In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

i meant no disrespect by my statements, its how i feel. seems as though you can't see/understand my perspective...
i meant no disrespect by my statements, its how i feel. seems as though you can't see/understand my perspective...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Billy BloodBath wrote:
On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

I see where you're coming from but I think you're making grand generalizations. 
All the hijackers were either Saudis or Egyptians. You can't lump all Arabs or Muslims together. You can't even lump all within he same country together.

As for the barbarism, dirty war breeds barbarism. I don't consider myself a violent person but id someone killed a family member or close friend I'd have no problem seeing them being burned alive or their head cut off. That's just human nature.  

This country did similar things to Africans and African Americans for centuries without the pretext of anything bad being done to us in the first place. Does that mean that all Americans were racist murderers? 

My father literally doesn't hurt any animal/ insect. I've seen him carry out spiders and centipedes from the house instead of just killing them. We have a bird that built a  nest right under our porch awning and  while I wanted to take it down, my father was adamant on letting it be because there were already eggs in there. However, he told me stories a couple of times of what they would do to captured muj's in Afghanistan. One of the things was blindfolding them and throwing them out of helicopters into their home villages . He doesn't blink an eye and has no remorse about it. It was personal back then. The muj's used to put captured Soviet soldiers in a pit naked and shove a snake into their @#%. Use your imagination as to what happened.   War is a complicated beast. 

I'll keep this between me and you then because we seem to be on the same page. In fact, if you want to continue this discussion we can do it through PM... these other people who poke their nose in our conversation are just distracting me from my main point. 
I'm the same way as your father: I never hurt animals, insects, fish or other decent human beings because I have a fundamental respect for life. I've flirted with religions before and the one that spoke closest to me was buddhism which considers every life form equal. *I don't follow any religion now, and have never*

But my main point is this: There are many people in this country who simply don't respect an actual working man whose assignment is to eliminate Al Qaeda and their sympathizers. As I would have towards a Nazi... they will simply be eliminated on the site. 

When you've seen the things I've seen and done the things I've done, you gain a little bit of an appreciation towards the simple freedoms (like logging on to the internet or even hell... having electricity) that others take for granted. 

War is a beast... you're right. I've seen too many people die (close friends and one relative) to not know that. But I believe that regardless of your position and political leanings, it's nice to be able to pay homage towards a person who DIDN'T have to go but CHOSE to go so that they can make a difference. 

Does the USMC treat me right? Not really... I was homeless in Louisiana when Katrina hit... and this was on one of my leaves. Shivering from the rain and scrambling to find shelter. 

I've been there and done that but I'm glad to know that I have the ability to talk to you via this sneaker website (don't know where you live) from California and can have an intelligent discourse. The fact that there are those who disagree with my points, while it does elicit a reaction, also reminds me that what I'm doing is making a difference in the long run. 

Good talking to you. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Billy BloodBath wrote:
On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

I see where you're coming from but I think you're making grand generalizations. 
All the hijackers were either Saudis or Egyptians. You can't lump all Arabs or Muslims together. You can't even lump all within he same country together.

As for the barbarism, dirty war breeds barbarism. I don't consider myself a violent person but id someone killed a family member or close friend I'd have no problem seeing them being burned alive or their head cut off. That's just human nature.  

This country did similar things to Africans and African Americans for centuries without the pretext of anything bad being done to us in the first place. Does that mean that all Americans were racist murderers? 

My father literally doesn't hurt any animal/ insect. I've seen him carry out spiders and centipedes from the house instead of just killing them. We have a bird that built a  nest right under our porch awning and  while I wanted to take it down, my father was adamant on letting it be because there were already eggs in there. However, he told me stories a couple of times of what they would do to captured muj's in Afghanistan. One of the things was blindfolding them and throwing them out of helicopters into their home villages . He doesn't blink an eye and has no remorse about it. It was personal back then. The muj's used to put captured Soviet soldiers in a pit naked and shove a snake into their @#%. Use your imagination as to what happened.   War is a complicated beast. 

