In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Doctor Demise going off in this thread.. LOL

id like to see a debate between Doctor Demise and DC about something irrelevant. lollllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I would, but I agree with him too often to start anything.
Also: Nick Diaz vs. GSP... who you got?
Money makes the world go round.

I stay away from these threads for the most part, and i certainly don't believe it's simply black and white, no matter which side of the fence you are on in this debate. All I ask is for people to not be naive. Ask questions, expect there is ulterior motives to everything and for crying out loud never believe whatever the main stream media is trying to force feed us. The truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle. The patriotic people who think all of this is happened exactly like its been explained are far more delusional then these crazy conspiracy theorists. That i feel comfortable taking to the bank.
Money makes the world go round.

I stay away from these threads for the most part, and i certainly don't believe it's simply black and white, no matter which side of the fence you are on in this debate. All I ask is for people to not be naive. Ask questions, expect there is ulterior motives to everything and for crying out loud never believe whatever the main stream media is trying to force feed us. The truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle. The patriotic people who think all of this is happened exactly like its been explained are far more delusional then these crazy conspiracy theorists. That i feel comfortable taking to the bank.
Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Doctor Demise going off in this thread.. LOL

id like to see a debate between Doctor Demise and DC about something irrelevant. lollllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I would, but I agree with him too often to start anything.
Also: Nick Diaz vs. GSP... who you got?

off topic but im anti gsp.. Opponent > GSP but i do believe nick diaz and or thiago alves with dethrone gsp.

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.
Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Doctor Demise going off in this thread.. LOL

id like to see a debate between Doctor Demise and DC about something irrelevant. lollllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I would, but I agree with him too often to start anything.
Also: Nick Diaz vs. GSP... who you got?

off topic but im anti gsp.. Opponent > GSP but i do believe nick diaz and or thiago alves with dethrone gsp.

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.
To the guy saying what would be the point of the "gov't" doing this. I thought it'd be easy to realize war = money. All the wars in human history have ppl profiting from them. Also, the entire gov't doesn't have to be involved. Just key ppl in certain authoritative positions.

Given that Bush's administration was warned of a possible terrorist attack on U.S. soil by Al Quaeda with Osama Bin Laden being a person of interest it's not so much that they were in cahoots with each other but the plan could've been let them go ahead with their plan, don't let the know we know, and to make sure they go through with it. The other terrorist attacks that have gone around the world are in NO WAY on the same scale as 9/11. That's probably one of the main distinctions anyone can make. It's clear they were being guided along and helped whether they knew it or not when everything after that have been shoe bombs. So no these other European countries don't have to be in the know since suicide bombing in the middle of a city or on a bus isn't on the scale of "hijacking air crafts with box cutters and crashing them in to buildings."
To the guy saying what would be the point of the "gov't" doing this. I thought it'd be easy to realize war = money. All the wars in human history have ppl profiting from them. Also, the entire gov't doesn't have to be involved. Just key ppl in certain authoritative positions.

Given that Bush's administration was warned of a possible terrorist attack on U.S. soil by Al Quaeda with Osama Bin Laden being a person of interest it's not so much that they were in cahoots with each other but the plan could've been let them go ahead with their plan, don't let the know we know, and to make sure they go through with it. The other terrorist attacks that have gone around the world are in NO WAY on the same scale as 9/11. That's probably one of the main distinctions anyone can make. It's clear they were being guided along and helped whether they knew it or not when everything after that have been shoe bombs. So no these other European countries don't have to be in the know since suicide bombing in the middle of a city or on a bus isn't on the scale of "hijacking air crafts with box cutters and crashing them in to buildings."
Originally Posted by franchise3

Nobody is saying our government is squeaky clean.

But in order for the government to pull off something like this, it's unfathomable.

People might buy into this nonsense, but ask yourself, WHY would the government do something like this?

Be real with yourselves, with whatever answer you come up with. Think logically. And ask yourself, does it really make sense for the government to do this? Especially for whatever reason you came up with?

Hells nah.

Welcome back to reality.
I see your point fam, but what I want a answer to is what REALLY hit the pentagon? because it obviously was NOT a plane. and why is there no footage besides that choppy parking lot video you can barely see? Its the DAMN pentagon, I could get better security footage from my local rec center.
Why are we being lied to about it being a American Airlines Jet? Numerous people have said (even the minute after it happened before the "theories" came out) that it was not a commercial airline and the plane had now windows.

And finally why do firefighters who were in and around the building say they heard explosions on each floor? That couldn't have been from the jetfuel.

No sarcasm on anything I just said.  I'm not one to support conspiracy theories, but after watching the majority of that video (including what I already knew) there are way to many facts that point to some of the 9/11 story being untrue.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Nobody is saying our government is squeaky clean.

