If You were Told a Massive Asteroid was Guaranteed to Hit the Earth in 150 Years......

If you lived forever, time would lose all meaning

You would eventually perceive a year as if it were a minute


A year would still be a year.

However, if Aubrey De Grey is right and we're able to reverse agog within our lifetimes I do believe that it would change the dynamics of many relationships.

Consider this, how many people are compelled to settle by the time they're 30, 35. We're hardwired to find a significant other and procreate before it's too late.

I've watched De Grey speak and he believes that after the initial treatment, it would only be about another 15-25 years before the next round of improved treatments are available. So on and so forth, one would be able to extend his or her life indefinitely.

So how would that influence relationships as we know?

How many people would say "It's been real" and go on with their newfound lives w/o the person they were with?

How many people would still have kids? Would there be a limit on procreation? Sanctions? Taxes?

Aubrey believes that SENS would be able to be accessible for all, not just the wealthy.

Think about how social dynamics would change.

Think about how sex would change. Would it become trivial without the intent of procreation? Would the sex industry become mainstream? Or would sex move into the virtual world?

We're living in some mightn't interesting times. I don't think many realize it yet but we may just live to see some truly Hollywood-esque **** happen within our lifetimes.

Honestly. There's a lot to be discussed and this isn't the thread for it. I'll wait for the next time De Grey makes headlines and SENS makes some strides to make a thread but there's a lot to be discussed from cell therapy, to age reversal to cryonics. Not to mention the 2045 initiative where people are actively trying to upload their consciousness into cyber avatars.

As for THIS thread. I have a strong suspicion that we'll make our moon habitable by the given timeframe.

I'll leave with this, the war on age is approaching.
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A year would still be a year.
Not what I'm saying

A year is still a year, but your perception of that amount of time changes
Just to make sure this doesn't devolve into an argument of semantics cause NT gonna NT...

Dude is right. Perception of time shortens the older you get. Do the math with an infinite lifespan over an extended period of time.
Just to make sure this doesn't devolve into an argument of semantics cause NT gonna NT...

Dude is right. Perception of time shortens the older you get. Do the math with an infinite lifespan over an extended period of time.

Perception is also subjective but I get what you're both saying.

However, consider why we perceive time differently now than when we were younger.

Then consider if those factors would still be valid if you truly did have all the time in the world.

Here's a good article on the subject.

wouldnt it be ironic if advances in medical technology allowed us to live to 150+ years only for us to be killed by the asteroid?

That's what happen with the dinosaurs I'm sure it could happen to us. What if God made the dinosaurs and decided to hit them the asteroid cause they were eating other and not getting along. So he made humans then hit us with another astroid cause we found a way to live beyond our life expectancy. He lookin down on us like "dammit they found a way" *mind blown*
Just to make sure this doesn't devolve into an argument of semantics cause NT gonna NT...

Dude is right. Perception of time shortens the older you get. Do the math with an infinite lifespan over an extended period of time.

Perception is also subjective but I get what you're both saying.

However, consider why we perceive time differently now than when we were younger.

Then consider if those factors would still be valid if you truly did have all the time in the world.

Here's a good article on the subject.

Currently bored at work, going to give this a read. 
wouldnt it be ironic if advances in medical technology allowed us to live to 150+ years only for us to be killed by the asteroid?
That's what happen with the dinosaurs I'm sure it could happen to us. What if God made the dinosaurs and decided to hit them the asteroid cause they were eating other and not getting along. So he made humans then hit us with another astroid cause we found a way to live beyond our life expectancy. He lookin down on us like "dammit they found a way" *mind blown*
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