If your girlfriend went to a bachelor party..

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

 The night consisted of a party  bang bus then bar hopping, "chillin" at a hotel for a couple of hours afterwards and then going out to "breakfast" before going home.   I would prefer the thoughts/opinions of guys over 24.   Oh, we have been dating for a year.
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Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Originally Posted by buggz05

How long have they been best friends?

His female best friend at his the-last-bachelor-night-I-have-to-decide-if-I-want-to-bail-or-not party? Hate to put it in that perspective but that's what I get out of it. Talk to her after, trust your gut with your judgement. Leave it at that.

Best friends for about a year and a half, but he's not the one getting married.  He just hosted it.   She is also friends with the groom.
Best friends ONLY after a year and a half............that means they'll be lovers for sure by year 2.  Like others have said, you gotta explain to her the reason your uncomfortable with this.  If she can't understand that, then it might be time to move on. 

Don't even let her see you sweat....let her make her decision and that will let you know which direction to go with the relationship.  

There it is.

You guys live in different states so if she wanted to go do something salacious she could easily do it without telling you. Her letting you know she's going would gain her nothing. Just a thought.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

You guys live in different states so if she wanted to go do something salacious she could easily do it without telling you. Her letting you know she's going would gain her nothing. Just a thought.

This is why women are such good and the most heartless cheaters. They make you feel.comfortable. They make it so you least expect it.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Don't even let her see you sweat....let her make her decision and that will let you know which direction to go with the relationship. 

People only do what you allow them to. 


This dude just ended the thread.

Act like it isn't going to phase you and be all nonchalant about it.

But... if she goes then I suggest you start doing you and find a replacement.

You can break it off with her right then and there or you can keep it going until you find someone else it all depends on you about that.

You know what this is sounding like...

It sounds like these dudes is throwing a bachelor party and they know nothing is going to pop off with the strippers so they "invited" all these girls as like meat for the lions after everyone is drunk and messed up.

That's why long distance relationships are hard to work.

You should have been doing your thing or dropped her bumb B ash since when she was going out chillin with other dudes until all hours of the night.

Some of you dudes on here man... well you're young and you still have a lot to go through and learn from it, but never ever settle for someone or something you are not comfortable with... ever!
lol you let your girl go.

idk whats up with some of you dudes, but if this was my girl she will know not to go to a bachelor party.
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

If your girlfriend went to a bachelor party hosted by her best friend, a guy whom you trust her with, and she is also friends with the groom to be as well as a lot of other guys at the party how would you feel?  Would you break up with her?  Some of the people in the group are guys she hangs out with all the time. There were a couple of other girls there too.  The night consisted of a party bus for bar hopping, chillin at a hotel for a couple of hours afterwards and then going out to breakfast before going home.   I would prefer the thoughts/opinions of guys over 24.   Oh, we have been dating for a year.
sounds like she told you after the fact.. sounds like she does what SHE wants, rather than weighing your input, and sounds like you all arent truly dating dude.. sounds like you all slapped a promissary note on your situation.. and are both riding it out till you can "actually" start the relationship.  Reason being..its been a year, and you live in different states?  huh.. how much ACTUAL time have you all spent TOGETHER?  

   She doesnt know you, or your tendencys and how to carry it with you, yet, as you havent drawn boundaries for her to follow.. you gotta reign this situation in immed. or risk your heart being destroyed.. The first year/early going is usually when chicks are on their best behavior, for risk of losing this newfound amazing sitation with their dude.. yet.. shes rollling with no pause to a male bachelor party?

 A bit extreme for some, but I personally would be smashing other shortie the rest of the week, just for mental retribution.

People do what they want to do.

That's a pretty good statement, but you can take that both ways. If you're long distance and you haven't had any arguments or incidences regarding creeping or shady business, then you can assume that she's trustworthy. In the case that you've argued or been upset by instances of her hanging out with her guy "friends" then you should bring it up that it bothers you.

It's hard to be rational when dealing with emotions but the best part of being long distance is that you have time to logically think out your decisions.

Be logical in your reasoning as to why you object her going. but don't say that you won't let her go. If she really respects you, she'll respect how you feel about the situation and make the decision herself.

1. It's a bachelor party
2. It's a bachelor party
3. Best friends after 1.5 years is pretty unlikely, in the case that you do trust your girl's intentions, don't trust his. The situation he puts her in could be bad, not that your girl would do something but bad in the sense that he'll try some stuff on her. Thus leading to you having to murk him the next time you see him.
4. The idea of him inviting her
And L M A O at bestfriends for a year and a half.. unless that year occured in 6th grade.. there is no male/female best friends as adults? Are you kidding me? How does that even happen? "Hi youre pretty, youre handsome.. would you like to be friends.. friends only k.. no touchy.. shake on it?" Does not compute op.. dont be a victim..
if you have that little trust for her then you are with the wrong girl. bachelor party with no strippers? It sounds like its just a party I say "No big deal"
Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Her yambs will be had, most you can hope for is that she doesn't get DP'd.

Cold Blooded.

Idk OP This Dont Sound Good At All, And Since U Brought It To NT To Ask You Dont Feel Good About It Either
The fact that she went to a bachelor party isn't the problem so much as that she stayed out all night.
nothing you can rly do about it cuz whats done in the dark ALWAYS comes to the light, BUT as someone else said, if your not invited to the wedding that would raise an eyebrow or two.
so she already went to the bachelor party, and ur asking for advice on wat to do?
On a serious note, she spent the night at a hotel? In reality nothing could have happen but my girl already know's that ain't flying with me! You take your #@% home after the party. It just doesn't look good. And under no circumstances are women supposed to be at a bachelor party, NONE, unless it's gon get crackin or they're strippers!
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