I'll keep this between me and you then because we seem to be on the same page. In fact, if you want to continue this discussion we can do it through PM... these other people who poke their nose in our conversation are just distracting me from my main point. 
I'm the same way as your father: I never hurt animals, insects, fish or other decent human beings because I have a fundamental respect for life. I've flirted with religions before and the one that spoke closest to me was buddhism which considers every life form equal. *I don't follow any religion now, and have never*

But my main point is this: There are many people in this country who simply don't respect an actual working man whose assignment is to eliminate Al Qaeda and their sympathizers. As I would have towards a Nazi... they will simply be eliminated on the site. 

When you've seen the things I've seen and done the things I've done, you gain a little bit of an appreciation towards the simple freedoms (like logging on to the internet or even hell... having electricity) that others take for granted. 

War is a beast... you're right. I've seen too many people die (close friends and one relative) to not know that. But I believe that regardless of your position and political leanings, it's nice to be able to pay homage towards a person who DIDN'T have to go but CHOSE to go so that they can make a difference. 

Does the USMC treat me right? Not really... I was homeless in Louisiana when Katrina hit... and this was on one of my leaves. Shivering from the rain and scrambling to find shelter. 

I've been there and done that but I'm glad to know that I have the ability to talk to you via this sneaker website (don't know where you live) from California and can have an intelligent discourse. The fact that there are those who disagree with my points, while it does elicit a reaction, also reminds me that what I'm doing is making a difference in the long run. 

Good talking to you. 
Billy Bloodbath ... You can't sit here and act as if no one in the military questions the motives of the US Govt. I too am a military man and have been for the past 14 years and have questioned, at times, the goals of our leaders and the "what's really going on." I'm not going to say that there is or there isn't govt cover up. I do know that things are sketchy and there are no answers to many questions Americans have.

I've served many tours in deployed locations and most recently returned Oct 2010. I can say that I've been close to the fighting without giving details of what I do. Sometimes things don't add up but I do what I swore to my country I would do.

I'm not saying that either of you are right or wrong but it seems that you two should just respect each other's the opinions and gracefully agree to disagree.
Billy Bloodbath ... You can't sit here and act as if no one in the military questions the motives of the US Govt. I too am a military man and have been for the past 14 years and have questioned, at times, the goals of our leaders and the "what's really going on." I'm not going to say that there is or there isn't govt cover up. I do know that things are sketchy and there are no answers to many questions Americans have.

I've served many tours in deployed locations and most recently returned Oct 2010. I can say that I've been close to the fighting without giving details of what I do. Sometimes things don't add up but I do what I swore to my country I would do.

I'm not saying that either of you are right or wrong but it seems that you two should just respect each other's the opinions and gracefully agree to disagree.
Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Billy Bloodbath ... You can't sit here and act as if no one in the military questions the motives of the US Govt. I too am a military man and have been for the past 14 years and have questioned, at times, the goals of our leaders and the "what's really going on." I'm not going to say that there is or there isn't govt cover up. I do know that things are sketchy and there are no answers to many questions Americans have.

I've served many tours in deployed locations and most recently returned Oct 2010. I can say that I've been close to the fighting without giving details of what I do. Sometimes things don't add up but I do what I swore to my country I would do.

I'm not saying that either of you are right or wrong but it seems that you two should just respect each other's the opinions and gracefully agree to disagree.
Well I hope that you caught the gist of my recent comment because I certainly do respect his position and have respected him from his past posts. 
Of course I question things... I'm not an ant whose main goal is to serve a queen. But as you said: when I'm given an assignment I will carry it through. I love what I do and I love that I'm serving my country.

What branch are you in? One of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children reporting in.
Going back in 9 days... wish me luck. 
Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Billy Bloodbath ... You can't sit here and act as if no one in the military questions the motives of the US Govt. I too am a military man and have been for the past 14 years and have questioned, at times, the goals of our leaders and the "what's really going on." I'm not going to say that there is or there isn't govt cover up. I do know that things are sketchy and there are no answers to many questions Americans have.

