Information Technology (IT)

I hope his CPA is good bcuz taxes are gonna eat him alive lol
Yeah if all that is real seems like he's on it, a couple of them are corp-to-corp so tax will be much less than if they were all W2. Either way even if he gets hit fully he's not really crying at 4-500k out of 1.2 mill.
assuming your friend is doing gov contractor work, it's certainly not out of the ordinary...

i can't tell you how enlightening this Reddit thread was fo my own insights...

Man I could make a long *** post on this from my history which is entirely contract work through the Department of Defense, with the FAA now though.

Telos is king of this, getting contracts, detailed S.O.W, requires 10 men, contract starts, ain't **** to do. Has its pros and its cons. Sounds like dude there is just surprised, must have worked an m.o.s (was he Army?) where he wasn't around a lot of contractors and civilians to know to expect that.

Has its pros and its cons but I'm grown with a family and **** to do outside of work, so all pro to me.

We were stationed in a building with the 552nd Air Control Wing, at the time I got hired there was 3 of us stationed downstairs with them there for the contract. A Sr Sys Admin, JR IT Customer Service Rep, and 2 Network Admins which trimmed to 1 eventually so we had 1 desks and there was a big conference table next to it. Since that math doesn't add up, we'd just sit around the conference table and be twiddling our thumbs, on our cell phones, etc all the time. Well, there's no greater rivalry than Soldiers/Air men/etc. in uniforms vs Civilians esp Contractors so long story short, they'd always complain about us appearing unbusy, etc. and yes I agree the biggest problem was just being so out in the open like that as plenty of Civilians and Airmen in the building didnt do **** all day but had their own offices. Got to the point where our PM would literally just send us home early every day. Would never just say go home, had a code which was "go update the servers in building 3001" or something like that, sometimes he'd get really into character and yell at us about it. But us being out of sight, out of mind was better since they were such *****es and always complaining.

Only potential downside and maybe this matters most early in your career if job did almost nothing for my resume. When I go over it with recruiters I even tell them and most understand how contracts work so they dont hold it against me. I say almost because we did eventually all get repurposed into working behind the SKIF window handing out flyaway kits and reimaging tapes that came off the jets, which are COMSEC and dealing with COMSEC while now more logistics, is value in itself. You could get a whole career just from that. But being behind that window was big trash


Telos got all the I dont have nothing to do contract jobs

Have to learn to look busy though or the clients might complain or just leave

Don't feel a bit self conscious about it as much as you're getting paid for DOING the job you're getting paid for your skillset that you have the ABILITY TO DO or option to do the job when it's needed. They don't pay Doctors a la carte per procedure

I had a PM on a different contract who was P.M for 2 different companies who were operating on the same contract too. And he was retired Air men. His daughter was Ms Puerto Rican USA or something like that and used to date Nick Cannon and got curved for being virtuous, shes in some Disney stuff as a voice actor and a live performer. Ear elephant I know, but yea the conflict of interest angle, I'd say it's OK since it's an I.T contract and at this point just a Prime and a Sub situation where both companies are doing the same thing. As long as he wasn't part of the decision making to pick the SUB and picked a company he was also employed by but it sounded to me like NCI picked the sub and when that company got the contract he applied for PM on the contract and got that job too. Get your money Afro- Latina man. I ain't even mad.
My B, I left out tons of details to keep it short and it still came out kind of long. We're IT though, we can read,

Also I'd still be with Telos too (or have pivoted over to another one after our contract ended/was terminated by the Gov) if I didn't ALLEGEDLY get photographed sleeping at my kind of orientation / introduction phase to the new place I was going. Long story short there, I was set up. The people there didn't want me there they wanted to promote the 2 Telos guys they had there into the spot and its understandable but they didnt have the requisite certs to qualify
You know what, I'll go a step further and say it's not even just government. I was on a project for a medical facility and due to piss poor planning we didn't actually work for almost 2 months. Project Managers flat out told us to stay out of sight and take 3 hour lunch breaks. Still got paid our full rate.

The goal was not to be seen doing nothing by the staff
Got a job offer for a tier 3 desktop lead support position...

it'll get me off the phone from my current help[ desk job but idk... still hopinh to get lucky with an entry level SOC analyst position
They didn't have any internal position at your current company?
Got a job offer for a tier 3 desktop lead support position...

it'll get me off the phone from my current help[ desk job but idk... still hopinh to get lucky with an entry level SOC analyst position
I'd take it while still searching out for my desired position. If anything, it makes the search a bit easier. Higher position, assuming better pay, the new better title looks way better on your resume.
just saw a sys admin job post requiring an AWS cloud practitioner cert.. first time seeing that for sys admin.
for those in security, do you guys think I have enough on my resume to start applying to junior/entry level security analysts positions?


and also 7 years of desktop support. 5 of those being with the feds.

was on last night and it seems like the top certs employers are looking for in terms of entry level are:

  • SANS/GIAC Certification (Various)
  • CompTIA Security+
  • Information Systems Certification
  • IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Certification

thinking about getting ITIL 4 as well to add to my resume.

