Improve handles with a tennis ball? (basketball)

I heard and seen this when I was playin' ball in high school. I could never really get it down, I usually jus' dribble wit' two basketballs to improve my dribble...
I never was big on drills like that growing up, I alway felt like it'd just make you good at the dribble and not always transfer like people think. Another one is wearing gloves while dribbling. They got glasses that keep you from being able to look down when you dribble, I'd say that's useful. Look up Ganon Baker and MIcah Lancaster on Youtube though. They teach some innovative drills
I'm no hooper but I used to use a tennis ball to improve my hands as a CB in football and still train with a mini size soccer balls to this day.

In soccer a smaller ball takes more dexterity to control, I could see the same applying to basketball.

But I know a lot of coaches who don't believe the same skill translates when using a regular size ball.
i know receivers and dbs use em to work on their hands but there's no way this should be able to work it just doesnt translate
If you have ever actually done it you would never say it doesn't it bros. Not only does it improve your coordination but it really changes the texture and surface of your hands if you do it with gloves. It makes the ball feel like part of your hand. IMO all those 2 ball drills are kinda not needed. I've never done anything more than the basic dribble with two basketballs or tennis balls but my handles are as good as anybody.
If you have ever actually done it you would never say it doesn't it bros. Not only does it improve your coordination but it really changes the texture and surface of your hands if you do it with gloves. It makes the ball feel like part of your hand. IMO all those 2 ball drills are kinda not needed. I've never done anything more than the basic dribble with two basketballs or tennis balls but my handles are as good as anybody.


Tennis ball drills greatly improve your hand-eye co-ordination and reflexes, more generally. The dribbling goggles mentioned above are also instructive.

My club team used to run drills/scrimmages in the off-season where we played with a tennis ball or had to wear goggles.
The rumor was that Steve Nash would always dribble a tennis ball around campus.

100% true. Actually came into this thread to post this.

My cousin went to Santa Clara at the same time that Nash did. Said you would NEVER see Nash without a tennis ball.
The rumor was that Steve Nash would always dribble a tennis ball around campus.
I would rather just dribble a basketball..... and when dudes would get annoyed at the loud thudding and try to come from behind and swipe, you'd need to be able to react. Its like being in a full court press all day
It helps. Also use a tennis ball or stress ball to do drills around the basket. It will improve your catching/rebounding
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Me leaning Hot Sauce and AO with a right to left 5 yrs ago. Yes I scored on the play too, although not as emphatically as I wanted because Rizer cut off my approach

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Try dribbling a basketball and with your other hand tossing a tennis ball in the air and catching it. Continue
to dribble the ball as you toss the tennis ball up and catch it. Can do many different types of ball handling with
The rumor was that Steve Nash would always dribble a tennis ball around campus.

not was a true story
and he told kids at camps at scu and bcp to dribble with one...
4thelove is right, there are tons of ball drills you can do *pause* using multiple balls *moar pause* its actually pretty hard *twss*

even saw dude with a tennis ball when the squad went to valley fair (yes youngns, before the row!)

did this for football tho, my 9th grade coach put me on.

started with raquetballs... jus squeezing them in your hand is good for your grip as well

so much fun tossin them off walls and catching them, speed dribbling off wall, crazy bouncin, etc.

anyway coach said use raquetballs untill we could squeeze a raquetball flat between thumb and pinky fingers..

at the time it was fun as hell youngins damn near dislocating their fingers trying but as we got stronger it was easy and we switched to tennis balls.

used to keep a 3 jar in the back at all times... i distinctly rememberin pullin outta practice trying to dribble out the window while driving hah and chuckin them off ppls windshields.
i would say these drills does more for hands, than actual ballhandling. I can do crossovers with my eyes closed but cant catch a tennis ball, and have trouble catching a 100mph basketball pass. I'm always the one to fumble the ball in practice but cross everybody up
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