I've served many tours in deployed locations and most recently returned Oct 2010. I can say that I've been close to the fighting without giving details of what I do. Sometimes things don't add up but I do what I swore to my country I would do.

I'm not saying that either of you are right or wrong but it seems that you two should just respect each other's the opinions and gracefully agree to disagree.
Well I hope that you caught the gist of my recent comment because I certainly do respect his position and have respected him from his past posts. 
Of course I question things... I'm not an ant whose main goal is to serve a queen. But as you said: when I'm given an assignment I will carry it through. I love what I do and I love that I'm serving my country.

What branch are you in? One of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children reporting in.
Going back in 9 days... wish me luck. 
I didn't read all the comments I just glanced through a few and it appeared that there was a lot of back and forth going on with a few people slipping some jabs in. Not necessarily you two but others. It was no disrespect to you or the other guy. I saw a guy take shots at the quality of servicemen today and since I consider myself to be a well educated individual, I took offense to the comment. I know that there are misguided people in the Armed Services but there are far more with outstanding qualities that I have the opportunity to serve with every day.

I'm in the AF. Currently in between assignments and heading to Corry Station in Pensacola to attend a 6 month Cyber Analysis Course.

Enjoy your time out there and good luck.
I didn't read all the comments I just glanced through a few and it appeared that there was a lot of back and forth going on with a few people slipping some jabs in. Not necessarily you two but others. It was no disrespect to you or the other guy. I saw a guy take shots at the quality of servicemen today and since I consider myself to be a well educated individual, I took offense to the comment. I know that there are misguided people in the Armed Services but there are far more with outstanding qualities that I have the opportunity to serve with every day.

I'm in the AF. Currently in between assignments and heading to Corry Station in Pensacola to attend a 6 month Cyber Analysis Course.

Enjoy your time out there and good luck.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

The lack of respect in general and especially on this website by entitled children shooting off from the mouth is absolutely sickening. 

one thing i have noticed on here over the years is this.  some members on here need a good asskicking to straighten them up
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

The lack of respect in general and especially on this website by entitled children shooting off from the mouth is absolutely sickening. 

one thing i have noticed on here over the years is this.  some members on here need a good asskicking to straighten them up
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long and with even sided viewpoints. Years ago, a thread like this would be laughed at. I like what I am seeing here.

Does anyone else check out various 911 messageboards like They bring some truly valid points...

-EXIF data of various "victims" with prewritten obituaries dated as of 9/11/2001.
-'Victims' who appear to have fake obit. images. Ie morphed photos... blacked out pupils...

Just some crazy stuff that hasn't hit mainstream yet.
Go on...

To me, this is the disconnect, the phone call recordings from flight 93 are pretty iffy from what I remember, also, about the pentagon flight, it seems to have the most holes in its "findings" 
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long and with even sided viewpoints. Years ago, a thread like this would be laughed at. I like what I am seeing here.

Does anyone else check out various 911 messageboards like They bring some truly valid points...

-EXIF data of various "victims" with prewritten obituaries dated as of 9/11/2001.
-'Victims' who appear to have fake obit. images. Ie morphed photos... blacked out pupils...

Just some crazy stuff that hasn't hit mainstream yet.
Go on...

