If you were President, what would you do?

Mar 13, 2008
I'm curious, since we have so many "armchair" or "Monday morning" Presidents on here.  What would you do, especially with regards to the economy and job creation since those were 2 of the main issues of the past election and will have a major impact on the midterm and the 2012 election. 

What would you do about unemployment and the housing market?  We tried things Bush's way in the past, now we are trying things Obama's way.  (with the Bush tax cuts still in place)  If you say cut or raise taxes, what taxes specifically and how will they increase productivity, profits, income or GDP.

Iraq and the huge defense budget? 

Healthcare?  The number 1 or number 2 cause of bankruptcy.

Immigration and Arizona?

Miscellaneous?  Other issues such as gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, etc.
I'm curious, since we have so many "armchair" or "Monday morning" Presidents on here.  What would you do, especially with regards to the economy and job creation since those were 2 of the main issues of the past election and will have a major impact on the midterm and the 2012 election. 

What would you do about unemployment and the housing market?  We tried things Bush's way in the past, now we are trying things Obama's way.  (with the Bush tax cuts still in place)  If you say cut or raise taxes, what taxes specifically and how will they increase productivity, profits, income or GDP.

Iraq and the huge defense budget? 

Healthcare?  The number 1 or number 2 cause of bankruptcy.

Immigration and Arizona?

Miscellaneous?  Other issues such as gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, etc.
The way that our government is set up, it wouldn't just take the President to fix many of the issues we have. He or she would need an overwhelming majority in Congress and extreme amounts of popular support.
Or we'd just need to switch over to a dictatorship. Then no one really has to agree on anything.
The way that our government is set up, it wouldn't just take the President to fix many of the issues we have. He or she would need an overwhelming majority in Congress and extreme amounts of popular support.
Or we'd just need to switch over to a dictatorship. Then no one really has to agree on anything.
get everybodys lazy %$* off on welfare, stamps and all that $$+@
and establish the death penalty as a more common practice. why am i paying for lil spooky's bid in jail for the next 50 years? die!
get everybodys lazy %$* off on welfare, stamps and all that $$+@
and establish the death penalty as a more common practice. why am i paying for lil spooky's bid in jail for the next 50 years? die!
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

get everybodys lazy %$* off on welfare, stamps and all that $$+@
and establish the death penalty as a more common practice. why am i paying for lil spooky's bid in jail for the next 50 years? die!

Tired of listening to this guy and his homies on my Art Laboe evenings
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

get everybodys lazy %$* off on welfare, stamps and all that $$+@
and establish the death penalty as a more common practice. why am i paying for lil spooky's bid in jail for the next 50 years? die!

Tired of listening to this guy and his homies on my Art Laboe evenings
-See what's good with those aliens in AREA 51
-Education reform
-Take measures to emphasize separation of church and state
-Welfare reform
. I'm pretty liberal, but this country's welfare system is a joke.
-See what's good with those aliens in AREA 51
-Education reform
-Take measures to emphasize separation of church and state
-Welfare reform
. I'm pretty liberal, but this country's welfare system is a joke.
- a military draft.
- mandatory enlist people who doesn't have a job, not going to school. Pretty much everyone who is bumming off the gov't.
- cut welfare...evict the lazy americans and send them to Canada.
- an eye for an eye. if you get caught stealing...your arm will be cut off. If you are guilty of rape, kiss your pipe goodbye, it will also be amputated.

IMO there are too many kids who complain about everything and take everything for granted. Just by looking at this board, we can see that we have a bunch of lazy, non-contributing, always complaining, weak-minded americans.

we should weed out the bad ones and get rid of them. The hell with welfare reform, just get rid of the people that need them.
- a military draft.
- mandatory enlist people who doesn't have a job, not going to school. Pretty much everyone who is bumming off the gov't.
- cut welfare...evict the lazy americans and send them to Canada.
- an eye for an eye. if you get caught stealing...your arm will be cut off. If you are guilty of rape, kiss your pipe goodbye, it will also be amputated.

IMO there are too many kids who complain about everything and take everything for granted. Just by looking at this board, we can see that we have a bunch of lazy, non-contributing, always complaining, weak-minded americans.

we should weed out the bad ones and get rid of them. The hell with welfare reform, just get rid of the people that need them.
Mixed socialism/capitalism. With a national committment to educating are kids to advance technology and work in upper management. It's mandatory that kids learn 3-4 languages starting in preschool. The construction workers and Wal-Mart employees will trickle down early in life and the immigrant class will basically have the same function as they have now but with more solid immigration policy. Keep property and gun rights intact or make stronger.
Mixed socialism/capitalism. With a national committment to educating are kids to advance technology and work in upper management. It's mandatory that kids learn 3-4 languages starting in preschool. The construction workers and Wal-Mart employees will trickle down early in life and the immigrant class will basically have the same function as they have now but with more solid immigration policy. Keep property and gun rights intact or make stronger.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

- a military draft.
- mandatory enlist people who doesn't have a job, not going to school. Pretty much everyone who is bumming off the gov't.
- cut welfare...evict the lazy americans and send them to Canada.
- an eye for an eye. if you get caught stealing...your arm will be cut off. If you are guilty of rape, kiss your pipe goodbye, it will also be amputated.

