In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Wow is all I can say. Just a coincidence right?

Damn if the Subway here in DC crashing was because of that, wow.
in that series "Rubicon" they had a scenario just like it where they purposely killed a dude who knew too much by causing a commuter train crash in DC. 
And I have recently been told that "potential" situations are put into popular media to see the reaction from the public. I guess this is an example. Ah cool.

The question for all of you Michael Moores and Alex Joneses of the world, so what do we do? What if it was PROVEN that the killing of OBL is in fact a lie, then what? What can we really do about any of that? If we know the government is lying to us, what can we do?

Sadly, nothing. The fault of our government and society is not in a political party or in a world corporation. It is in the heart of man. Period. We could hold a riot, overthrow our government and deport every politician from this country onto an island. But that won't stop whoever is in control, into getting back into our political system. They are too deep, too strong. They are 200 years strong. So strong to the point that they could have rewrote history by conveniently downplaying inventions until they see fit to bring them to the masses, for their own benefit (think Haarp, or maybe even the Sirius star discovery, that story could have been fabricated by technology we didn't know existed at the time, but was later proven right by technology in the 90's).
In order to bring an end to them, you would have to get rid of every single one all of the way to the top as they will always have the sources to train more agents, lobbyist etc.  To me, that is probably impossible to do.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Wow is all I can say. Just a coincidence right?

Damn if the Subway here in DC crashing was because of that, wow.
in that series "Rubicon" they had a scenario just like it where they purposely killed a dude who knew too much by causing a commuter train crash in DC. 
And I have recently been told that "potential" situations are put into popular media to see the reaction from the public. I guess this is an example. Ah cool.

The question for all of you Michael Moores and Alex Joneses of the world, so what do we do? What if it was PROVEN that the killing of OBL is in fact a lie, then what? What can we really do about any of that? If we know the government is lying to us, what can we do?

Sadly, nothing. The fault of our government and society is not in a political party or in a world corporation. It is in the heart of man. Period. We could hold a riot, overthrow our government and deport every politician from this country onto an island. But that won't stop whoever is in control, into getting back into our political system. They are too deep, too strong. They are 200 years strong. So strong to the point that they could have rewrote history by conveniently downplaying inventions until they see fit to bring them to the masses, for their own benefit (think Haarp, or maybe even the Sirius star discovery, that story could have been fabricated by technology we didn't know existed at the time, but was later proven right by technology in the 90's).
In order to bring an end to them, you would have to get rid of every single one all of the way to the top as they will always have the sources to train more agents, lobbyist etc.  To me, that is probably impossible to do.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

I'm not going to say the Govt was behind 9/11.

What I am going to say is, they are NOT telling us some things. That is all.
I just want some answers or counterarguments for some of the points this guy brought up. Theres a lot of discomforting stuff they brought up
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

I'm not going to say the Govt was behind 9/11.

What I am going to say is, they are NOT telling us some things. That is all.
I just want some answers or counterarguments for some of the points this guy brought up. Theres a lot of discomforting stuff they brought up
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by PLVN

If the US government is creating all these elaborate cover-ups, why didn't they have a one for Monica Lewinsky or the WMDs in Iraq?

I know it sucks to think that the government of the greatest country in the world dropped the ball, but it seems a lot more likely to me.

Why assume it's the same ppl in each situation? If there are ppl in the gov't that conspired to do something on the scale of 9/11 what do they get out of hiding the fact that Bill Clinton cheated on his wife? Why cover that up in the first place? I don't even see how that's important. As for the WMDs in Iraq that was Bush's crusade. I highly doubt he'd be successful in spearheading the planting of WMDs in Iraq to prove himself right.
WMD's = not only a hidden agenda, but hidden meaning. It is my assumptions through my personal intellect that they actually did find and secure technology of mass destruction. Remember all of the strories of underground bunkers from scientists they had captured? Mission Accomplished?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by PLVN

If the US government is creating all these elaborate cover-ups, why didn't they have a one for Monica Lewinsky or the WMDs in Iraq?

I know it sucks to think that the government of the greatest country in the world dropped the ball, but it seems a lot more likely to me.

Why assume it's the same ppl in each situation? If there are ppl in the gov't that conspired to do something on the scale of 9/11 what do they get out of hiding the fact that Bill Clinton cheated on his wife? Why cover that up in the first place? I don't even see how that's important. As for the WMDs in Iraq that was Bush's crusade. I highly doubt he'd be successful in spearheading the planting of WMDs in Iraq to prove himself right.
WMD's = not only a hidden agenda, but hidden meaning. It is my assumptions through my personal intellect that they actually did find and secure technology of mass destruction. Remember all of the strories of underground bunkers from scientists they had captured? Mission Accomplished?
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

That did it for me. A reporter was talking about the building "collapsed" (past tense) and in the background the building is still standing there. She press released too early. I'm sorry but in order to keep my sanity, I'd rather live ignorant. With that being said, this is the last time I visit this thread.

