In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

You're absolutely spot on... I come from a long bloodline of soldiers who fought for this country (United States) and there is no longer the prestige that my Great Grandfather was afforded when he fought for my country in both of the World Wars. The military is not filled with burnouts... there are people who make it their choice to be on the frontlines and fight the fight so that my fellow country(kids) can criticize me and tell me I'm not doing a good job while on the internet, probably at their parent's house. 
The lack of respect in general and especially on this website by entitled children shooting off from the mouth is absolutely sickening. 

Sundizzle: I've always liked the stuff that you post. I know you are not one of these people who I've mentioned so thank you. It's your kind who helps me feel proud to be doing the things that I do every day. I fight for you and people like you. 

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives, psychologically and physically maimed men,  and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the %%$*$%@# situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

You seem pissed at people like myself but not at the draft dodgers that concocted this "grand strategy" and sent you there? Odd. 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

You're absolutely spot on... I come from a long bloodline of soldiers who fought for this country (United States) and there is no longer the prestige that my Great Grandfather was afforded when he fought for my country in both of the World Wars. The military is not filled with burnouts... there are people who make it their choice to be on the frontlines and fight the fight so that my fellow country(kids) can criticize me and tell me I'm not doing a good job while on the internet, probably at their parent's house. 
The lack of respect in general and especially on this website by entitled children shooting off from the mouth is absolutely sickening. 

Sundizzle: I've always liked the stuff that you post. I know you are not one of these people who I've mentioned so thank you. It's your kind who helps me feel proud to be doing the things that I do every day. I fight for you and people like you. 

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my steady hand and my American manufactured bullet. 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

You're absolutely spot on... I come from a long bloodline of soldiers who fought for this country (United States) and there is no longer the prestige that my Great Grandfather was afforded when he fought for my country in both of the World Wars. The military is not filled with burnouts... there are people who make it their choice to be on the frontlines and fight the fight so that my fellow country(kids) can criticize me and tell me I'm not doing a good job while on the internet, probably at their parent's house. 
The lack of respect in general and especially on this website by entitled children shooting off from the mouth is absolutely sickening. 

Sundizzle: I've always liked the stuff that you post. I know you are not one of these people who I've mentioned so thank you. It's your kind who helps me feel proud to be doing the things that I do every day. I fight for you and people like you. 

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my steady hand and my American manufactured bullet. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives, psychologically and physically maimed men,  and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the %%$*$%@# situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

You seem pissed at people like myself but not at the draft dodgers that concocted this "grand strategy" and sent you there? Odd. 

oh @!@%... maybe not
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives, psychologically and physically maimed men,  and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the %%$*$%@# situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

You seem pissed at people like myself but not at the draft dodgers that concocted this "grand strategy" and sent you there? Odd. 

oh @!@%... maybe not
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I'm indifferent to folks who serve in the military. I neither respect nor disrespect on a wholesale level. I realize it is a job, just like any other. A teacher is just as important as a solider who is just as important as an engineer to the functioning of our society.
However, you can't say that you fight for Americans. Presently, you fight to uphold a certain status quo for certain interests. I'm not blaming you but that's just what it is. 
After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 

Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 
Geography not your strong point ? 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

After shooting an Iraqi between the eyes for crimes against Americans that he committed towards Americans in Fallujah... yes... I absolutely do serve Americans and bring justice. Be indifferent though, it's your right. The fundamental right that I fight for every time I'm in that S-hole you see on the news. 

There you go bud. That's one of the Americans whose killer I've tracked down and killed. 

Ever smelled the scent of burning human flesh? Heard the screams of people burned alive? I have. It's no fun. But it sure was fun bringing them to justice by the power of my bullet. 

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 

Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 
Geography not your strong point ? 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 

Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 
Geography not your strong point ? 
Current history not yours? 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 

Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 
Geography not your strong point ? 
Current history not yours? 
I obviously know enough to distinguish Iraq from Afghanistan.

