I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

I'm supposed to change how I feel because it bothers you?
What benefits do I get for saying that?
Christians aren't the only ones that believe in a higher power....just because I do doesn't mean I agree with everything from Christianity believe in.
I'm not sitting on any fence, and I did pick a side.

You really don't know as much as you think you do
You've got to recognize that you PICK AND CHOOSE and admit to that.

Stop acting like you're not a christian. YOU ARE. That is my point. 

People use the "spiritual tag" to escape from supporting political ideology associated with religion most of the time. 

Just be honest. You believe in a god INSPIRED by christianity. Most of what you think god does and how it acts is in a CHRISTIAN CONTEXT. 

Don't lie. 

Your god doesn't act the way Thor or Odin or Zeus or Horus or Shiva or the Shinto Gods do, do they? ...Of course not.

You want to run and act like Rick Perry doesn't reflect on you...he DOES reflect on you. 

He reflects on any religious person in this country because you all are too damn scared to admit that you take what you want out of the bible and ignore the rest.

You pick your favorite 3 words and all of a sudden you act like everything you chose is true but the rest of it isn't without clearly indicating where you draw the line.

Notice, I didn't say christians are the only ones that believe in a higher power...said YOU fall into this category because you came from a christian context. 

This is ultimately your fault once again. 

Its the fact that you flip flop on this religious hogwash INSTEAD OF PUTTING YOUR FOOT DOWN that allows Perry to ultimately make these videos.

Lets be honest, if your religion/faith/spirit whatever was true, NO ONE WOULD HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WHAT PERRY WAS SAYING. It would already be true and accepted, right? 

But its not, is it? 

You can't come to a consensus WHAT spiritual/religious wrapper you all want to coat your world views in so you adopt these vague terms that pander to people who don't know any better and keep the cycle going.

So yes, this is ultimately your fault as well is it those who don't put a stop to this sort of mystical harry-potter like non-sense. 

There are REAL issues to be dealt with and Rick Perry is scared that kids can't celebrate christmas and that there MIGHT be others that don't even celebrate or recognize his religion. 

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

A scientific mind with borders and parameters will never understand spiritual faith.

One if finite and the other is infinite.

Sillyputty you do realize that it is you that make all of the threads bashing religion/faith right? We don't come to you.

I like the option of standing in the middle myself...it allows me to make my own religion, in my own contexts, with my own rules. Sorry for not being partisan
Again you fail.

I am open to ANY idea as long as it proves its utility.

You don't have a scientific mind...and heres the point...NEITHER DO I.

Science isn't a thing. Its just what we call all the stuff you know. If you went back 1,000 years ago they'd talk down on your "science" for knowing about germs and electricity, wouldn't they?  Its all relative.

Of course you won't admit that going back in time would make you more "scientific" but that would put a massive hole in your argument and I know you dont want to do that. 

I'm open to the CRAZIEST idea that might ever exist as long as you can show me that what you're say is true, real and/or valid. Then its all love. ANY idea. Trust me on that. 

But when it comes to religion/faith NO idea has since been presented that is supported by its premises. Not one. 

On top of that, admitting that you make your "own religion and rules" etc...just goes to SHOW HOW MADE UP IT IS. If it was true, no one would have to even debate you on it. It would be evident and standardized. You're a narcissist. You live in your own little world. Just because you think of it, then its true. Its my religion so its true. How does that even make sense to you? You just negated any and everything you had to say. 


Originally Posted by aintFRESH

blessed are those who not offended in me.
Provided you don't believe in the wrong god. 



Originally Posted by solegit08til

Since when do pantheist believe god is a tree? Better put god into quotes. We don't believe in any super natural deities, do we? Tell me what we believe Silly putty.
Pantheism is the belief that god exists in anything and everything.

The air, light, trees, the ground etc. 

Its a sort of way of getting around having to assign certain characteristics to a god...so they just say god is everything...

But heres the best part...THEYRE GUESSING. 

Anytime someone asserts that god exists in something or does a particular thing its all a GUESS because they never can be completely sure. They just hop around on definitions because no one calls them out on it. They can't even support their claim so their conclusion that god exists everywhere is just what they guess...not what they KNOW. 
Why are y'all calling this a troll thread?

This presidential campaign ad shows that religion is a constant threat to the wall of separation between church and state in America. It is a threat to our freedoms.

