I'm satisfied with the PS3, no need to get a an X-box 360, Thanks NT!

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

It comes down to preferences and price.

Easily...more middle income families have Xbox because its cheaper than the PS3 counterpart.
But once you add in the fact of paying for Xbox live, down the years, getting the PS3 would of been Cheaper.

But i came to realize more of the younger kids go for the Xbox while the older guys go for the PS3.
I guess at 24, i'm an old dude
Really wish they updated the controller for the PS3, been using the same shape since 1995. Also, the analog sticks are horrible for FPS games.
I know have both. I had the ps3 1st and just recently bought the 360

1st thing I noticed about the 360 is it has a more kid like feel to it. Like take the avatars they look like kids while the models in home look more adultlike.

To me the contollers are basically the same the 360 contoller is alot heavier because of the battery, and besides the left anolog being in the upper leftcorner the layout is basically the same. I really notice no difference playing cod4 on both. And the 360 dpad is horrible.

The cross-game chat is cool but really only when your playing single player games. In a game like Left 4 dead you would probably wanna hear your teammates, soits ot good for use there.

From what I see the load times on 360 are longer. And I can get a game on cod4 quicker on the ps3.

They both there own connection problems. Playing online is basically the same to me.

The games are basically the same. Except for the few exclusive they both have. Halo is good but if you want to have to put a whole clip in some you can justplay Killzone.

All the Xbox live talk is basically fanboy talk. Its not that much better than PSN. It gets demos early and some extra DLC, but you pay for it so it should beextra stuff. The one big difference is being able to send voice messages, thats great!

Finally the ps3 just has a more modern feel to it IMO. But when it comes down to it you can't go wrong with either.

Oh yeah and Blu-Ray is great.
i find 360 to have slightly better online play but i like ps3 better because of the controller. just get the one alot of your friends have because thierbasically the same +$!%.
Originally Posted by apollokid1

Really wish they updated the controller for the PS3, been using the same shape since 1995. Also, the analog sticks are horrible for FPS games.
been using it since 97 and i still love it, maybe im just used to it but that left stick doesnt bother me at all when it comes to fps
ehh love my ps3 but also have an xbox 360. both are good but graphics and games look better on the ps3. i dont mind the psn network cause it is free and freeis sweet
saying that the games are better on one system compared to the other is not a valid argument..... it;s like saying DC is better than Marvel cuz DC has Batmanand Marvel has Spider-Man..... it;s a preference thing..... 90% of the games are the same anyways. and the ones that are different, well, it depends on whichgame you like more....

i do find FPS easier to play using the xbox controller compared to PS3 controller.... but that's only for FPS..... i like the PS3 controller better

if you want the 360 to have all of the features that the PS3 offers (without the blue-ray), the cost will end up being the same or more....overall, i think the360 costs more in the long run if you want the best out of the system.... but the 360 does give buyers more options in terms of spending. PS3 is basically a400 or 500 system. xbox gives you 3 tiers + whatever you want to spend on the extra stuff including online..... but like i said, if you want to max out, 360probably ends up costing more in the long run

there there are intangibles.... more friends on 360 = more fun, less breakdown on PS3 = less headache, etc....
360 > PS3.

No need to explain. I've played both and just feel this way.

However, I will be playing on the PS3 again once Tekken 6 is released
everybody who is saying 360 > PS3 b/c of more ppl on the 360 need to get checked.

PS3 will mos def. have a price drop and then ppl will begin to buy and more ppl will be on the PS3. It's basically that dilemma alone.
"I want a PS3 but I'm low on funds so I'll just get a 360 like my friends" jus wait till price drops this summer and holiday season

o and the PS3 slim comin out too
I have no problems with PS3. Solid system, and it serves its purpose. Online is pretty fast I have no problem finding games in anything I play. The controlleris nice, I've been used to it ever since PS1 so that's another good thing. I don't get how people have problems with the controller in fps games. Istill do pretty good in COD with it. 1.13 ratio

Free Online which is very good. Live is overated, its all the same @+%+
Better controller
Better interface
Doubles as a computer, internet browser
Blue ray
Doesn't break

list goes on..
^ btw, do u know how to create posts on nt with the ps3?
lol i have trouble w/ that
i can only do quick replies
PS2 >>> PS3

PS3 dropped to 5th in console sales last month. All its options don't seem to be enticing the consumers
I like the xbox controller more and listening to music during my games is great. All my movies stream with no problem so im good there too. For my preference Ilike the xbox 360 more
Xbox 360 is much better. My brother hated Xbox and swore he would never play one until he moved in with a roommate that had a 360. Let's just say he neverplays Playstation anymore.
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