But in order for the government to pull off something like this, it's unfathomable.

People might buy into this nonsense, but ask yourself, WHY would the government do something like this?

Be real with yourselves, with whatever answer you come up with. Think logically. And ask yourself, does it really make sense for the government to do this? Especially for whatever reason you came up with?

Hells nah.

Welcome back to reality.
I see your point fam, but what I want a answer to is what REALLY hit the pentagon? because it obviously was NOT a plane. and why is there no footage besides that choppy parking lot video you can barely see? Its the DAMN pentagon, I could get better security footage from my local rec center.
Why are we being lied to about it being a American Airlines Jet? Numerous people have said (even the minute after it happened before the "theories" came out) that it was not a commercial airline and the plane had now windows.

And finally why do firefighters who were in and around the building say they heard explosions on each floor? That couldn't have been from the jetfuel.

No sarcasm on anything I just said.  I'm not one to support conspiracy theories, but after watching the majority of that video (including what I already knew) there are way to many facts that point to some of the 9/11 story being untrue.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.

where are they getting the oil from? you're thinking on a business level...
Originally Posted by kidUFC

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.

where are they getting the oil from? you're thinking on a business level...
Originally Posted by HankMoody

There were benefits to war.

Creating what many have termed "an existential threat" in terrorism and Al-Qaeda =/= 9/11 conspiracy

They exploited the moment; they didn't create it. Make no mistake about it, Paul Wolfowitz and his neocon buddies jizzed in their pants when this happened.
Wolfowitz is straight evil...that dude should be locked up in a desert prison somewhere overseas.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

There were benefits to war.

Creating what many have termed "an existential threat" in terrorism and Al-Qaeda =/= 9/11 conspiracy

They exploited the moment; they didn't create it. Make no mistake about it, Paul Wolfowitz and his neocon buddies jizzed in their pants when this happened.
Wolfowitz is straight evil...that dude should be locked up in a desert prison somewhere overseas.
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by kidUFC

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.
where are they getting the oil from? you're thinking on a business level...

finally why would the US want to go to war? I'm not seeing any benifits to being in a war. Trillions in debt, is that a benefit? Oil? must be because the prices keep dropping.
i was referring to this.

but i guess without no oil supply gas price will still go up.
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by kidUFC

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.
where are they getting the oil from? you're thinking on a business level...

finally why would the US want to go to war? I'm not seeing any benifits to being in a war. Trillions in debt, is that a benefit? Oil? must be because the prices keep dropping.
i was referring to this.

but i guess without no oil supply gas price will still go up.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Doctor Demise going off in this thread.. LOL

id like to see a debate between Doctor Demise and DC about something irrelevant. lollllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I would, but I agree with him too often to start anything.
Also: Nick Diaz vs. GSP... who you got?

off topic but im anti gsp.. Opponent > GSP but i do believe nick diaz and or thiago alves with dethrone gsp.

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.

Yeah I typed that and thought to myself "S*** I probably should have just PM'd him" because I certainly didn't want to derail this thread more than I have already done unintentionally, but I think Diaz will give him a run for his money and will probably squeak out a decision. 
The Government certainly has a hand in gas prices which is why we have the friends that we have and the enemies that we don't want in the middle east. Saudi Arabia is our best friend (well, Israel is probably our BFF but you catch my drift) not because we agree with their policies and practices but because they provide us with fossil fuels. 


This sums it up quite nicely. Well... disgustingly... but it brings the point home. 
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

Originally Posted by kidUFC

Doctor Demise going off in this thread.. LOL

id like to see a debate between Doctor Demise and DC about something irrelevant. lollllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I would, but I agree with him too often to start anything.
Also: Nick Diaz vs. GSP... who you got?

off topic but im anti gsp.. Opponent > GSP but i do believe nick diaz and or thiago alves with dethrone gsp.

back to topic:

i thought the govt. has no control over gas prices and the companies.. i thought companies set their own prices due to supply and demand.

Yeah I typed that and thought to myself "S*** I probably should have just PM'd him" because I certainly didn't want to derail this thread more than I have already done unintentionally, but I think Diaz will give him a run for his money and will probably squeak out a decision. 
The Government certainly has a hand in gas prices which is why we have the friends that we have and the enemies that we don't want in the middle east. Saudi Arabia is our best friend (well, Israel is probably our BFF but you catch my drift) not because we agree with their policies and practices but because they provide us with fossil fuels. 


This sums it up quite nicely. Well... disgustingly... but it brings the point home. 
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Ok so one guy in Washington gets the idea that we should rig up thousands of pounds of explosives and fly 2 passenger jets into the WTC and shoot a missile at the Pentagon all whilst killing thousands of Americans...