To me, this is the disconnect, the phone call recordings from flight 93 are pretty iffy from what I remember, also, about the pentagon flight, it seems to have the most holes in its "findings" 
I'm on the third part of this video and so far these are all a bunch of reaches just like every other conspiracy video I've watched. Sorry, but flashing a bunch of quotes from people saying "It looked like a missile," "Then I heard a sound like a missile" does nothing to prove that it was a missile. For starters, they don't tell us who the hell any of those people are; so Joe Schmo from DC thinks it sounded like a missile, what gives him the authority to talk about the aural qualities of a plane intentionally crashing into a building, or would he even know what a real missile sounds like? We don't know, because they don't tell us. If a random dude working an office job says something sounds like a missile it doesn't mean anymore than you or me saying it. I've yet to see any quotes from eyewitnesses who explicitly stated that they had any military experience or would be familiar with the sound of a missile say anything of that nature. Or hearing a news reporter say "oh there was just another explosion" doesn't mean anything either. When the towers went down and the debris was expelled outward they describe that as an explosion because they see clouds of smoke being pushed outward and hear a loud noise from the structure giving way, even though there's no actual explosion. People's minds just jumped to the conclusion that it was probably another bomb because it was a terrorist attack/crisis. "It was like an explosion on each floor successively, POW POW POW POW!" Get some baby powder on your palm and then clap your hands together. See how quickly compressing the air in between your hands made the powder shoot out the sides and made a little dust cloud? That's what's happening on each floor of the towers; the mass on top coming down forces the air/smoke/debris to shoot out of the sides of the building.

He also talks about the dimensions of the plane as if there should be a hole as large as the entire wingspan and tail height, which makes zero logical sense as you'd expect the wings to be structurally compromised where they're joined to the body of the plane, especially since the plane hit at an angle and the wing made contact with the facade before it was damaged by the body of the plane. You'd expect the hole to reflect the diameter of the fuselage of the plane to some degree, not the overall wing span and height as the surface area of the wing and tail that impacted the building would be so small and it would be weakly anchored. The wings and tail wouldn't "cut through like a knife" despite being thin because they are only as strong as the moment where they are connected to the body of the plane. A knife is reinforced along about half its length with a handle and the hand of the person holding it. The wing of the plane is only attached at its base to the body of the plane, so any impact on the wing would create a huge moment acting on the whole length of the plane's wing (or the length from wherever the impact was to the base) and drastically reduce whatever ability it would have to slice through. Try and cut your steak while holding the knife at the very base of the handle and see how much harder it is when it isn't braced along at least half of its length. Or try throwing the knife at the steak and see how that works. Not to mention that a plane's wing wouldn't have anywhere near the rigidity comparable to a knife since they actually have to be fairly flexible and move a good bit during flight. Floppy/unstable wings+braced only at one end+not having a force applied to it externally like somebody's hand would to a knife. So, no, it's not like a knife. 
He also adds up the thicknesses of all the rings and says, "HOW COULD IT GET THROUGH 9 FT OF REINFORCED CONCRETE OMG" It's not like it hit a block of solid concrete 9 ft thick, it hit 6 walls in succession that were separated in between. It's much easier to puncture a bunch of layers of something under that condition than if you are punching through a solid equal to that added thickness. If I had a bunch of layers of notebook paper with a little airspace in between I could stab through them easier than if they were all compacted. Compacting it into one thicker solid would make it a lot harder to pierce.

I also like how they show fairly low quality images masked with a ton of smoke and make definitive statements about what's going on. Also it's not surprising that the roof would be partially intact for a little while afterwards if the plane collided with the base of the building. He points out that the computer simulations don't have engines or show the concrete walls, well that's not an official government simulation; it was done by people at Purdue, ask them about it. They probably were too lazy too animate it or forgot about it or didn't take it into account.

Bottom line is there are a lot of things about 9/11 that don't seem to make sense on the surface (the buildings didn't go down the way you think they would, etc etc) but given that nothing like that has ever happened before, and most people questioning it are not experts in that field, none of these people knows for sure exactly how a building or a plane responds to that specific event. Most people wouldn't even be able to properly assess or analyze a serious car crash and yet you have amateurs out here talking like they are structural engineers or have an acute knowledge of what happens when a plane hits a building. Just because it didn't turn out like your uniformed preconceived notion thought it would, doesn't mean there's necessarily a conspiracy. To me, I always thought the circumstances around Building 7 were strange, but I don't know enough about how it was structured or what would need to occur to structurally compromise it to say that they pulled it. "We've all seen the controlled demolitions on TV, the twin towers came down just like it!" Oh so you saw it on TV once and now you can discern between real and controlled demolitions huh?

