Infighting within the BLM movement....

Piece written by Shaun King...

My mother is a senior citizen. I refuse to speak in detail about the nature of my mother’s past, or her sexual partners, and I am gravely embarrassed to even be saying this now, but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man. 

So rather than directly just answering the question whether his father was in fact black, he outs his mom as a cheater and claims he was told his dad was black?

Lets kept it #1HUNNA it seems like it reached the point that many people wouldn't have accepted that answer
Lets kept it #1HUNNA it seems like it reached the point that many people wouldn't have accepted that answer
When his racial makeup was first questioned, he could've said from the get go whether his dad was in fact black or not.  Instead, for the past few days, he's been going off on these long-winded diatribes without directly answering his question.  First he said his family makeup was complicated and that all of his siblings had different fathers (without saying anything about who his dad was) he says his mom cheated and that he was TOLD his dad was black.  Seems like his dad wasn't black but he just doesn't want to admit it.
Lets kept it #1HUNNA it seems like it reached the point that many people wouldn't have accepted that answer

When his racial makeup was first questioned, he could've said from the get go whether his dad was in fact black or not.  Instead, for the past few days, he's been going off on these long-winded diatribes without directly answering his question.  First he said his family makeup was complicated and that all of his siblings had different fathers (without saying anything about who his dad was) he says his mom cheated and that he was TOLD his dad was black.  Seems like his dad wasn't black but he just doesn't want to admit it.

Ok, but still.

If he said my dad is black from the jump but I never met him.

I still don't think that would have quenched people's thirst

Ole boy must have went to the Meek Mill School of Public Relations judging by his handling of the situation.

But I really don't think this should have blown up and diverged into other stuff like it has
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Piece written by Shaun King...

My mother is a senior citizen. I refuse to speak in detail about the nature of my mother’s past, or her sexual partners, and I am gravely embarrassed to even be saying this now, but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man. 

So rather than directly just answering the question whether his father was in fact black, he outs his mom as a cheater and claims he was told his dad was black?

I realize this may be hard to understand for you, but there are a lot of people out there who have never met their father. And a lot of people don't want to, for a plethora of reasons. It sounds like he's one of those people. Hell, my little 8-yr old, white neighbor has no clue who his pops is. It really isn't that unrealistic of a scenario.

And if you've never met your dad, wouldn't all you had to go on be *gasp* what you've been told? Mind blowing stuff isn't it?
Even if it was true...

At this point how does he even prove it? Of course we all fell for it... All the documentation ive seen points to a white father.

We wouldn't be having this problem if dude didn't look like Casper, and im not keen on taking an oral declaration as fact over legit documents.

This coming from someone that believes in black empowerment.
dude looks black to me.


white supremacey is working hard man. can't discredit the moral principle of a movement? attack one of its most prominent members instead. and everyone falls for it:smh:
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Wentworth don't claim black like that. Dude is like black x white x middle eastern x native american.

Was shocked when I found out :lol:
I thought Wentworth do identify as black?

Anyway, Shaun definitely has black features. I believe his story that his father is at least half black.
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Salute to the Mexicans
Wish more black people accepted hispanics or "Mexicans" like this in the hood. A lot of black people here can't stand us and would love to see us sent back across the border. Shout out to the ones that do mess with us tho :pimp:
I've seen and heard him claim mixed heritage but I don't think he really likes talking about it.

When his hair is grown out you can really see it though :lol:
Wish more black people accepted hispanics or "Mexicans" like this in the hood. A lot of black people here can't stand us and would love to see us sent back across the border. Shout out to the ones that do mess with us tho :pimp:

Growing up in LA, I've noticed that a lot of Mexicans can't stand Black people either. The dislike goes both ways.
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Thats terrible. I rock wit Mexicans, they just tryna get it like me. The are hard workers and have some of the toughest fighters in boxing history. Plus they will fix your house for the low. Nothing but respect.
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Wish more black people accepted hispanics or "Mexicans" like this in the hood. A lot of black people here can't stand us and would love to see us sent back across the border. Shout out to the ones that do mess with us tho
The dislike goes both ways.
Absolutely. It's gotten better than it was in the 90's but it's still there 
Thats terrible. I rock wit Mexicans, they just tryna get it like me. The are hard workers and have some of the toughest fighters in boxing history. Plus they will fix your house for the low. Nothing but respect.
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Wish more black people accepted hispanics or "Mexicans" like this in the hood. A lot of black people here can't stand us and would love to see us sent back across the border. Shout out to the ones that do mess with us tho
The dislike goes both ways.
Absolutely. It's gotten better than it was in the 90's but it's still there 
I've always wondered where it stems from.

Nothing but love from this end. NT needs to start a movement
I'm curious about the family member that Lemon spoke to that said that the racial attack on King was because he was a white male dating a black woman. In addition, is the man listed on his birth certificate alive? If so, maybe someone should reach out to him....
how did he throw his mom under the bus? he's just saying what he was told :lol:

maybe someone had his birth certificate so he knew he had to say the dude on my birth certificate isn't my dad and it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to realize what that meant?

that biracial struggle is real, neither sides want you

And we fall for it every time.

Reason, there's a void between those that are older and comfortable and those that are young and uncomfortable. Those of us that are older have to get more uncomfortable and start standing up. Most of the people in his movement don't understand how deep the puddle goes. Even when standing in it, they don't see the water rising. The career politicians and seasoned people are playing a game w/ them and many don't acknowledge it.....Yall can skip over this post tho :smh:
You're 100% correct. It's pretty obvious what's going on here and its a shame that we just gloss over this.

Sensationalism always prevails. Roman Colleseum all over again.

Paid for by the emperor, the games were used to keep the poor and unemployed entertained and occupied. The emperor hoped to distract the poor from their poverty in the hopes that they would not revolt.
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