If your dating a girl for 2 weeks hit the mega millions would you cut her a share?

Who says anyone is even going to I know I won?

2 weeks
Cut her a share of my the last metro card I'll ever use inmy life.
ill pay for a day of pampering.. SPA and all that &*^% then ill take her out for a very nice dinner. maybe a nice gift... LV handbag.
id keep it a secret from her until further along in the relationship once i know shes not golddigger/slubag
I wouldnt cut my gf of 4 years a share...maybe a new whip and some material things...but then most of it is getting invested
Hell no! 2 weeks? Can't be serious.

If the sex was good, she could stick around and take trips. BUT NO DOUGH!!
i wouldnt tell her for as long as i could handle it ... i wouldnt tell anyone for that matter ... id play it cool and see where the relationship goes ... andif it didnt work out and she broke up with me id request one last date at a nice restaurant ... on the way there id make a detour for the jag/range dealershipand pay cash for 2 new whips and tell her to find a ride home ...
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