From what I have seen on tech exams, most people say that this test isn't mostly definitions like A+, Net+ . Have you taken it ?
I'm still studying .
I've taken It four times. I took it back in 2006 before the money coiffers and DoD got their hands on it. I failed. It wasn't that long after I had made the move to IT. All of the concepts and what not were alien to me. Back then I couldn't even grasp what the test was and what it was for. I ended up failing by like one test question or whatever.
The last two times I didn't study. Took it in 2011 after I took the CISSP. I got the CE cert. I thought it was brain dead.
But I was brain dead because I let all my CE cents expire including the CASP. So I took it a fourth time in 2014!! I still have to go back and study for the CASP since the sims have probably been updated.
The biggest change has been the simulations and scenario/simlets that definitely make it a little more difficult if you're new to IT.
And on the topic of technical interviews. Don't get got. I had one once. It was cray cray. Like they were trying to get me. I came in with all these qualifications and they were like yeah right.
So brain dumping is just going to get you exposed either initially or eventually unless you're the type to bust your butt on the job and study.