For what it's worth, I love you all and I'm sorry for everyone who lost family on 9/11. Even as I type this, tears pour down my cheeks. This is too much for me. Say what ya'll want about me but I am not mentally prepared to handle something of this magnitude...
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

That did it for me. A reporter was talking about the building "collapsed" (past tense) and in the background the building is still standing there. She press released too early. I'm sorry but in order to keep my sanity, I'd rather live ignorant. With that being said, this is the last time I visit this thread.

For what it's worth, I love you all and I'm sorry for everyone who lost family on 9/11. Even as I type this, tears pour down my cheeks. This is too much for me. Say what ya'll want about me but I am not mentally prepared to handle something of this magnitude...
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

WTC 7 was the main hub  of the SEC, among other gov't departments. 
Maybe no financial institution lost more critical documents than the Securities and Exchange Commission, which had its New York regional office at 7 World Trade Center. While the regulatory agency was fortunate in that it lost no employees in the terror attacks, it suffered setbacks in a number of long-running securities investigations.

"Regardless of what the regulators say, they lost a ton of files," says Bill Singer, a New York securities lawyer, who says one case he had pending before the SEC quickly settled because so many of the original documents were destroyed. "In my opinion it was a wholesale loss of documents."

Plenty of culprits right after tech tech bubble blew. Not that different from the housing bubble. 


A lot of Enron documentation was lost. A lot. 

Doesn't take a genius to realize what happened. The collapse of WTC 7 benefited quite a few folks. Not only "Al Qaeda". 
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

WTC 7 was the main hub  of the SEC, among other gov't departments. 
Maybe no financial institution lost more critical documents than the Securities and Exchange Commission, which had its New York regional office at 7 World Trade Center. While the regulatory agency was fortunate in that it lost no employees in the terror attacks, it suffered setbacks in a number of long-running securities investigations.

"Regardless of what the regulators say, they lost a ton of files," says Bill Singer, a New York securities lawyer, who says one case he had pending before the SEC quickly settled because so many of the original documents were destroyed. "In my opinion it was a wholesale loss of documents."

Plenty of culprits right after tech tech bubble blew. Not that different from the housing bubble. 


A lot of Enron documentation was lost. A lot. 

Doesn't take a genius to realize what happened. The collapse of WTC 7 benefited quite a few folks. Not only "Al Qaeda". 
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...
welcome to the year 2002
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...
welcome to the year 2002
I think that since the patriot act, the line between patriotic descent and terrroism has been blurred quite significantly. It reminds me of  V for Vendetta when mtv was running promo about whether V was a terrorist or a patriot for going against the totalitarian government. Regardless of what happened on 9/11 since then freedom of speech has really been restrained. In retrospect I think its easy to say that  there was political motives here which would be indicative of foul play regarding the towers. I do believe Bin Laden is a pawn, i mean what a coincidence we finally find him when obama is up for re-election and in the midst of this whole donald trump debalcle mind you.
I think that since the patriot act, the line between patriotic descent and terrroism has been blurred quite significantly. It reminds me of  V for Vendetta when mtv was running promo about whether V was a terrorist or a patriot for going against the totalitarian government. Regardless of what happened on 9/11 since then freedom of speech has really been restrained. In retrospect I think its easy to say that  there was political motives here which would be indicative of foul play regarding the towers. I do believe Bin Laden is a pawn, i mean what a coincidence we finally find him when obama is up for re-election and in the midst of this whole donald trump debalcle mind you.
Originally Posted by PLVN

If the US government is creating all these elaborate cover-ups, why didn't they have a one for Monica Lewinsky
are you serious?
Originally Posted by PLVN

If the US government is creating all these elaborate cover-ups, why didn't they have a one for Monica Lewinsky
are you serious?
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by PLVN

If the US government is creating all these elaborate cover-ups, why didn't they have a one for Monica Lewinsky
The Lewsinky "scandal" was the cover up. 
Ain't nothing illegal about having an affair. There were plenty of other illegal things being done by gov't at that time though. 
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by PLVN

If the US government is creating all these elaborate cover-ups, why didn't they have a one for Monica Lewinsky
The Lewsinky "scandal" was the cover up. 
Ain't nothing illegal about having an affair. There were plenty of other illegal things being done by gov't at that time though. 
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