IMO there are too many kids who complain about everything and take everything for granted. Just by looking at this board, we can see that we have a bunch of lazy, non-contributing, always complaining, weak-minded americans.

we should weed out the bad ones and get rid of them. The hell with welfare reform, just get rid of the people that need them.

So basically you'd like to turn America into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

- a military draft.
- mandatory enlist people who doesn't have a job, not going to school. Pretty much everyone who is bumming off the gov't.
- cut welfare...evict the lazy americans and send them to Canada.
- an eye for an eye. if you get caught stealing...your arm will be cut off. If you are guilty of rape, kiss your pipe goodbye, it will also be amputated.

IMO there are too many kids who complain about everything and take everything for granted. Just by looking at this board, we can see that we have a bunch of lazy, non-contributing, always complaining, weak-minded americans.

we should weed out the bad ones and get rid of them. The hell with welfare reform, just get rid of the people that need them.

So basically you'd like to turn America into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.
-I wouldn't have done TARP instead I would allocate all the money that went into TARP (probably wouldn't even have need all of it) to small community banks to get capital flowing
-The stimulus would have been twice as large, without a third of it being tax cuts
-I would raise the tax rate on the top 5% of the country to 42%
-I would start eliminating off shore bank funds, corporate loopholes that give tax cuts to Corporations when they take their business overseas
- A public option health care system (where every citizen has the right to choose between private insurance and a medicare like public insurance
-Iraq war I would probably have handled it the same way Obama did (combat troops out now and support troops there for now)..
- Afghanistan: I would set the timetable of April 2011, and no matter what all combat troops out by January 2012.
-Gay marriage legalized
- Marijuana legalized (taxed somewhat like cigarettes, administered somewhat like alcohol)
- According to Sec. Robert Gates there are billions in the defense and pentagon that could be cut.. We would start trimming that down.. We don't need Cold War weapons anymore.
- Private Military Contractors basically moved into a strict accountability role, and decrease their amount of power
- Net Neutrality
- End warrantless wiretaps
- 9/11 terrorist suspects trials would be held in NYC
- no indefinite detention
- Gitmo prisoners moved to Super Max prisons
- I'd let the top bracket Bush tax cuts expire (if we renew them they will cost the country $700B) (extend the rest for 3-4 years)
- Strict Financial Regulation on Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps... Along with higher accountability for rating agencies like Moody's (see Al Franken's bill on it)
- tax cuts to small business
- Senators (lifetime) Representatives (15 years) is the length of time you cannot become a lobbyist from the time you leave office
- Campaign finance reform
- Emphasize community service and help teenagers who make significant contributions to their community with college
- Abolishing of the death penalty (except for military crimes).. Too many times we lock up someone to find out 15-20 years later they are innocent
- Eliminate predatory loans
- Eliminate ridiculous rates on credit cards
-Ending Don't Ask Don't Tell
-Torture would be ended
- I would reform welfare... Getting rid of it is absolutely crazy
-Prosecute the lawyers who authorized torture.. (Jailed I don't know, but they would definitely be disbarred)
- End the oil subsidies ($40B)

Immigration: (from a previous thread) (in red)
"How about we make a bill that if you are here illegally and wish to stay in America instead of arresting you we set you up with a path to citizenship, with a 5 year probationary period. In that probationary period you are on a work visa. You must prove you are a contributor to the country. If you commit a crime you are throw out of the country (nothing petty), if it is a major crime you are escorted to prison where the person is from with no legal chance to ever come to America.

And for those who do not want to stay here and want to accrue some money and then leave we put regulation on that money. You live here on a Visa for a certain period of time 2-5year, and you are taxed on a little more income than a person who plans to stay here and bring their family here..

Link with the Mexican Government and create a system for traveling from Mexico to the United States and back. Which will better help the illegal situation at the same time save lives so people won't have to use the desert as their mode of travel.

Setting up a point system in the country where depending on what you are doing, why you are here, how long you plan on staying, and your past as to the preferential treatment you get. And where in line you will become a citizen.

Education in Mexico of the legal ways to come to America and set up an assistance program for people who want to be American and live the American Dream.

Increasing of border patrol just patrolling on safety and force, they show compassion to the people. So we can get rid of some of the fear people have traveling here leading to more illegal immigration.