Cant do it alone so hes gotta ask around to see who would be willing to be in cahoots with him... (

I cant imagine ANYONE would turn down such a promising opportunity as that... But im sure anyone who was let in on the plan and denied participation was "dealt with" mmhmm... and the ones who did get in on the action obviously have no conscience and are the besttt secret keepers around *giggles* (Cheney definitely woulda done it... He shot someone in the face.

Then once the core group of conspirators was formed they figured out a way to find explosive experts to rig the buildings, pilots willing to kill themselves just cause the government said so, hijack the flight 93 people and kill them in some dungeon somewhere in ohio or wherever... Which clearly wouldnt be a problem, I could go find a Jumbo jet pilot ready to kill himself at the local unemployment office...

THEN they gotta make sure that they can blame Al Queda and that Al Queda would just casually take the blame with the
face on... THEN they declare war on Al Queda and Iraq for 10 years....

etc etc im going to get some lunch.
This stuff is funny.
Exactly. When you look at it in that direction, it doesn't make sense.
Instead, these conspiracy theory people look at it from the other direction -- some outside observer notices something that doesn't make sense to them. And to them this is evidence that something is fishy.

This reminds me of the gym, when I pick up a dribble early and take 2 long strides for a layup, and people call me for a travel. I ask them, "did you see 3 steps?" They say, "no, but it looked impossible for you to get that far without traveling." They are doing exactly what conspiracy people do, which is assume that any shortcoming in their understanding is evidence of wrongdoing by the other party.

Another example. Someone sees video of someone getting shot, assumes it's fake because they think blood gushing out like that is fake. Have they ever seen anyone shot in real life though? No.

Or take me for example. I saw Jordan dunk on TV when I was a kid. I went outside and looked up at the rim and figured it was impossible a human could jump that high, so I assumed NBC was using camera tricks.

Don't get me wrong. It's good to be critical and to understand the reality of life (people lie, cheat, steal, etc.). But 99% of the time, these conspiracy theories are so diluted by flagrant dishonesty that it negates any legitimate points they may have.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Ok so one guy in Washington gets the idea that we should rig up thousands of pounds of explosives and fly 2 passenger jets into the WTC and shoot a missile at the Pentagon all whilst killing thousands of Americans...

Cant do it alone so hes gotta ask around to see who would be willing to be in cahoots with him... (

I cant imagine ANYONE would turn down such a promising opportunity as that... But im sure anyone who was let in on the plan and denied participation was "dealt with" mmhmm... and the ones who did get in on the action obviously have no conscience and are the besttt secret keepers around *giggles* (Cheney definitely woulda done it... He shot someone in the face.

Then once the core group of conspirators was formed they figured out a way to find explosive experts to rig the buildings, pilots willing to kill themselves just cause the government said so, hijack the flight 93 people and kill them in some dungeon somewhere in ohio or wherever... Which clearly wouldnt be a problem, I could go find a Jumbo jet pilot ready to kill himself at the local unemployment office...

THEN they gotta make sure that they can blame Al Queda and that Al Queda would just casually take the blame with the
face on... THEN they declare war on Al Queda and Iraq for 10 years....

etc etc im going to get some lunch.
This stuff is funny.
Exactly. When you look at it in that direction, it doesn't make sense.
Instead, these conspiracy theory people look at it from the other direction -- some outside observer notices something that doesn't make sense to them. And to them this is evidence that something is fishy.

This reminds me of the gym, when I pick up a dribble early and take 2 long strides for a layup, and people call me for a travel. I ask them, "did you see 3 steps?" They say, "no, but it looked impossible for you to get that far without traveling." They are doing exactly what conspiracy people do, which is assume that any shortcoming in their understanding is evidence of wrongdoing by the other party.

Another example. Someone sees video of someone getting shot, assumes it's fake because they think blood gushing out like that is fake. Have they ever seen anyone shot in real life though? No.

Or take me for example. I saw Jordan dunk on TV when I was a kid. I went outside and looked up at the rim and figured it was impossible a human could jump that high, so I assumed NBC was using camera tricks.

Don't get me wrong. It's good to be critical and to understand the reality of life (people lie, cheat, steal, etc.). But 99% of the time, these conspiracy theories are so diluted by flagrant dishonesty that it negates any legitimate points they may have.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Ok so one guy in Washington gets the idea that we should rig up thousands of pounds of explosives and fly 2 passenger jets into the WTC and shoot a missile at the Pentagon all whilst killing thousands of Americans...

Cant do it alone so hes gotta ask around to see who would be willing to be in cahoots with him... (

I cant imagine ANYONE would turn down such a promising opportunity as that... But im sure anyone who was let in on the plan and denied participation was "dealt with" mmhmm... and the ones who did get in on the action obviously have no conscience and are the besttt secret keepers around *giggles* (Cheney definitely woulda done it... He shot someone in the face.