I made it through part 4 and there were already too many holes  in the theories. He seems to make concerted effort to state over and over things like, "If there was a party involved in covering this up, wouldn't it stand to reason that they were involved in it?" Well no %@** dude
But he seems to have have pre rationalized thoughts and conclusions on things based on those generic arguments, and then he sifted through specific data that would support that argument rather than going in objectively and making a determination afterward. 
I'm on the third part of this video and so far these are all a bunch of reaches just like every other conspiracy video I've watched. Sorry, but flashing a bunch of quotes from people saying "It looked like a missile," "Then I heard a sound like a missile" does nothing to prove that it was a missile. For starters, they don't tell us who the hell any of those people are; so Joe Schmo from DC thinks it sounded like a missile, what gives him the authority to talk about the aural qualities of a plane intentionally crashing into a building, or would he even know what a real missile sounds like? We don't know, because they don't tell us. If a random dude working an office job says something sounds like a missile it doesn't mean anymore than you or me saying it. I've yet to see any quotes from eyewitnesses who explicitly stated that they had any military experience or would be familiar with the sound of a missile say anything of that nature. Or hearing a news reporter say "oh there was just another explosion" doesn't mean anything either. When the towers went down and the debris was expelled outward they describe that as an explosion because they see clouds of smoke being pushed outward and hear a loud noise from the structure giving way, even though there's no actual explosion. People's minds just jumped to the conclusion that it was probably another bomb because it was a terrorist attack/crisis. "It was like an explosion on each floor successively, POW POW POW POW!" Get some baby powder on your palm and then clap your hands together. See how quickly compressing the air in between your hands made the powder shoot out the sides and made a little dust cloud? That's what's happening on each floor of the towers; the mass on top coming down forces the air/smoke/debris to shoot out of the sides of the building.

He also talks about the dimensions of the plane as if there should be a hole as large as the entire wingspan and tail height, which makes zero logical sense as you'd expect the wings to be structurally compromised where they're joined to the body of the plane, especially since the plane hit at an angle and the wing made contact with the facade before it was damaged by the body of the plane. You'd expect the hole to reflect the diameter of the fuselage of the plane to some degree, not the overall wing span and height as the surface area of the wing and tail that impacted the building would be so small and it would be weakly anchored. The wings and tail wouldn't "cut through like a knife" despite being thin because they are only as strong as the moment where they are connected to the body of the plane. A knife is reinforced along about half its length with a handle and the hand of the person holding it. The wing of the plane is only attached at its base to the body of the plane, so any impact on the wing would create a huge moment acting on the whole length of the plane's wing (or the length from wherever the impact was to the base) and drastically reduce whatever ability it would have to slice through. Try and cut your steak while holding the knife at the very base of the handle and see how much harder it is when it isn't braced along at least half of its length. Or try throwing the knife at the steak and see how that works. Not to mention that a plane's wing wouldn't have anywhere near the rigidity comparable to a knife since they actually have to be fairly flexible and move a good bit during flight. Floppy/unstable wings+braced only at one end+not having a force applied to it externally like somebody's hand would to a knife. So, no, it's not like a knife. 
He also adds up the thicknesses of all the rings and says, "HOW COULD IT GET THROUGH 9 FT OF REINFORCED CONCRETE OMG" It's not like it hit a block of solid concrete 9 ft thick, it hit 6 walls in succession that were separated in between. It's much easier to puncture a bunch of layers of something under that condition than if you are punching through a solid equal to that added thickness. If I had a bunch of layers of notebook paper with a little airspace in between I could stab through them easier than if they were all compacted. Compacting it into one thicker solid would make it a lot harder to pierce.

I also like how they show fairly low quality images masked with a ton of smoke and make definitive statements about what's going on. Also it's not surprising that the roof would be partially intact for a little while afterwards if the plane collided with the base of the building. He points out that the computer simulations don't have engines or show the concrete walls, well that's not an official government simulation; it was done by people at Purdue, ask them about it. They probably were too lazy too animate it or forgot about it or didn't take it into account.