Cleaned up my resume and started applying to a bunch last night but just wanted some insight.
Bro those GIAC classes are great. I mean remarkable instruction and labs. The capture the flag final events or Thursday hack a thons are great. The only downside is they’re expensive. Unless you audit them (which you can if you help the instructor) or have your employer pay for them, it becomes prohibitive. It is a great package, the class, the labs (+ access and Slingshot VM), the audio files, practice tests, etc.

But there are alternatives if you’re interested


Met a cat who mixed all three…plus got his Sec+ and CISSP. Got a six figure job and teaches hacking/cybersecurity on the side.

ITIL can be beneficial if you want to get into Information Technology Service Management. It provides a framework. But…it’s not mission complete if you get foundations. There are intermediate and expert certifications. Not bad if you supplant it with PMP, Agile and are interested in management.
Sometimes a change of scenery is good and you see new/different processes.
I absolutely dislike my management. I’m in the military and am retiring so it’s a moot point. Just ride out the remainder of my time. It’s crazy. I’m not chasing over time, a raise, etc (due to the socialist nature of the military)…but I still have my passion and it just grates on me to see mediocrity or mismanagement. But I plan on applying for “real” work in March. Hopefully better environments.
Bro those GIAC classes are great. I mean remarkable instruction and labs. The capture the flag final events or Thursday hack a thons are great. The only downside is they’re expensive. Unless you audit them (which you can if you help the instructor) or have your employer pay for them, it becomes prohibitive. It is a great package, the class, the labs (+ access and Slingshot VM), the audio files, practice tests, etc.

But there are alternatives if you’re interested


Met a cat who mixed all three…plus got his Sec+ and CISSP. Got a six figure job and teaches hacking/cybersecurity on the side.

ITIL can be beneficial if you want to get into Information Technology Service Management. It provides a framework. But…it’s not mission complete if you get foundations. There are intermediate and expert certifications. Not bad if you supplant it with PMP, Agile and are interested in management.

thanks for the resources.

thoughts on tryhackme?
Got a job offer for a tier 3 desktop lead support position...

it'll get me off the phone from my current help[ desk job but idk... still hopinh to get lucky with an entry level SOC analyst position
Congrats. Take it, look while you work the new job. You might like the lead position once you get in there.

Things fell through with job from two weeks ago, so back on the market for an evening position. Just trying to fund some car projects that I have pending.
Congrats. Take it, look while you work the new job. You might like the lead position once you get in there.

Things fell through with job from two weeks ago, so back on the market for an evening position. Just trying to fund some car projects that I have pending.

appreciate it.

the biggest down side is that its not remote. must be on-site :sick:

17K raise from what I make now though.. Is that enough for yall to go back on-site?
That's why i'm intrigued by the overemployed thing. Mid-Sr contributors who get paid amazingly double/triple/quadrupling up jobs still working less than 40 hours a week. Fun to see, like the top post is this dude making over a mill a year but don't think I could do it, things never work for me if i'm not on the up and up. I see no issues though, work is getting done and wealthy execs get to be on 5 other boards on top of owning seperate companies and no one bats an eye.

Would love to know the names of these fortune 500 companies for stock plays. If he can get away with this, others are probably getting away with more. Bleeding of money can only mean one thing if these companies are in the same industry or related industries 😬

You can take alot of these startups to the cleaners word to WeWork
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Would love to know the names of these fortune 500 companies for stock plays. If he can get away with this, others are probably getting away with more. Bleeding of money can only mean one thing if these companies are in the same industry or related industries 😬

You can take alot of these startups to the cleaners word to WeWork
Can't even be mad at him, Covid really made job market a cakewalk in the sense so many remote positions out there. Additional jobs are like remote until Covid is over, which by the time Covid is over you are good with another job. I had a coworker leave the company and get a 100% remote position, I sent him another 100% percent remote position. I was like you might as well swing both of them. I was looking at a position at GDIT, they specifically asked is this a second job. Never saw that in a job description, another recruiter asked if this would be a second job.

I won't lie it is tempting to get multiple remote only positions, but just can't pull the trigger. Is it so hard to just find a 6 figure remote evening job? That's all I want. LOL.

Currently have one new offer on the table and another interview with a big tech company. Surprised they wanted to talk to me based on my background.
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