@ "they were here" 
I hope this isn't representative of the level of knowledge of our current military forces.
I obviously know enough to distinguish Iraq from Afghanistan.

@ "they were here" 
I hope this isn't representative of the level of knowledge of our current military forces.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I obviously know enough to distinguish Iraq from Afghanistan.

@ "they were here" 
Been to either? Out of the country? Out of your bubble? 
If you want to split hairs it actually would be Saudi Arabia but should you have taken critical thinking in highschool you would have realized I meant Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda sympathizers.
Didn't know I had to break it down to the lowest common denominator but unfortunately, I held a small regard for the average Niketalkers' intelligence and once again... I was duped. 

Keep going though... you seem to be the only one confused. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I obviously know enough to distinguish Iraq from Afghanistan.

@ "they were here" 
Been to either? Out of the country? Out of your bubble? 
If you want to split hairs it actually would be Saudi Arabia but should you have taken critical thinking in highschool you would have realized I meant Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda sympathizers.
Didn't know I had to break it down to the lowest common denominator but unfortunately, I held a small regard for the average Niketalkers' intelligence and once again... I was duped. 

Keep going though... you seem to be the only one confused. 
al-Qaeda leadership was in Afghanistan.
There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq before you got there 
al-Qaeda leadership was in Afghanistan.
There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq before you got there 
Billy BloodBath wrote:

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

I see where you're coming from but I think you're making grand generalizations. 
All the hijackers were either Saudis or Egyptians. You can't lump all Arabs or Muslims together. You can't even lump all within he same country together.

As for the barbarism, dirty war breeds barbarism. I don't consider myself a violent person but id someone killed a family member or close friend I'd have no problem seeing them being burned alive or their head cut off. That's just human nature.  

This country did similar things to Africans and African Americans for centuries without the pretext of anything bad being done to us in the first place. Does that mean that all Americans were racist murderers? 

My father literally doesn't hurt any animal/ insect. I've seen him carry out spiders and centipedes from the house instead of just killing them. We have a bird that built a  nest right under our porch awning and  while I wanted to take it down, my father was adamant on letting it be because there were already eggs in there. However, he told me stories a couple of times of what they would do to captured muj's in Afghanistan. One of the things was blindfolding them and throwing them out of helicopters into their home villages . He doesn't blink an eye and has no remorse about it. It was personal back then. The muj's used to put captured Soviet soldiers in a pit naked and shove a snake into their #*%. Use your imagination as to what happened.   That is why war should be the last resort. It brings out the "evil" side in humanity. Even in good people. It seems that for us, war has become the first and only resort. 
Billy BloodBath wrote:

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

I see where you're coming from but I think you're making grand generalizations. 
All the hijackers were either Saudis or Egyptians. You can't lump all Arabs or Muslims together. You can't even lump all within he same country together.

As for the barbarism, dirty war breeds barbarism. I don't consider myself a violent person but id someone killed a family member or close friend I'd have no problem seeing them being burned alive or their head cut off. That's just human nature.  

This country did similar things to Africans and African Americans for centuries without the pretext of anything bad being done to us in the first place. Does that mean that all Americans were racist murderers? 

My father literally doesn't hurt any animal/ insect. I've seen him carry out spiders and centipedes from the house instead of just killing them. We have a bird that built a  nest right under our porch awning and  while I wanted to take it down, my father was adamant on letting it be because there were already eggs in there. However, he told me stories a couple of times of what they would do to captured muj's in Afghanistan. One of the things was blindfolding them and throwing them out of helicopters into their home villages . He doesn't blink an eye and has no remorse about it. It was personal back then. The muj's used to put captured Soviet soldiers in a pit naked and shove a snake into their #*%. Use your imagination as to what happened.   That is why war should be the last resort. It brings out the "evil" side in humanity. Even in good people. It seems that for us, war has become the first and only resort. 
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