Education for our own citizens of how important they are to our economy. How they help each U.S. citizens life."

In terms of how I go about this I will frequently discuss my policies.. Make my policies more available in more avenues...

I will also not tolerate smear campaigns.. They can say what they want about me but I will come out and I will address them right away..

I will address those who disagree and tell them in plain english why I chose a certain policy over another.

I will keep a close eye on my administration anyone who isn't doing their job right gets the axe.. (ex: for Obama it's Rahm, Gibbs, Geithner, Sommers) They'd all be getting the pink slip f you out the door

There are 100's of other policies/action that I really can't think of
-I wouldn't have done TARP instead I would allocate all the money that went into TARP (probably wouldn't even have need all of it) to small community banks to get capital flowing
-The stimulus would have been twice as large, without a third of it being tax cuts
-I would raise the tax rate on the top 5% of the country to 42%
-I would start eliminating off shore bank funds, corporate loopholes that give tax cuts to Corporations when they take their business overseas
- A public option health care system (where every citizen has the right to choose between private insurance and a medicare like public insurance
-Iraq war I would probably have handled it the same way Obama did (combat troops out now and support troops there for now)..
- Afghanistan: I would set the timetable of April 2011, and no matter what all combat troops out by January 2012.
-Gay marriage legalized
- Marijuana legalized (taxed somewhat like cigarettes, administered somewhat like alcohol)
- According to Sec. Robert Gates there are billions in the defense and pentagon that could be cut.. We would start trimming that down.. We don't need Cold War weapons anymore.
- Private Military Contractors basically moved into a strict accountability role, and decrease their amount of power
- Net Neutrality
- End warrantless wiretaps
- 9/11 terrorist suspects trials would be held in NYC
- no indefinite detention
- Gitmo prisoners moved to Super Max prisons
- I'd let the top bracket Bush tax cuts expire (if we renew them they will cost the country $700B) (extend the rest for 3-4 years)
- Strict Financial Regulation on Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps... Along with higher accountability for rating agencies like Moody's (see Al Franken's bill on it)
- tax cuts to small business
- Senators (lifetime) Representatives (15 years) is the length of time you cannot become a lobbyist from the time you leave office
- Campaign finance reform
- Emphasize community service and help teenagers who make significant contributions to their community with college
- Abolishing of the death penalty (except for military crimes).. Too many times we lock up someone to find out 15-20 years later they are innocent
- Eliminate predatory loans
- Eliminate ridiculous rates on credit cards
-Ending Don't Ask Don't Tell
-Torture would be ended
- I would reform welfare... Getting rid of it is absolutely crazy
-Prosecute the lawyers who authorized torture.. (Jailed I don't know, but they would definitely be disbarred)
- End the oil subsidies ($40B)

Immigration: (from a previous thread) (in red)
"How about we make a bill that if you are here illegally and wish to stay in America instead of arresting you we set you up with a path to citizenship, with a 5 year probationary period. In that probationary period you are on a work visa. You must prove you are a contributor to the country. If you commit a crime you are throw out of the country (nothing petty), if it is a major crime you are escorted to prison where the person is from with no legal chance to ever come to America.

And for those who do not want to stay here and want to accrue some money and then leave we put regulation on that money. You live here on a Visa for a certain period of time 2-5year, and you are taxed on a little more income than a person who plans to stay here and bring their family here..

Link with the Mexican Government and create a system for traveling from Mexico to the United States and back. Which will better help the illegal situation at the same time save lives so people won't have to use the desert as their mode of travel.

Setting up a point system in the country where depending on what you are doing, why you are here, how long you plan on staying, and your past as to the preferential treatment you get. And where in line you will become a citizen.

Education in Mexico of the legal ways to come to America and set up an assistance program for people who want to be American and live the American Dream.

Increasing of border patrol just patrolling on safety and force, they show compassion to the people. So we can get rid of some of the fear people have traveling here leading to more illegal immigration.

Education for our own citizens of how important they are to our economy. How they help each U.S. citizens life."

In terms of how I go about this I will frequently discuss my policies.. Make my policies more available in more avenues...

I will also not tolerate smear campaigns.. They can say what they want about me but I will come out and I will address them right away..

I will address those who disagree and tell them in plain english why I chose a certain policy over another.

I will keep a close eye on my administration anyone who isn't doing their job right gets the axe.. (ex: for Obama it's Rahm, Gibbs, Geithner, Sommers) They'd all be getting the pink slip f you out the door

There are 100's of other policies/action that I really can't think of
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

-See what's good with those aliens in AREA 51
-Education reform
-Take measures to emphasize separation of church and state
-Welfare reform
. I'm pretty liberal, but this country's welfare system is a joke.
Because liberals think   it's perfect?
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