Then once the core group of conspirators was formed they figured out a way to find explosive experts to rig the buildings, pilots willing to kill themselves just cause the government said so, hijack the flight 93 people and kill them in some dungeon somewhere in ohio or wherever... Which clearly wouldnt be a problem, I could go find a Jumbo jet pilot ready to kill himself at the local unemployment office...

THEN they gotta make sure that they can blame Al Queda and that Al Queda would just casually take the blame with the
face on... THEN they declare war on Al Queda and Iraq for 10 years....

etc etc im going to get some lunch.
This stuff is funny.
Exactly. When you look at it in that direction, it doesn't make sense.
Instead, these conspiracy theory people look at it from the other direction -- some outside observer notices something that doesn't make sense to them. And to them this is evidence that something is fishy.

This reminds me of the gym, when I pick up a dribble early and take 2 long strides for a layup, and people call me for a travel. I ask them, "did you see 3 steps?" They say, "no, but it looked impossible for you to get that far without traveling." They are doing exactly what conspiracy people do, which is assume that any shortcoming in their understanding is evidence of wrongdoing by the other party.

Another example. Someone sees video of someone getting shot, assumes it's fake because they think blood gushing out like that is fake. Have they ever seen anyone shot in real life though? No.

Or take me for example. I saw Jordan dunk on TV when I was a kid. I went outside and looked up at the rim and figured it was impossible a human could jump that high, so I assumed NBC was using camera tricks.

Don't get me wrong. It's good to be critical and to understand the reality of life (people lie, cheat, steal, etc.). But 99% of the time, these conspiracy theories are so diluted by flagrant dishonesty that it negates any legitimate points they may have.

How does it not make sense this could be an inside job? I am interested in your opinion Wally.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Ok so one guy in Washington gets the idea that we should rig up thousands of pounds of explosives and fly 2 passenger jets into the WTC and shoot a missile at the Pentagon all whilst killing thousands of Americans...

Cant do it alone so hes gotta ask around to see who would be willing to be in cahoots with him... (

I cant imagine ANYONE would turn down such a promising opportunity as that... But im sure anyone who was let in on the plan and denied participation was "dealt with" mmhmm... and the ones who did get in on the action obviously have no conscience and are the besttt secret keepers around *giggles* (Cheney definitely woulda done it... He shot someone in the face.

Then once the core group of conspirators was formed they figured out a way to find explosive experts to rig the buildings, pilots willing to kill themselves just cause the government said so, hijack the flight 93 people and kill them in some dungeon somewhere in ohio or wherever... Which clearly wouldnt be a problem, I could go find a Jumbo jet pilot ready to kill himself at the local unemployment office...

THEN they gotta make sure that they can blame Al Queda and that Al Queda would just casually take the blame with the
face on... THEN they declare war on Al Queda and Iraq for 10 years....

etc etc im going to get some lunch.
This stuff is funny.
Exactly. When you look at it in that direction, it doesn't make sense.
Instead, these conspiracy theory people look at it from the other direction -- some outside observer notices something that doesn't make sense to them. And to them this is evidence that something is fishy.

This reminds me of the gym, when I pick up a dribble early and take 2 long strides for a layup, and people call me for a travel. I ask them, "did you see 3 steps?" They say, "no, but it looked impossible for you to get that far without traveling." They are doing exactly what conspiracy people do, which is assume that any shortcoming in their understanding is evidence of wrongdoing by the other party.

Another example. Someone sees video of someone getting shot, assumes it's fake because they think blood gushing out like that is fake. Have they ever seen anyone shot in real life though? No.

Or take me for example. I saw Jordan dunk on TV when I was a kid. I went outside and looked up at the rim and figured it was impossible a human could jump that high, so I assumed NBC was using camera tricks.

Don't get me wrong. It's good to be critical and to understand the reality of life (people lie, cheat, steal, etc.). But 99% of the time, these conspiracy theories are so diluted by flagrant dishonesty that it negates any legitimate points they may have.

How does it not make sense this could be an inside job? I am interested in your opinion Wally.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Why even waste your time and make this topic on know if you don't believe what the Government says on here your either crazy....dumb or a mixture of both.


Do you see the number of people here that are supporting these theories compared to the people who don't?

I suggest everyone who believes any of these conspiracy documentaries take the time to read up on the other side of things.

Loose Change was full of fabricated information.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Why even waste your time and make this topic on know if you don't believe what the Government says on here your either crazy....dumb or a mixture of both.


Do you see the number of people here that are supporting these theories compared to the people who don't?

I suggest everyone who believes any of these conspiracy documentaries take the time to read up on the other side of things.

Loose Change was full of fabricated information.
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