If you're an only child, come in... but don't touch any of my stuff.

I'm an only child, and my b-day in on Dec 24th. So as a kid, it was a greatest thing ever....
Being an only child, I think it has made me more of an Independent person.

What I have noticed with a lot of my friends is that they seem to be very needy and always need to have people surrounding them. I myself don't like beingby myself, but I know how to keep myself entertained at those times. Having time to yourself isn't that bad either, you actually tend to find out moreabout yourself rather than replicate off your other peers and you have the ability to distinguish your own opinion and not have them forced on you by socialpressures.
Well a lot of only children dont ever have to share with others in their first couple years of life and its very hard to change a childs beliefs by the timetheyre over a couple of years old so they end up being some annoying, demanding, whiny bastards. Not sayin all of you are though, just the majority hahaha

But Im the independent type too. I absolutely love when my parents and brother are all gone from the house and I can just walk around insilence or play whatever music I want in the house and just eat or go on the computer or whatever. But I think it might be because I really dislike my brotherand moved a lot so I always had to fend for myself when I was little.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Well a lot of only children dont ever have to share with others in their first couple years of life and its very hard to change a childs beliefs by the time theyre over a couple of years old so they end up being some annoying, demanding, whiny bastards. Not sayin all of you are though, just the majority hahaha

But Im the independent type too. I absolutely love when my parents and brother are all gone from the house and I can just walk around in silence or play whatever music I want in the house and just eat or go on the computer or whatever. But I think it might be because I really dislike my brother and moved a lot so I always had to fend for myself when I was little.
Neither do kids who have siblings that are way younger than them. And onlys who went to daycare, my parents both worked. Just saying, there hasto be something more to the explanation than lack of sharing. Maybe parental treatment. I don't know many only children though, all of my friends havesiblings. But theres been a few I've known that are like the stereotype

well, one of my friends sister is like 12 yrs younger than her so she was basically an only child, she doesn't act bad or anything. I think its probablyexcessive coddling by parents, but these days you see that in a lot of kids these days, siblings or not. Like all little kids getting a trophy in sportingevents. Hell I remember if we lost, we didn't get a damned trophy
its like being awarded for mediocrity.


Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Originally Posted by realmc

i'm an only child and i was just wondering is that an only child type syndrome... because i don't like anyone touching none of my stuff either. and i like to have my own space.

Hells yeah. I got siblings & ya'll one timers can be some annoying bastards @ times. Yall always had the most toys when I was comin up & didnt wanna share ...

Carry on w/ your thread ...

thank you.

I'm an only child... pretty much. I have three half brothers that are about 20 years old than me that I didn't grow up with.

I don't think I'm as bad as other people... I think it's just that I am more protective of my stuff cause I don't need fools breaking thingsbut other than that, you can play with it.

I do however, like to touch other people's cool things but if I don't know how to use it, I won't touch it.
o/ << Thats cool
. Anyway, I'm an only child, not spoiled,and am very independent. I don't have much of a problem with people touching my stuff, I just absolutely hate when people ask if they can borrow thingsfrom me. My neighbor (same age as me), is always asking to borrow some jeans, borrow some shoes, a shirt, or asking me to drive him somewhere. I don'tunderstand why people can't make things happen for themselves, instead choosing to depend on others...
Only child here, but i suffer from severe social anxiety and a basic conversation is what i am not able to engage in.
*raises hand*

This here is a one of one, that means none before, and none to come.
Only child .

I be
whencertain people come to my house .

People like to touch EVERYTHING .
Originally Posted by realmc

i'm an only child and i was just wondering is that an only child type syndrome... because i don't like anyone touching none of my stuff either. and i like to have my own space.
i have a brother who is 19 months younger than me... and i don't like anyone touching my stuff and i like my own space, i hate people comingin my room and i hate to be bothered

i'm very independent

on the other hand my bro is the polar opposite... shares, everyone is always in his room and touching his stuff and he's not very independent

so i guess kids with siblings have that too
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