The fact is Perry is pandering to a large Christian population that would take rights away from anyone that disagrees with their ideology.

Something like 12/13 Republican presidential candidates claim that God told them to run for president.

Perry's attitude is representative of other irrational Christians who claim that they are being persecuted when they are the majority in the United States.

Y'all would rather dismiss this ad and thread than to acknowledge that atheists have more that legitimate concerns and contempt for religion and its undue influence on America.
you would rather attack a group rather than an individual. you can't kill ideas my friend. Instead of attacking, post vids of a viable candidate.
sillyputty calling people cafeteria christians, when he just a armchair atheist. idk what that even means lol
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

sillyputty calling people cafeteria christians, when he just a armchair atheist. idk what that even means lol

A cafeteria christian is someone:
- who only knows of the bible what they've been told and haven't read for themselves. 

- when reading the bible they only accept what they agree with to be true, not what they disagree with

- they ignore the parts that they dont like and get offended when those parts are brought up


Gods word is infinite and always good...except when you ignore the parts that you don't like. 

Its all a buffet of ideas and gods to these people and they get in line with their plates and pick what they do and dont like. They have no problem with being intellectually inconsistent. 

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

you would rather attack a group rather than an individual. you can't kill ideas my friend. Instead of attacking, post vids of a viable candidate.
This is about Rick Perry and him being a christian

If the topic was about political candidates I may or may not have an opinion. 

And i'm not trying to KILL ideas FYI. Ideas will always exist. Good ones and bad ones. I'd never want to stop someone from believing what they want. But no one is free from criticism. 

I'm calling attention to the notion that these ideas are particularly dangerous. 
Originally Posted by zmoney3

so, what do you want us to do about it?
but @ the same time i feel weird for saying this i liked the song that was playing in the background
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

wow. you guys suck at recognizing sarcasm. and can't y'all see my sig?

So with the sig, what angle you hitting? If there is a God, why doesn't he look out for you?
Well this is a rhetorical question because there isn't a god.
Yeah that is not what we believe. There is no such thing as God in pantheism. Just the universe and everything that is in it. And I quote,

"We are part of nature. Nature made us and at our death we will be reabsorbed into nature. We are at home in nature and in our bodies. This is where we belong."

We believe in the reverence of the Earth and all of it's children.

You are confused because it's similar to how Christians think of god as the creator of everything, when we see nature as the creator. Is it not?
Wait yall gonna let sillyputty blitz y'all when he has said he is an agnostic atheist .dude is literally an atheist who doesn't know If god exist And considers god existence unknowable. Please don't pay him too much mind because he never goes in on Muslims ,or Buddhist or Jews dude only battles christians.
I could come back with a rebuttal but like I said I make my own rules...if I believe in it hard enough it exists. Just like how I created sillyputty, Henzo, Dirty and the rest of NT.

You should be thankful I recognize your existence.

::sits back and relaxes::

BTW I just saw Angels and Demons and that was a dope movie. I don't know how that fits in here but I'd like to throw it out there
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Wait yall gonna let sillyputty blitz y'all when he has said he is an agnostic atheist .dude is literally an atheist who doesn't know If god exist And considers god existence unknowable. Please don't pay him too much mind because he never goes in on Muslims ,or Buddhist or Jews dude only battles christians.

Muslims, Jews, Buddhists can ALL get a piece if they want.
Let me know when any of the three aforementioned groups start influencing politics in America though. 

I spare no sympathy for any religion.

I'm an agnostic atheist because of the following:

Do I believe in god(s)? ...No. = Atheist. Lack of belief. 

Do I know whether or not god(s) exist? ...No. = Agnostic. (unknowing about belief) I can't say I know something unless I know it. You can't prove something does NOT exist. 

Its intellectually consistent and honest to say that I don't believe in god and I don't know if one exists. One COULD exist...but there is no evidence or reason to believe that one does. Anyone who says they're a gnostic theist is essentially lying. 

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Yeah that is not what we believe. There is no such thing as God in pantheism. Just the universe and everything that is in it. And I quote,

"We are part of nature. Nature made us and at our death we will be reabsorbed into nature. We are at home in nature and in our bodies. This is where we belong."

We believe in the reverence of the Earth and all of it's children. 

You are confused because it's similar to how Christians think of god as the creator of everything, when we see nature as the creator. Is it not?

