
how much worse can it get?
no doctors? whats the difference between no doctor and one who gives you weak medicine TO MAKE SURE you come back again?
then force you into a needless surgery because your ignorant about medicine and they will make over 45k from one knee surgery?
im still going to kill that doctor in the future for ruining my knee. i cant even play basketball but he did everything "by the book"

nah... so i pray this passes so people can not have to suffer thru pain that would break most men's minds.
WOW talk about just giving talking points and regurgitating what Obama said when he was totally misinformed. Hate to break it to you but surgeonsmake nowhere near 45k for a surgery. The doctor only makes approx 1K give or take a few hundred based on a knee amputation as Obama stated.

What was so poor about your care and how will this bill improve your care if you just happened to have been treated by a poor physician?
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

coming from a man who had a very serious virus and recived the worst healthcare in my life i pray this passes.
how much worse can it get?
no doctors? whats the difference between no doctor and one who gives you weak medicine TO MAKE SURE you come back again?
then force you into a needless surgery because your ignorant about medicine and they will make over 45k from one knee surgery?
im still going to kill that doctor in the future for ruining my knee. i cant even play basketball but he did everything "by the book"

nah... so i pray this passes so people can not have to suffer thru pain that would break most men's minds.
WOW talk about just giving talking points and regurgitating what Obama said when he was totally misinformed. Hate to break it to you but surgeons make nowhere near 45k for a surgery. The doctor only makes approx 1K give or take a few hundred.

What was so poor about your care and how will this bill improve your care if you just happened to have been treated by a poor physician?
UT i commend you for staying calm and trying to explain things to these people. But it's a futile attempt. Regardless they are going tocontinue to blame those of us in the medical field when things go wrong. I'm sure they will complain just as much if the bill gets passed. It's theAmerican way to complain when things aren't 100% to your liking.
Our healthcare system is seriously flawed but this version of healthcare reform will not make things better but worse. There also appears to be a widespreadbelief that doctors are the culprit and they are somehow getting rich off their patients. They are hurting as well. Things need to change but not with moregovernmental control.
Here is the current healthcare's reform version of tort reform:

Buried in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's 1,990-page bill is a provision that provides "incentive payments" to each state that develops an"alternative medical liability law" that encourages "fair resolution" of disputes and "maintains access to affordable liabilityinsurance." Sounds encouraging. Read on, however, and you come to this nugget: The state only qualifies if its new law "does not limitattorneys' fees or impose caps on damages."

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Our healthcare system is seriously flawed but this version of healthcare reform will not make things better but worse. There also appears to be a widespread belief that doctors are the culprit and they are somehow getting rich off their patients. They are hurting as well. Things need to change but not with more governmental control.

This right here is the misconception that the majority of people making these outrageous accusations in this thread have.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

You may not go to the hospital when you are sick but many people with medicaid etc use the ED as their personal clinic that is open 24 hrs. Most of the people clogging up the ED's do not have emergencies. For example last night i had a pt who had one episode of diarrhea and was brought by ambulance, then i had someone with some shoulder pain for the past 3 weeks but he chose to come to the ER at 3 am when he had already been seen in the ER and didnt follow up as outpatient as he was instructed. Then i had another person whose toenail fell off and had been bothering her for weeks. I could go on and on and on. These are not reasons to come to the ED, but hey if they dont have to pay for it why not, but in the end it just causes everyones care who does pay to rise.

That's the damn truth. The costs added to medicine because people are idiots or eat themselves into obesity/diabetes/hypertension, or don't takepreventative actions are simply staggering. These people don't want to hear it, but they're a huge problem and burden for the medical system and thosewho actually pay. I don't think there is a single (reasonable) person in the country who doesn't think that the system needs reform, but this wholeinitiative isn't reform, it's a farce. It's shifting some things around and calling a spade a diamond but not addressing the root causes of so manyissues. It will only add more bureaucratic oversight and fiscal inefficiency. Show me one federal govt agency that delivers what they promise on time at, orunder, budget. IT doesn't happen, especially on this scale. Are insurance companies all too often corrupt/a problem in some sense? ABSOLUTELY. Butlet's not sit here eating McGangbangs and act like we're innocent in the matter as well. Could prescription drugs be cheaper? Sure, but thatdoesn't make pharma companies innately evil. If other countries shared their fair portion of drug costs instead of the reduced proportion they have, wecould be paying much less here. Meanwhile doctors are being put up as a sacrificial lamb when they have far less to do with any of this than the avg American(on either side of the debate) believes. But such is the state of our nation. Forget moderation and solutions based on logic, let's all get polarized andyell and throw insults at the other side instead!
I hate the fact all this %!@% is run by these white 60 year old #*@%%%@, I don't even know what to believe
I don't blame the people in the medical field for the health care problem. I blame the health insurance companies. Besides the problem of each individualnot taking care of ourselves which is a major thing, it is the health insurance companies fault for such crappy health care . Instead of being number 1 wherewe should be with the amount of intelligence and technology we have, we are 37th because they stand in the way. THAT is what the health care reform bill triesto ultimately accomplish, fix what the insurance companies have left in shambles.

