INDIE Music Thread

What exactly don't you like about it? I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see them at ACL. :smokin
What exactly don't you like about it? I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see them at ACL. :smokin

For starters, it is far, far too long a record. It runs almost an hour and a half. I'm the type of person that likes listening to albums in one sitting. I could never do that with this record.

This next point is a bit more abstract. In my opinion, it lacks the feeling found in my favorite M83 records. Before the Dawn Heals Us, DeadCitiesRedSeas&LostGhosts, and Saturdays = Youth were all incredibly emotional records. They were able to capture a certain mood and carry it through the entire record.

I feel that Anthony Gonzalez was trying to touch on too many different styles on this record. Experimentation is great but, to me, this came off kind of messy. There wasn't the same cohesion like in those previous records.

I could be dead wrong. Maybe I just need to pop that record in again. But I remember playing it a couple times when it dropped and just not being able to get into it at all.
i'm listening to tUnE-yArdS right now and man this album (whokill) is wild as hell.. in a great way

And as someone mentioned earlier, that Wild Nothing album is definitely an AOTY candidate. It really grew on me.

'Only Heather' :pimp:
I think he can still be considered indie,
Nicolas Jaar, dude is a genius, saw him play last night and my mind was blown.
^ Nico Jaar is outstanding.

Anyway the new Chelsea Wolfe acoustic album is "available" and is unsurprisingly outstanding. Really great songwriting and musically still great even though it's an acoustic record. For the third straight year, I think she'll have a record that ends up in my top 10 once everything is said and done.
Teen Daze - New Life
Love this song...

I love Teen Daze but his last album was pretty disappointing. This song is probably already better than anything on that album. I seen you just posted another song from him, but I'm gonna hold off and not listen to it. Don't want to spoil the new EP. Dude is always releasing stuff (unlike Blackbird Blackbird :smh:) which is appreciated. Excited to hear the new project.

Seattle band I recently discovered they're pretty nice.
Beat Connection

A link to listen to all of their stuff:

Yeah, their record was solid. I really liked their Surf Noir EP that came out a couple years ago. Check that out if you haven't already. Also, check out Tanlines new album, as well. They're very similar to Beat Connection, to me at least.
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Tame Impala's new album leaked about a week ago for anyone that cares. I don't think it's not as good as Innerspeaker, but it's still a great album and one of my favorites so far this year.

Also, I didn't really like his EP too much, but Holy Other's album is pretty good. Been jamming this song a lot the last few weeks:

Grizzly Bear - Sleeping Ute

Man, the new Grizzly Bear album is nice. I really like this opening track...
I've posted the new Tame Impala in several thread. I think even in this one. Does the Aussie band tour in the states? I bet they would be good live.
Yes, at least they did a year or two ago. And they are good live :smokin

Speaking of St Vincent, has anyone checked out the new album by her and David Byrne?
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Has anybody ever heard of Circa Survive? They have an album called Blue Sky Noise that's some impossibly amazing ****.
Has anybody ever heard of Circa Survive? They have an album called Blue Sky Noise that's some impossibly amazing ****.

Juturna and On Letting Go are even better if you haven't heard them yet. Plus, the new album is already out and it's pretty decent. Try to look up Anthony Green's solo stuff too. It's pretty :smokin...

I know that they're touring at the end of the month AND hosting a meet and greet at the mall I live near.
Don't know how much you guys get down with hip hop but solid solid release

T-Shirt just took snippets from Purity Rings songs off Shrines. Which i was waiting for someone to rap over because the beats seem fit perfectly for it.
I've posted the new Tame Impala in several thread. I think even in this one. Does the Aussie band tour in the states? I bet they would be good live.

Yeah, I seen you've been posting some Tame Impala throughout the forum. If you posted in this thread, I must have missed it. My bad.

They're a fairly popular band, yet they seem to get slept on a lot here on NT. They deserve a little bit more attention. Definitely one of my favorite current bands right now.

Taken By Trees, anyone?

I have this album in my iTunes. Gonna give it a spin in the next few days. First heard of them through Air France (R.I.P.:frown:). They collaborated on a single a couple of years ago. Anyone affiliated with Air France is good in my book.
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