Asian and eastern "religions" don't exist in the same way that we think of them in the "western" world. Their gods aren't dieties but more so "spiritually mental" things that they just try to give meaning.
Its all hog wash at the end of the day but to recognize a deity is still dishonest. 

This article speaks on the frame work you're suggesting: http://www.huffingtonpost...-religion_b_1031869.html

And yeah, you do believe in a god. Its not anthropomorphic or has human characteristics like many abrahamic traditions but you believe in a figure or entity that acts as a creator and seek to recognize and worship it. 

Thats still a god/deity. 

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I could come back with a rebuttal but like I said I make my own rules...if I believe in it hard enough it exists. Just like how I created sillyputty, Henzo, Dirty and the rest of NT.

You should be thankful I recognize your existence.

::sits back and relaxes::

BTW I just saw Angels and Demons and that was a dope movie. I don't know how that fits in here but I'd like to throw it out there 
Congratulations, you're officially a solipsist. 

If you believe in it, then its true. 

2+2 = 3 then. 

You've also invalidated any opinion you have on your religion because you can't show that its true beyond your own perspective. Things that are true, real, or valid exist regardless of perspective. 
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

say God or religion 13x and sillyputty will appear. ghoooouuuuul

LMAO. It literally never fails. Provides me with a lot of lulz envisioning the mad atheist banging away at his keyboard working on another rant (even though he'll say he crafts walls of texts in mere minutes). Dude is the Westboro Baptist Church of atheists.
superblyTRIFE wrote:
RufioRufioRufio wrote:
say God or religion 13x and sillyputty will appear. ghoooouuuuul

LMAO. It literally never fails. Provides me with a lot of lulz envisioning the mad atheist banging away at his keyboard working on another rant (even though he'll say he crafts walls of texts in mere minutes). Dude is the Westboro Baptist Church of atheists.

QFT. Dudes long rants, gif execution, and pictures are too much. We all know he is atheists we get it!!! No need to try to debunk people's religion every chance you get.  
Show me multiple sources of pantheist god claims. What do you refer to nature and the universe as?
Originally Posted by jhobson5

superblyTRIFE wrote:
say God or religion 13x and sillyputty will appear. ghoooouuuuul

LMAO. It literally never fails. Provides me with a lot of lulz envisioning the mad atheist banging away at his keyboard working on another rant (even though he'll say he crafts walls of texts in mere minutes). Dude is the Westboro Baptist Church of atheists.

QFT.Dudes longrants, gif execution, and pictures are too much. We allknow he is atheists we get it!!!No need to try to debunk people's religion every chance you get.


This is a prime example of what we're talking about.

There are 13 GOP candidates and 1 Democrat (who I think might be faking it) running for the title of President of the United States of America who claim to speak directly to a "god" to make decisions about how to run the country.

You tell me where the problem with that lies.

You all LOVE to complain when people attack religion but you won't keep it to your damn selves.

If religion doesn't matter in a political race, why do the candidates focus so much on it?

Keep your religion out of my politics and law and I'll stop addressing religion.


This is his response. I can't stand this low-life. Screw Rick Perry.

This isn't about debunking Christianity. This is about the morality of Christianity and its undue influence on our government.
sillyputty wrote:
Originally Posted by jhobson5

superblyTRIFE wrote:

QFT. Dudes long rants, gif execution, and pictures are too much. We all know he is atheists we get it!!! No need to try to debunk people's religion every chance you get.  


This is a prime example of what we're talking about. 

There are 13 GOP candidates and 1 Democrat (who I think might be faking it) running for the title of President of the United States of America who claim to speak directly to a "god" to make decisions about how to run the country. 

You tell me where the problem with that lies.

You all LOVE to complain when people attack religion but you won't keep it to your damn selves

If religion doesn't matter in a political race, why do the candidates focus so much on it? 

Keep your religion out of my politics and law and I'll stop addressing religion. 

First. You have played out that GIF you really need a new one cause I knew that one was coming.

And two, I was speaking in general about you and how you handle people's views in any kind of religious thread.