The answer always is things need to change but not with government control. Great suggestion. The only way the thing even gets addressed is governmentintervention, much like most things. Say it needs to change but then when someone wants to change it, you say woah back off

Hell I was all for the public option now I am being pushed toward single payer because it is the only true way of getting the real problem out of the picture.But let's fear monger it.. Say they ration care and get between you and your doctor. When it is exactly what the great insurance companies do.
Ralph Nader wrote an excellent piece on the bill:

The House of Representatives debate on the health insurance "reform" is over with the Democrats failing the peopleand the Republicans disgracing themselves as having left their minds back in the third grade (with apologies to third graders).

House Democrats were determined to pass any bill with a nice sounding name, such as"The Affordable Health Care for America Act". Single payer, full Medicare for allwas never on the table even though a majority of citizens, physicians and nurses support that far more efficient, free choice of health care professionals,system.

There are no effective cost containment or prevention measures in the bill. The publicoption is so weak it will be a receptacle for the sickest of patients among the meager number of people who qualify for its coverage. There are noprovisions to reduce the number of people (100,000) who die annually from medical malpractice in hospitals.

Nor is there a major program to reduce the tens of billions of dollars that is stolen yearlyout of Medicare from criminals inside and outside the medical profession.

The cover story in the November issue of the AARP Bulletin is on the elaborate but detectable schemes to swindle Medicarewith phantom services, phony rentals of equipment, stolen Medicare numbers and the like. The author, Jay Weaver, writes:"So lucrative, and so low-risk, the FBI reports, that a number of cocaine dealers in Florida and California have switched from illicit drugs to Medicarefraud."

Although more money is finally going for prosecutions, there is nowhere near enough for this corporate crime wave.Medicare's office of Inspector General asserts that every dollar of law enforcement will save $17 of theft.

Computerized billing fraud and abuse takes anywhere from $250billion to double that estimate by the General Accounting Office. (The GAO said ten percent of health care expenditures are going down the drain.) Thereason why the estimates cover such a broad range, according to Professor Malcolm Sparrow of Harvard University, is that there are inadequate resources todocument the huge hemorrhaging of the nation's health care budget and come up with better data.

Apart from the impoverishment of the debate, there is the actual doing of harm. The bill, ifenacted, doesn't take effect until after the presidential elections in 2013, mostly to let the drug and health insurance industries adjust, though they canscarcely believe their good fortune at being delivered all those profitable customers paid for by taxpayers with scarcely any price restraints.

The Journal of Public Health has just published a peer-reviewed study by Harvard physicians-researchers that estimates 45,000Americans lose their lives yearly because they cannot afford health insurance to receive diagnosis and treatment. Strange how cool the House is to giving thesefatalities a four year pass.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a leading single payer advocate, voted against this legislation for many reasons, mostnotably the Obama-driven omission of his amendment to clear the way legally for states to pass their own single payer laws. Several states, such asPennsylvania, are in the process of moving legislation in this direction, but are concerned that the health insurers will claim federal pre-emption.

The victims of medical malpractice - estimated by the Institute of Medicine and the Harvard School of Public Health to beabout 100,000 deaths a year - escaped having to overcome more hurdles before they have their full day in court. Helping to beat back the Republicans, whodefine "medical malpractice reform" as letting the negligent perpetrators get away with their lethal consequences, was Congressman Bruce Braley(D-IA).

Rising on the House floor he delivered a factual plea for patient safety. Hardly had he started to speak with Republicansstarted shouting "trial lawyer, trial lawyer" referring to his previous profession of representing wrongfully injured people before local juries inIowa. This rare display of shouting by opponents was punctuated by one of their unleashed members rushing down the aisle shouting "You'll pay forthis."

During this overall debate on the bill, Republicans stood up one by one, as prevaricatory dittoheads, to often scream andhowl (like coyotes) that this is "a government takeover of one sixth of the economy," "would destroy the economy," "put 5.5 millionpeople out of work," "destroy the doctor-patient relationship," "be a steamroller of socialism," "force millions of seniors tolose their current health coverage" (meaning, Medicare?) and, in a passionate appeal to the Almighty, Congressman John Fleming (R-LA) declared "Godhelp us as the government takes over your day-to-day life."

Never mind that this bill is just an expansion, howevermisdirected, of government health insurance designed to increase corporate profits and increase the corporate grip over the day-to-day decisions regarding who,when and how people get their health care or get their bills paid.

To top off the madness, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT), an ever maturing political hermaphrodite, reneged on his assurance toSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid and imperiously announced on Fox News Sunday that "if the public option plan is in there, as a matter of conscience, Iwill not allow this bill to come to a final vote."

For media-centric Joe, his motto seems to be "L'Senat c'est moi."
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