Bottom line is there are a lot of things about 9/11 that don't seem to make sense on the surface (the buildings didn't go down the way you think they would, etc etc) but given that nothing like that has ever happened before, and most people questioning it are not experts in that field, none of these people knows for sure exactly how a building or a plane responds to that specific event. Most people wouldn't even be able to properly assess or analyze a serious car crash and yet you have amateurs out here talking like they are structural engineers or have an acute knowledge of what happens when a plane hits a building. Just because it didn't turn out like your uniformed preconceived notion thought it would, doesn't mean there's necessarily a conspiracy. To me, I always thought the circumstances around Building 7 were strange, but I don't know enough about how it was structured or what would need to occur to structurally compromise it to say that they pulled it. "We've all seen the controlled demolitions on TV, the twin towers came down just like it!" Oh so you saw it on TV once and now you can discern between real and controlled demolitions huh?

I made it through part 4 and there were already too many holes  in the theories. He seems to make concerted effort to state over and over things like, "If there was a party involved in covering this up, wouldn't it stand to reason that they were involved in it?" Well no %@** dude
But he seems to have have pre rationalized thoughts and conclusions on things based on those generic arguments, and then he sifted through specific data that would support that argument rather than going in objectively and making a determination afterward. 
Billy, I understand you believe you are serving your country and achieving people's freedoms, but your troops as seen as invaders and occupiers in the Middle East that also did "collateral damage" and killed thousands upon thousands of civilians, intentional or even not intentionally. In some cases, even a lot of committed war crimes.

The reason the troops are there are not for the same reasons you've been brainwashed to believe.

I am telling you from this perspective of a Middle Eastener, and most of us share that opinion.
Billy, I understand you believe you are serving your country and achieving people's freedoms, but your troops as seen as invaders and occupiers in the Middle East that also did "collateral damage" and killed thousands upon thousands of civilians, intentional or even not intentionally. In some cases, even a lot of committed war crimes.

The reason the troops are there are not for the same reasons you've been brainwashed to believe.

I am telling you from this perspective of a Middle Eastener, and most of us share that opinion.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 

How about I post you pictures of all the children, women, elderly, and men that were killed during airstrikes in the bombings in Iraq by the military you serve for. Or how about I post pictures of the "collateral damage" or raids the military you serve for conducted on civilians? Abu Ghraib?

For some reason, you are acting as holier than thou and as if you possess some morale ground when the military you serve for has killed and tortured civilians on many occasions in cold blood in these wars.  

And yes, I went there...because you went there.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 

How about I post you pictures of all the children, women, elderly, and men that were killed during airstrikes in the bombings in Iraq by the military you serve for. Or how about I post pictures of the "collateral damage" or raids the military you serve for conducted on civilians? Abu Ghraib?

For some reason, you are acting as holier than thou and as if you possess some morale ground when the military you serve for has killed and tortured civilians on many occasions in cold blood in these wars.  

And yes, I went there...because you went there.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Billy Bloodbath ... You can't sit here and act as if no one in the military questions the motives of the US Govt. I too am a military man and have been for the past 14 years and have questioned, at times, the goals of our leaders and the "what's really going on." I'm not going to say that there is or there isn't govt cover up. I do know that things are sketchy and there are no answers to many questions Americans have.

I've served many tours in deployed locations and most recently returned Oct 2010. I can say that I've been close to the fighting without giving details of what I do. Sometimes things don't add up but I do what I swore to my country I would do.

I'm not saying that either of you are right or wrong but it seems that you two should just respect each other's the opinions and gracefully agree to disagree.
Well I hope that you caught the gist of my recent comment because I certainly do respect his position and have respected him from his past posts. 
Of course I question things... I'm not an ant whose main goal is to serve a queen. But as you said: when I'm given an assignment I will carry it through. I love what I do and I love that I'm serving my country.

What branch are you in? One of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children reporting in.
Going back in 9 days... wish me luck. 

My man.


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