Lastly, i think you need to take your own advice and keep some of your atheist beliefs to yourself as well. I respect your opinion SillyPutty you have always had great thought out points in most threads, but you are going to be who you are(atheist), and us Christians are going to be who we are. I think we all need to agree to disagree and stop trying to change one anothers views.
Just as a side note, if your worried about religious influence on US policy, you should do a little research on the Zionist lobby/string-pulling on pretty much all spheres of government/media. Christianity is more at the forefront obviously because of sheer numbers but the puppet masters behind the scenes are disproportionately Zionist Jews.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Just as a side note, if your worried about religious influence on US policy, you should do a little research on the Zionist lobby/string-pulling on pretty much all spheres of government/media. Christianity is more at the forefront obviously because of sheer numbers but the puppet masters behind the scenes are disproportionately Zionist Jews.

But once we bring that up we're just "conspiracy theorists"
Originally Posted by jhobson5

sillyputty wrote:
Originally Posted by jhobson5

QFT. Dudes long rants, gif execution, and pictures are too much. We all know he is atheists we get it!!! No need to try to debunk people's religion every chance you get.  


This is a prime example of what we're talking about. 

There are 13 GOP candidates and 1 Democrat (who I think might be faking it) running for the title of President of the United States of America who claim to speak directly to a "god" to make decisions about how to run the country. 

You tell me where the problem with that lies.

You all LOVE to complain when people attack religion but you won't keep it to your damn selves

If religion doesn't matter in a political race, why do the candidates focus so much on it? 

Keep your religion out of my politics and law and I'll stop addressing religion. 

First. You have played out that GIF you really need a new one cause I knew that one was coming.

And two, I was speaking in general about you and how you handle people's views in any kind of religious thread.

Lastly, i think you need to take your own advice and keep some of your atheist beliefs to yourself as well. I respect your opinion SillyPutty you have always had great thought out points in most threads, but you are going to be who you are(atheist), and us Christians are going to be who we are. I think we all need to agree to disagree and stop trying to change one anothers views.
A played out gif means something to you? Who cares? 

I don't want to change your opinion.

I want you to keep god off my money

Keep god out of our pledge

Keep god out of our military training

Keep god out our politics

keep god out of our laws

Make churches pay taxes

Prosecute catholic sex offenders

keep creationism out of schools

stop being anti-gay

If you want to believe in a the boogey man or Wonder Woman...I do NOT care.

But don't impose that on the rest of us. 

Muslims and other non-christians don't celebrate christmas so why should they be forced to accept that RELIGIOUS holiday? 

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Just as a side note, if your worried about religious influence on US policy, you should do a little research on the Zionist lobby/string-pulling on pretty much all spheres of government/media. Christianity is more at the forefront obviously because of sheer numbers but the puppet masters behind the scenes are disproportionately Zionist Jews.
Of course not...but then AIPAC calls us conspiracy theorists and tries to defund us.

This is also apart of a larger problem.

The second we talk about jewish influence then we're all nazi's. 

These are professional victims at this point. 

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Show me multiple sources of pantheist god claims. What do you refer to nature and the universe as?
Did you read this link? Check out his sources as well. It addresses exactly what I already answered. 

Also, even reading the links at the bottom of the wikipedia on pantheism and other well known pantheists would answer your question. 

Again, there is no god with human-like features in pantheism but the reverence for and instances of certain rituals and appraisal for the "universe" indicates a god/deity. 

I suggest you read more criticisms about pantheism so you can actually see what people take offense with to come to a better understanding of where you stand. Just reading articles from "yes men" doesn't do you too much good. 
So y'all can send missionaries out but we have to keep our beliefs to ourselves cuz we're a minority?
Rick Pery is a clown ....as is the troll SillyPutty I've never seen anyone pretend to be smarter and come off dumber than this kid
and I'm not a christian either before you coming running from under your bridge
SillyPutty- I tried to be respectful, and I even tried to be open to your opinions. But your lack of willingness to at least have respect for what I believe is wrong. I respect all religious back rounds, I dont care who they are. You have a right to believe in what you want. But dont sit there and act all high and mighty because your an atheist, I believe in god not "Wonder Women" or the "boogey man", so deal with it. And also, America since it was founded has always been predominately Christian, thus a lot of things you would like to see change cant be. This is what the country has been and is currently, and sorry to say you personally arent going to change a thing nor can you change history. So I guess you are dealing with this reality in your own way by ranting to a bunch of strangers on the internet about how we are forcing Christianity on. If you dont like it, find another place to live!  
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